Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Medias Influence on Today's Woman Term Paper

The Medias Influence on Today's Woman - Term Paper Example This is the reason why most women contend that they either lose or gain weight to fit into the figures or the images they see in the media. Women believe that being underweight and skinny is beautiful and sexually appealing that directly translates to success. This explains the skinnier standard as a body image that women try to attain in their course of daily lives. There is a close relation between what women see in the television media and how they correlate with the eating disorders in young adult women. Wang (204) says that media is the key cause of eating disorders experienced in young women. This is lent credence by other studies on integrative model for change in behavior that provide that the media can influence the behavior of any person through the airing or publishing of what type of lifestyles and personalities are destined for rewards and successes. This is because when a person gets to believe that his actions will satisfy others, he gets to act in that prescribed mann er. This is the easiest way to confirm that a person will likely be influenced by what he sees or reads in the media, the media plays this role by influencing traits and norms of the women. One area in which the media has had a direct impact on women is diet and unhealthy trends in dieting. This is especially through the television programs and magazines that will make the woman try to emulate the images that are presented as presentable and desirable. For example, most magazines would put on the covers of the particular magazine, pictures of skinny and emancipated women who are seen by the women fraternity as sexy with desirable body figures.... This paper approves that there is need to challenge the images portrayed by the media and challenge and reconsider demands that are unrealistic. This will enable the woman to develop self-esteems and develop oneself independent of media influences. Media messages should be identified and challenged in preventive programs that include that discouraging the notion that beauty is a woman’s main aim in achieving success and happiness and that a woman should be ashamed of her body size. I would, therefore, put positive redefinition of the image of woman as composed of many factors including self-acceptance that will help the woman resist attempts for thinness or being skinny. Some questions are provided to be considered by an individual including women when evaluating media messages, one question is whether real women look like the models in the specific adverts portrayed in the media and whether buying the product being advertised will make the woman look like the model. It is also important to ask yourself whether the model looks like the picture portrayed because of the product. This essay makes a conclusion that It is quite clear that the print media and television has the effect of determining how women portray themselves in terms of body image. Creating too much attention to magazines and television programs or movies lead to body image dissatisfaction, which often lead the woman to eating disorders. As a conclusion, the media has a serious impact on the image of women in terms of the body, which is likely to affect their mental and physical health in a negative manner.

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