Thursday, June 13, 2019

EEO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EEO - Essay ExampleThe development of the EEO guiding principles can be traced dressing to the enactment of Civil Rights Act in 1883, which prohibited political favoritism in filling federal posts. Executive orders 0948 and 10955 issued in 1940 and 1961 respectively marked the first, cover steps in the elimination of workplace discriminatory policies touching on race, creed or color. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 added the gender concept in the fight to equality (Pole, 1993). Civil Rights Act of 1964, however, was the most comprehensive law that laid the foundation for later executive orders as well as legislative reviews. It not only prohibited outright discrimination on the classes named above in addition to religion and national origin, but also established a commission to fast implementation. The subsequent executive orders such as 11246 (1965), 11375 (1967) and 11478 (1969) were mere affirmations of clauses in Civil Rights Act of 1964 with very little effect to what was already a public policy (Pole, 1993). Nonetheless, Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 mandating equality of persons aged between 40 and 70, the 1990 enactment on disability and the more new-made legislations incorporating pregnancy and sexual harassment have explicitly contributed in designing an inclusive equality principle within the workplace.Arguably, women have been a major beneficiary block that has gained considerably with the progressive institutionalization of the equality principle nationally since the enactment of Civil Rights Act. Hillary Clintons shot at the presidency in the run up to the 2008 presidential elections not only demonstrated the extent of the break through to the executive ranks long dominated by white males, but also sensory faculty a general acceptance of woman leadership from a society that has come full cycle in confronting a rather conservative yesteryear full of untenable

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