Friday, August 9, 2019

Diary for one class-------- I will upload every think that you will Essay

Diary for one class-------- I will upload every think that you will need. You have to read the slides when it is need it and you - Essay Example 2. Health Illiteracy – Even if Maria’s children can get medical treatment, the disease have a possibility of recurrence because she is not aware on what causes the disease. Also, she needs to learn more about basics of health as well as family planning. The 4ps are product, price, place and promotion. For product, the information that Maria needs is birth-control methods and hygiene. She also needs to be counseled regarding her perspective towards traditional healing and the risks. The price denotes that Maria must change her perspectives so she could address the health issues objectively and effectively. For example, the price of not using birth control could mean more mouths to feed. As for the place, the only channel for educating her at the moment is through home visits by a health care provider. Lastly, promotion can be accomplished by suggesting birth control products through some brochures and samples like oral contraceptives. As for her children, Maria can be gi ven oral rehydration salts to prevent dehydration during diarrhea. In the end, the main objective is for Maria to take initiative in visiting the health facility on a regular basis. A sterling example of corporate social responsibility was exemplified by IBM way ahead of other companies. It was also interesting that IBM initiated CSR at the time that it almost fell into bankruptcy if not for the leadership of Louis Gertsner. During that time that Louis Gerstner ruled IBM, social responsibility then was a concept that was uncommonly practiced by organizations. IBM was influenced by Gertner’s social responsibility advocacy by erasing the barriers between class and gender within the organization which is a higher form of social responsibility. Unlike other organizations, that donated for a cause or planted a tree, Gerstner made something unique. Gerstner established a diversity task force that addressed to diversity issues. In line with that, he also co-chaired Achieve, an organ ization that focuses on improving the academic standards for public school in the U.S. In fact, he really supported quality education alongside being the CEO of IBM. He established Reinventing Education, an educational partnership with a number of states and school districts, enabling them to benefit from IBM technology, and technical assistance. Social responsibility was then a concern for Gerstner even during his IBM days. In a speech addressed to Comdex, he already made mention of how technology and social responsibility go hand in hand, to wit: I think we will make our visions reality. I think that as stewards of our industry, we will step up to the challenges of social responsibility. We will improve the world, and the way we work, the way we communicate, live and learn as people.  (1995, Transcript of Louis Gestner speech at Comdex) There are abundant examples of corporate social responsibility shown by large corporations. Just recently, Coca Cola pledged 2.5 Billion Yen ($3 1 Million dollars) to Japan so the country can recover from the disasters that happened. The pledge goes to a reconstruction fund which includes free dispensing of beverages for the victims. References CSR Press Release. (2011).  Coca-Cola Raises Total Pledge to 2.5 Billion Yen (US$31 Million) for Relief and Rebuilding Efforts in Japan.

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