Sunday, August 11, 2019

Nursing Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Nursing Case Study - Essay Example I have also experienced various treatment procedures of many AIDS patients and faced difficulties while handling these cases, as the professional methods are continuously changing along with the practices that are based on treatment skills. In order to reflect on the subject matter, I have chosen Gibbs reflective model of nursing. Gibbs model of nursing involves a description of the case, evaluation of the treatment experience, diagnostics of patient’s situation, a proposed action plan, and final recommendations (Jasper, 2003). I have also made use of NHIVNA competency to treat an outpatient of HIV/AIDS. Additionally, I have also employed the case study method to demonstrate learning and applications of nursing practices that I have experienced while treating an AIDS outpatient. Scenario/Description of the Incidence: One of the cases that I have dealt with is that of Mr. Jones David, a 52-year-old white American man, who visited the HIV clinic for the first time in his life. L ooking at the diagnostics and tests undertaken, I recommended him to visit me in the clinic after diagnosing him with HIV during my visit to the central jail. For me as a professional nurse it was very important to note down his social interactions, because this has a direct impact on the patient’s health. ... I and other nurses checked all prisoners and took blood samples in order to diagnose prisoners for different health related issues. When Mr. David was diagnosed with HIV, I tended to take his treatment as a challenge and began the investigation about his lifestyle and measure of health consciousness that have put him at a higher risk of HIV disease (, 2005). However, he kept on denying his involvement in activities such as sex with other men in jail or intake of abusive drugs while he was imprisoned. When I interviewed him, he told me that he was married before going to prison. However, his wife divorced him after six years of his imprisonment in jail. I also learned that he has two young kids with whom he is no more in contact after his divorce. This gave me a clear idea that he currently lacks a family lifestyle and thus he is less conscious about his well-being. Records of his family life and social circumstances helped me understand that he became home sick and victimized b y isolation as he has spent 18 years in prison, where he never received proper assistance or health care facilities. This is a prime reason behind his declining health condition and psychological disturbance he faced due to family disorientation (, 2005). As I diagnosed his health conditions and social context of his illness, I discussed his case report with senior health practitioners, because I am still at learning stage and I am unable to treat HIV patients on my own. With the report I discussed with seniors, I obtained a summarized context of David’s case as to how a patient of HIV disease undergoes chronic mental disturbance. This situation is more evident in the case of David

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