Monday, September 30, 2019

How is Gatsby introduced by Fitzgerald? Essay

Jay Gatsby is presented by Fitzgerald first in Chapter One during a fleeting encounter between the Narrator (Nick Carraway) and Gatsby. Whilst Nick is resting in his garden after a fatiguing evening with Tom and Daisy Buchanan, ‘fifty feet away a figure had emerged from the shadow’ and this is later revealed to be Jay Gatsby’s very first presence in the novel. Although he does not have any dialogue with any other characters and nor has he interacted with any other characters at this point, the reader can gain some insight into what his personality may entail. For instance, the fact that he ‘emerged from the shadow’ may allude to the possibility that he may have had a dark history and that there is something enigmatic about him. It is not a clandestine that Jay Gatsby lives a life of luxury as he possesses ‘more than forty acres of lawn and garden’ and his home is initially referred to as ‘Gatsby’s mansion’, implying that it is of a more than generous size. Furthermore, he holds a party once a week at his home and invites everyone- including Nick. This gives us a further insight into what Jay Gatsby is like. The fact that he holds a party once a week could be due to him wanting to keep his social status amongst his peers at a high level whilst it also acts as a constant reminder of his power and raises the question of whether he enjoys people being reminded of his power or whether he feels the need to remind himself. Moreover, in preparation for his parties, he has been known to waste ‘five crates of oranges and lemons’ during the weekend and every Monday they leave through ‘his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves’. This is representative of the over-indulgence of the rich at the time and the fact that the wastage is taken out through the ‘back door’ resembles the era of prohibition in the 1920’s whereby many things were done in secret. This could show how Gatsby is attempting to keep his faà §ade of being ‘The Great Gatsby’ by trying to negate any bad qualities he may possess or any immoral actions that he may commit. In addition to this, during the party, ‘a tray of cocktails floated’ around and this reveals to the reader that Gatsby was evidently breaking the law by serving alcohol at his party in 1922 prohibition America. Also indicating that he has a very high level of influence to be able to hold a party with such a  large number of guests and not one of them doubts his motives for serving alcohol – which could be a ploy to attract more people to his parties. Likewise, the guests that attend his parties are little more than carbon copies of each other, where many woman appear to be wearing ‘yellow dresses’. This is symbolic of their attempt to be something that they are not and try to fit in and conform to society’s need to be in the elite or rather, living the American Dream. When the reader finally meets Jay Gatsby, they are already under the influence of many rumours regarding Gatsby that many minor characters mentioned, such as the fact that he is a ‘nephew of cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm’ or that he ‘killed a man’. However, when we meet him through the eyes of Nick Carraway, he gives him a ‘rare smile with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life’. This almost makes the reader forget about everything that Fitzgerald had informed us of because it appears as if we have just met the real Gatsby. From this we can infer that he is a person who has gone through a lot but is at least genuine and despite what he may have done, he is still ‘The Great Gatsby’. From my point of view, it seems that F. Scott Fitzgerald had spent the most part of the beginning of the novel building up an image of Gatsby that was someone who inherited their wealth, had possibly killed someone and was ambiguous. But I believe that this was so that the reader could be shown how the other characters in the novel viewed Gatsby before giving him a chance, and when we finally meet him, we are able to get to know him and slowly build up our own image that I believe will completely contradict the beliefs that the other people in the novel share of Jay Gatsby and by doing this we are able to view the many perspectives that people have of him, allowing us to create a better informed judgment on the controversial character.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lady Gaga – Role Model

All across the world, girls attending middle school should be permitted to dress like Lady Gaga because she is a role model for both boys and girls alike. For instance, her bold sense of fashion and confidence is a true inspiration to all. Prior to her debut, she had proudly deemed herself a â€Å"freak† in school, for she dressed and acted differently than the norm. Beneath her catchy songs and eccentric music videos, Gaga emphasizes the importance of originality. Amidst an environment where girls try to imitate others in order to become â€Å"popular† and forgo personal creativity, Gaga reminds people not to be afraid to think outside the box and express their ideas freely. However, although some may believe that Lady Gaga is not a suitable role model for growing girls because of her ill-suited fashion and songs, they are incorrect because her lyrics spotlight important messages. To illustrate, in Lady Gaga's â€Å"Born This Way†, she sings, â€Å"I must be myself, respect my youth†¦. I'm beautiful in my way. Throughout the song, the lyrics clearly remind the listener to embrace oneself and fearlessly confront others. Through her songs and style, Lady Gaga emphasizes individuality and originality to others, and urges others to let go of oneself once in a while, as one only lives a life to create momentous experiences. Around the globe, middle school girls should be allowed to dress like Lady Gaga because she is an exemplary leader of pop music who influences girls and boys around the world with her matchless audacity and undaunted willingness to express herself.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compare and contrast how feelings of love or presented in “The Manhunt” and “Nettles”

The form in â€Å"the manhunt† is in couplets and they show the relationship between the husband and wife and represents their love â€Å"after the first phase, after passionate and intimate days† Simon Armitage makes some couplets rhyme and some not, this could represent their love due to the fact sometimes shes ok with him but because hes fragile she can set him of very easily and sometimes she feels he dosent love her because of the state he’s in, he does this to help the reader understand her struggle for his love and how she isn’t giving up on love also the it very widly spaced which represents how long she is willing to wait to recover his love and him, whereas in â€Å"Nettles† its very closely packed and it follows the A,B,A,B rhyme scheme, the poems about a fathers emotion and love towards his son when he gets injured my a bed of nettles â€Å"my son aged three fell in the nettle bed.Love Poemcom/love-poem/embed/#?secret=VEeIeF1XWJ" data-s ecret="VEeIeF1XWJ" width="500" height="282" title="â€Å"Love Poem† — Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"> Bed seemed a curious name for those green spears, that regiment of spite behind the shed† Veron Scannell makes the structure tightly packed and makes the poem follow this rhyme scheme to increase the pace of the poem, he does this because the poems about revenge and his efforts to destroy the nettles that hurt his son, it could also represent his heart beat due to the pace. In comparison in the poem â€Å"The manhunt† her love is shown through her efforts and patience for her husband to recover whereas in â€Å"Nettles† its show through the farther seeking revenge against the nettles that hurt his son so there is no similarities in there forms. The Language used in â€Å"the manhunt† is very negative emotive language which relate to healing and damage â€Å"the fractured rudder of his shoulder blade† The emotive Language that Simon uses in this poem shows how that even though he’s damaged and very unpredictable â€Å"unexploded mine† she is still willing to try and heal him, this shows how much she loves him and is willing to put up with to try and save there dying love, he uses military words to show her battle to try and save him due to him be physically and mentally messed up, the reason Simon uses military words is to show how difficult the struggle is but how willing she is to this for him which again shows her love more him. Similarly in â€Å"nettles† its uses damaging words and is about someone in this case the farther, trying to recover the damage done to the one they love â€Å"soothed him till his paint was not so raw, and then I took my hook and honed the blade† this shows that the fathers first instinct is to seek revenge which shows how protective he is and also how much he loves his son, Veron uses military words through-out this poem which is very similar to manhunt â€Å"Slashed in fury with it, Till not a nettle in that fierce parade† again this shows his efforts and the battle he had fighting what hurt his soon. In both poems very similar emotive and military language is used to show both of their efforts for the ones they love. In the poem â€Å"the manhunt† its very depressing and sad and has a lot of negative language â€Å"the hurt, of his grazed heart† The fact that its in first person shows that Simon was trying to create sympathy for her, it also helps show her love for him a lot more due to it being her saying it which makes us believe it a lot more, plus the slow pace of the poem also shows her patience for his love. In the poem â€Å"Nettles† the tone of the poem is very quick and shows passion from the farther to kill the nettles â€Å"stood up right no more. I lit a funeral pyre to burn the fallen dead† Vernon use an A,b,a,b rhyme scheme to help increase the pace of the peom to help show his aggression and to show how quick he does everything to try and kill the nettles which hurt his son, this shows how passionate and how much he loves his son and how he wants to protect him from getting hurt again in the future which also shows how caring he is. Both poems have a sim ilar tones but are also very different in pace.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Forumwk7_research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Forumwk7_research - Assignment Example However, the middle steps in formulating a hypothesis about the research question, deciding on the best way to present the findings, and the use of scholarly sources to authenticate the argument were a bit problematic. For example, in formulating the hypothesis, measurable goals were required in portraying the effectiveness of the research approach as measured against the research question. It was a bit problematic to formulate a hypothesis that could be measured considering my research question, which implied having both dependent and independent variables well illustrated in the formulated hypothesis. As Garbato explains, it is problematic to narrow down on issues to have a measurable hypothesis, and settling on the best way to present such findings. To achieve this end required more efforts and revisions.2 In the remainder of my degree, I need to carefully and intensively study research methods to understand how one can narrow down topics easily, and understand the best way to settle on a research topic based on scholarly evidence to support one’s arguments. Moreover, I will need more practice in writing research papers to perfect each of the above steps in ensuring a better understanding of the necessary steps in research

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Was it the suffragette movement, or the changes brought about by the Essay

Was it the suffragette movement, or the changes brought about by the great war, that enabled women to get the vote in 1918 - Essay Example So, some believe that the World War I is the major reason for women suffrage and few others believe that the suffrage movements played the key role. The suffrage movement in itself represents a broad range of protests and social movements and had people of both gender with varying views. For instance, Emmeline Pankhurst, who led the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903, was one of the leaders of suffrage movement and an English political activist and was so militant in the approach. There were diverse views about the â€Å"woman’s place† the different groups fought for. Some of them strongly felt that women were naturally kind and weak, and that these qualities may contribute towards political agenda and policies that have a great bearing on household, children and other social safety. They felt that they might have a civilizing effect on political affairs; for example, laws regarding alcohol or child safety, can be best supported and decided by women. A few others voiced for suffrage based on their strong belief in equal rights and woman’s role. They were against any discourse that listed any n atural role for women, rather supported the idea that men and women are equal and capable of same things. While such groups were led by their ideologies about women, other supporters of suffrage were guided by the opinion that all adults have franchise irrespective of class, gender or race. A significant section felt that women suffrage can cancel the votes of men belonging to lower class or non-white race. Each political activist group working towards women suffrage had its own ideology but working towards the same end. Suffrage basically revolved around the idea of human rights and equality. The history of suffrage movement goes back to 1800’s when, the first women’s rights meeting was held in Unites States and this was followed by the rising egalitarian or democratic spirit among women. However, it was the Nineteenth Amendment that

Teacher Leadership. Behaviors and Importance of Teacher Leaders Essay

Teacher Leadership. Behaviors and Importance of Teacher Leaders - Essay Example Teacher leadership is believed to have played a major role in the act of changes in education. The concept of teacher leadership has played a vital role in changing the professional nature of teachers, changing the reward system of teachers, improvement in the teaching profession with the concept of continuous change and elevating participation of the teachers in the process of making effective decisions. When researchers started researching the notion of teacher leadership, they associated the notion with those teachers who are situated in the formal leadership roles such as teachers working as experienced teachers and teachers working as the department heads (Saha, 2009). Teachers who have assumed these formal position were found to conduct their leadership responsibility outside the class rooms and were given extra time to conduct these responsibilities. Teachers who had assumed formal position as leaders helped other teachers in problem solving and improving school conditions. Te achers assumed these position only with the aim of gaining growth in their professional life or if it was necessary to help their students and classrooms. Teachers who assume these positions do not act as a superior being, they rather work with other teachers as partners or teammates. When teachers assume these leadership positions their roles as teachers increased and these roles enhanced their professional life and teachers started gaining increased say in administrative as well as curriculum aspects of the educational institute. The main point that needs to be taken into consideration is that the effects of this kind of leadership of teachers was obtained because these teachers assumed formal leadership positions in educational institutes and they did not practice leadership roles inside the classroom setting. Researchers have figured out that more positive impact of teacher leadership can be obtained if teachers practice leadership roles within their classrooms (Muijs, 2007). Th e authority structure of schools and educational institutes has been altered in such a way that responsibilities of teachers of these institutes have been increased and these responsibilities promote the notion of teacher leaders within the context of classrooms. Body According to Muijs, the concept of teacher leadership refers to the various behaviors and activities that are together conducted by teachers within an educational institute(Muijs, 2007). This definition of teacher leadership differentiates between the leadership roles played by a teacher within the class and outside the class. The difference is that teacher leaders make use of their relationship with students and colleagues along with curriculum to bring improvement to the educational institute. According to Rinn, the leadership behaviors that are exhibited by the teachers result in enhanced performance of the educational center and the students inside the institute as well as outside the institute but these behaviors are exhibited by teachers within the classroom only(Rinn, 2003). These behaviors are quite informal as compared to the formal behaviors that a teacher exhibits while she is conducting leadership roles outside the classroom. The leadership roles that are conducted outside the classroom are conducted with the aim of enhancing performance of other teachers. The difference between conducting teacher leadership roles within and outside the classrooms does not clearly explain or simplify the notion of teacher leadership. Various activities have been referred to activities conducted by teacher leaders. These activities include: development of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

(just related to the details below) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

(just related to the details below) - Essay Example The resulting paralysis caused his gradual inability to move, forage and hunt. This, therefore, resulted to Chris’ death from starvation. He died in a converted bus that was used as a shelter in backcountry, near Lake Wentitika (Krakauer 218). Chris was born in El Segundo, California. His family settled in Annandale, Virginia in 1976. This was after his father got employed as an antenna specialist for the NASA. His mother was a secretary at Hughes Aitcraft. She later assisted her husband in a home-based consulting company that he had opened in Annandale. At school, Chris was unusually strong-willed. During his adolescence, he showed physical endurance and intense idealism. He was the team captain of the cross-country team. Chris used to urge his teammates to consider the running exercise as a spiritual exercise of running against darkness forces, all the hatred and evil in the world. Chris graduated from high school in 1986 in Fairfax, Virginia. After the graduation, he travel led he travelled throughout the country using his car. This was one of Chris’ major adventures. His academic success and middle class background acted as drivers for contempt of seeing the materialism nature of the society. In 1990, Chris graduate from college with a Bachelor’s degree in anthropology and history. ... Chris loved reading and most of the people he encountered described him as intelligent. He worked at a grain elevator in Arizona, California. Chris survived being washed away by floods. However, his car was washed out, which made him to dispose off his license plate. In 1991, Chris paddled a canoe in the remote stretches of River Colorado to the California Gulf. He crossed the border and travelled to Mexico, where he got lost in the many dead-end canals. Later, Chris was rescued by duck-hunters who took him to the sea, where he stayed for some time. This made him to take pride in surviving with less funds and gear. All his life, Chris wished for an Alaskan Odyssey, where he would live in the wilderness of the land of Alaskan, free from civilization. He hoped to find his real self while in the wilderness. He kept a journal that described his progress physically and spiritually as he faced forces of nature. In 1992, he was given a ride by Jim Gallien from Fairbanks to Stampede Trail. G allien showed concern for Chris, who showed little surviving the experience in the wilderness and had minimal supplies. He did not even have a compass. He tried to persuade him to defer the trip and offered to give him a drive to Anchorage to buy supplies and suitable equipment. McCandless, however, turned down offer. Gallien allowed Chris to wander off, believing that he would head back to the highway after being struck by hunger within a few days. This was the last time Chris was seen alive. In the wilderness, McCandless came across an abandoned bus that was parked near Denali National Park and was used as a hunting shelter. He started living in the bus, off the land. He had 4.5kg of rice, a semi-automatic rifle, 400 rounds of ammunitions, some camping

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Instructional Pacing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instructional Pacing - Essay Example In the scenario provided for this assignment, the matter is further complicated by the addition of ELL students - those who are from other countries and who do not speak English as their native language. Such students often suffer from slow processing. Many educators often mistaken believe that slow instructional pacing better suites such students. However, ELL and other students with learning disabilities are capable of performing at a normal pace providing certain elements are included in pacing decisions. "It has been shown that for most students with learningproblems, relatively fast-paced instruction is most useful (assuming they are familiar with the instructional routine" (Ylvisaker, 2006, p. 1). If the pace is too slow, students will lose interest and their attention will wander, making it even more difficult for ELL students. Students need to be actively engaged in the learning process so consideration should be given to making the lesson varied and engaging. It will also be easier to avoid loss of interest and wandering attention if the class operated on a routine that all students are familiar with. Ylvisaker (2006) likens this to a video game. When the game is new, it proceeds so fast that it is hard to keep up with it much less make progress. However, as the player becomes better acquainted with the routine of the game, progress can be made and the game eventually won. The same holds true in the classroom which is why educators put such effort into designing policies and procedures for their classrooms. The need to fit in a variety of learning trials is intricately linked to routine as well. Instructional pacing will also vary depending on the kind of material being presented. New material should be presented at a relatively slow pace. Once the material is taken in, pacing should be regulated according to student response to learning trials. By carefully attending to student performance, educators can determine when a slow review is needed, when students need to engage in guided practice, and/or when the students are ready for individual practice. Educators can tailor the learning trials so that the pace progresses from slow to the fastest pace allowed and ultimately the final assessment for that learning objective. It is here - student response - that teachers of ELL students must pay careful attention. Student response is often determined by behavior in the classroom. Zehler (1994) points out that "[d]ifferences in language and culture are often subtle but affect students' classroom participation in several ways" (p. 2). Educators often gauge student interest and attention from eye contact and asking of questions. However, some cultures such as the Japanese consider eye contact with elders to be disrespectful. Other cultures consider it disrespectful to ask questions of an elder. Plus an often misunderstood need for ELL students it the need for silence. These students often need to focus on listening rather than speaking and their silence can be misunderstood for inattention or disinterest (Zehler, 1994). Once students understand the routine, material, and instructions well enough to attempt work, "errors can actually have a positive meaning" (Zehler, 1994, p. 4). The willingness of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Motor Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy Research Paper - 1

Motor Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy - Research Paper Example The historical treatment for this condition has been challenged and newer forms of treatment have been developed. There is enormous evidence about the benefits of motor therapy in the management of children with cerebral palsy. In this research article, the role of motor therapy in cerebral palsy will be discussed through review of suitable literature. Physical therapy plays a main role in managing cerebral palsy and the focus of physical therapy is movement, function and optimal use of the potential of the child. Physical therapies which have found to be effective in cerebral palsy are neurodevelopmental therapy, conductive education, strength training, postural control, constrained-induced movement therapy, hydrotherapy, passive stretching, orthotic devices and hippotherapy. Through these treatments, promotion, maintenance and restoration of the psychological, physical and social-well being of the child is achieved. Which form of motor treatment is effective is difficult to ascertain owing to lack of high-quality research. The goal of management in individuals with cerebral palsy is not to achieve normalcy or not to cure but to increase the functionality of the patient, improve the capabilities of the patient and sustain health of the child in terms of cognitive development, locomotion, social interaction and independence. Early intensive management yields best results. The most common treatment strategy is a neurodevelopmental treatment or NBT like the Bobath method. In this treatment, specific handling techniques are employed to control muscle tone, abnormal patterns of movement, control of posture, perception, sensation and memory. However, there is not much evidence to ascertain the role of NBT in changing abnormal motoric responses, prevention of contractures and facilitation of functional motor activities.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Games Theory Essay Example for Free

Games Theory Essay In game theory, Nash equilibrium (named after John Forbes Nash, who proposed it) is a solution concept of a game involving two or more players, in which each player is assumed to know the equilibrium strategies of the other players, and no player has anything to gain by changing only his own strategy unilaterally. If each player has chosen a strategy and no player can benefit by changing his or her strategy while the other players keep theirs unchanged, then the current set of strategy choices and the corresponding payoffs constitute Nash equilibrium. Stated simply, Amy and Phil are in Nash equilibrium if Amy is making the best decision she can, taking into account Phils decision, and Phil is making the best decision he can, taking into account Amys decision. Likewise, a group of players is in Nash equilibrium if each one is making the best decision that he or she can, taking into account the decisions of the others. However, Nash equilibrium does not necessarily mean the best payoff for all the players involved; in many cases, all the players might improve their payoffs if they could somehow agree on strategies different from the Nash equilibrium: e.g., competing businesses forming a cartel in order to increase their profits. The prisoners dilemma is a fundamental problem in game theory that demonstrates why two people might not cooperate even if it is in both their best interests to do so. It was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher working at RAND in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence payoffs and gave it the prisoners dilemma name (Poundstone, 1992). A classic example of the prisoners dilemma (PD) is presented as follows: Two suspects are arrested by the police. The police have insufficient evidence for a conviction, and, having separated the prisoners, visit each of them to offer the same deal. If one testifies for the prosecution against the other (defects) and the other remains silent (cooperates), the defector goes free and the silent accomplice receives the full one-year sentence. If both remain silent, both prisoners are sentenced to only one month in jail for a minor charge. If each betrays the other, each receives a three-month sentence. Each prisoner must choose to betray the other or to remain silent. Each one is assured that the other would not know about the betrayal before the end of the investigation. How should the prisoners act? If we assume that each player cares only about minimizing his or her own time in jail, then the prisoners dilemma forms a non-zero-sum game in which two players may each either cooperate with or defect from (betray) the other player. In this game, as in most game theory, the only concern of each individual player (prisoner) is maximizing his or her own payoff, without any concern for the other players payoff. The unique equilibrium for this game is a Pareto-suboptimal solution, that is, rational choice leads the two players to both play defect, even though each players individual reward would be greater if they both played cooperatively. In the classic form of this game, cooperating is strictly dominated by defecting, so that the only possible equilibrium for the game is for all players to defect. No matter what the other player does, one player will always gain a greater payoff by playing defect. Since in any situation playing defect is more beneficial than cooperating, all rational players will play defect, all things being equal. In the iterated prisoners dilemma, the game is played repeatedly. Thus each player has an opportunity to punish the other player for previous non-cooperative play. If the number of steps is known by both players in advance, economic theory says that the two players should defect again and again, no matter how many times the game is played. Only when the players play an indefinite or random number of times can cooperation be an equilibrium (technically a subgame perfect equilibrium), meaning that both players defecting always remains an equilibrium and there are many other equilibrium outcomes. In this case, the incentive to defect can be overcome by the threat of punishment. In casual usage, the label prisoners dilemma may be applied to situations not strictly matching the formal criteria of the classic or iterative games, for instance, those in which two entities could gain important benefits from cooperating or suffer from the failure to do so, but find it merely difficult or expensive, not necessarily impossible, to coordinate their activities to achieve cooperation. Strategy for the classic prisoners dilemma The classical prisoners dilemma can be summarized thus: Prisoner B stays silent (cooperates) Prisoner B confesses (defects) Prisoner A stays silent (cooperates) Each serves 1 month Prisoner A: 1 year Prisoner B: goes free Prisoner A confesses (defects) Prisoner A: goes free Prisoner B: 1 year Each serves 3 months Imagine you are player A. If player B decides to stay silent about committing the crime then you are better off confessing, because then you will get off free. Similarly, if player B confesses then you will be better off confessing, since then you get a sentence of 3 months rather than a sentence of 1 year. From this point of view, regardless of what player B does, as player A you are better off confessing. One says that confessing (defecting) is the dominant strategy. As Prisoner A, you can accurately say, No matter what Prisoner B does, I personally am better off confessing than staying silent. Therefore, for my own sake, I should confess. However, if the other player acts similarly then you both confess and both get a worse sentence than you would have gotten by both staying silent. That is, the seemingly rational self-interested decisions lead to worse sentences—hence the seeming dilemma. In game theory, this demonstrates that in a non-zero-sum game a Nash equilibrium need not be a Pareto optimum. Although they are not permitted to communicate, if the prisoners trust each other then they can both rationally choose to remain silent, lessening the penalty for both of them. We can expose the skeleton of the game by stripping it of the prisoner framing device. The generalized form of the game has been used frequently in experimental economics. The following rules give a typical realization of the game. There are two players and a banker. Each player holds a set of two cards, one printed with the word Cooperate (as in, with each other), the other printed with Defect (the standard terminology for the game). Each player puts one card face-down in front of the banker. By laying them face down, the possibility of a player knowing the other players selection in advance is eliminated (although revealing ones move does not affect the dominance analysis[1]). At the end of the turn, the banker turns over both cards and gives out the payments accordingly. Given two players, red and blue: if the red player defects and the blue player cooperates, the red player gets the Temptation to Defect payoff of 5 points while the blue player receives the Suckers payoff of 0 points. If both cooperate they get the Reward for Mutual Cooperation payoff of 3 points each, while if they both defect they get the Punishment for Mutual Defection payoff of 1 point. The checker board payoff matrix showing the payoffs is given below. These point assignments are given arbitrarily for illustration. It is possible to generalize them, as follows: Canonical PD payoff matrix Cooperate Defect Cooperate R, R S, T Defect T, S P, PWhere T stands for Temptation to defect, R for Reward for mutual cooperation, P for Punishment for mutual defection and S for Suckers payoff. To be defined as prisoners dilemma, the following inequalities must hold: T R P S This condition ensures that the equilibrium outcome is defection, but that cooperation Pareto dominates equilibrium play. In addition to the above condition, if the game is repeatedly played by two players, the following condition should be added.[2] 2 R T + S If that condition does not hold, then full cooperation is not necessarily Pareto optimal, as the players are collectively better off by having each player alternate between Cooperate and Defect. These rules were established by cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter and form the formal canonical description of a typical game of prisoners dilemma. A simple special case occurs when the advantage of defection over cooperation is independent of what the co-player does and cost of the co-players defection is independent of ones own action, i.e. T+S = P+R. The iterated prisoners dilemma If two players play prisoners dilemma more than once in succession and they remember previous actions of their opponent and change their strategy accordingly, the game is called iterated prisoners dilemma. The iterated prisoners dilemma game is fundamental to certain theories of human cooperation and trust. On the assumption that the game can model transactions between two people requiring trust, cooperative behaviour in populations may be modelled by a multi-player, iterated, version of the game. It has, consequently, fascinated many scholars over the years. In 1975, Grofman and Pool estimated the count of scholarly articles devoted to it at over 2,000. The iterated prisoners dilemma has also been referred to as the Peace-War game. If the game is played exactly N times and both players know this, then it is always game theoretically optimal to defect in all rounds. The only possible Nash equilibrium is to always defect. The proof is inductive: one might as well defect on the last turn, since the opponent will not have a chance to punish the player. Therefore, both will defect on the last turn. Thus, the player might as well defect on the second-to-last turn, since the opponent will defect on the last no matter what is done, and so on. The same applies if the game length is unknown but has a known upper limit. Unlike the standard prisoners dilemma, in the iterated prisoners dilemma the defection strategy is counterintuitive and fails badly to predict the behavior of human players. Within standard economic theory, though, this is the only correct answer. The superrational strategy in the iterated prisoners dilemma with fixed N is to cooperate against a superrational opponent, and in the limit of large N, experimental results on strategies agree with the superrational version, not the game-theoretic rational one. For cooperation to emerge between game theoretic rational players, the total number of rounds N must be random, or at least unknown to the players. In this case always defect may no longer be a strictly dominant strategy, only a Nash equilibrium. Amongst results shown by Nobel Prize winner Robert Aumann in his 1959 paper, rational players repeatedly interacting for indefinitely long games can sustain the cooperative outcome.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Issues in Hong Kongs TV Industry

Issues in Hong Kongs TV Industry In Hong Kong, the TV industry is developing faster and faster. TV industry also gives us more information, for example, finance news, talk shows, game shows, entertainment programs and so on. But with the development of modern science and technology, the TV industry must become more professional, innovative and creative. Nowadays, because of the rise of the TV industry, in some degree, it brings more economic benefits and also makes a big contribution to the society. It has two broadcast television networks in Hong Kong, ATV and TVB. But TVB was the territorys first free-to-air commercial station and is currently the most important TV station in this area. â€Å"The introduction of digital terrestrial TV has helped the existent free-to-air TV companies in the face of the competitive forces coming from a large number of cable and satellite channels. Such case shows that the traditional industry, although challenged, may be strengthened by new technologies, even if they imply in more dramatic changes in its market performance.† (Menezes 91). News and the Broadcast media are controlled by several companies, such as TVB belongs to television broadcasts, is Kongs first commercial wireless television station, as well as the worlds largest Chinese commercial television station. Companys business throughout the country, and involved in the program issue, pay TV, music, film, publishing and other industries, is one of the worlds largest Chinese com mercial media. And ATV belongs to Rediffusion Hong Kong Limited, It is the first television station in Hong Kong, also is the first Chinese TV station all over the world. One of which is government, they provide a lot of services to different people from different countries and television provides the major source of news and entertainment for the average family.TV industry in Hong Kong still has a large development space in the future. However, the main problem in the television industry is incoherent and inconsistent access to audiovisual content across Hong Kong (Leeuw 6). The existing of Hong Kong TV industry is also imperfect; there are still many disadvantages and problems to face. Such as only two Hong Kong television competitions, the other enterprises are difficult to enter. And it’s difficult to meet the demand of the market. Even though the TV industry has provided more services to us and changed the social pattern of the past, one of the problems we have to know, Hong Kong TV industry is still in a stage of development, due to the lack of unity and related factors. In the face of other markets outside of Hong Kong that tend to protect more and more of their respective TV industries, the Hong Kong TV industry appeared relatively helpless and disorganized. Hong Kong TV industry operation is very different; each TV station has its own running mode. It is true that the television industry broadcasters themselves have changed a lot because the contemporary of people are not suitable for TV from patterns of the past (O’Donnell 297). But they all have one thing in common; television is controlled by the private company. The TV industry in Hong Kong fit within the economic structure of the territory, favouring private enterprise and free trade. All of the television stations are commercial and most of their profits from the audience and advertising fee of the order. Hong Kong has two terrestrial television stations, Asia Television Limited (ATV) and Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) It is a different business between these two televisions. TVB currently occupy a dominant position in Hong Kong, they are made its own programs by himself and made his own show to the audiences. Such as TV series, dramas, talk shows, news and so on. TVB has their own private company and doesn’t need to check from the government. On the one hand, because each program is taken by himself, to some extent, it saves a lot of money and the steps of censorship. On the other hand, it will bring a positive effect and attracts more choice to the young graduates who want to work in the television. It can attract more overseas domestic to watch them and bring more economic benefits. But for ATV, it changed many times to different people, and even nearly 20 years, building up a very large for TVB, to the point of TV production level is declining. Aside from importing news, entertainment series and movies from the West, most programs are imported from Japan, and several popular fictional se ries are imported from Taiwan or Korea. They don’t have the original programs, they need import programs to attract audiences and improve the television ratings. Even though there are still a few people who choose to watch import movies, more and more people refer to choose the original programs from the TVB rather than ATV, so far, ATV is hard to survive in the television industry. â€Å"The TV business is no longer restricted to few actors, the market offerings are reaching new access terminals meeting and integrating with the Internet and with other online multimedia services, and changing by creating new television formats, such as the personal and the interactive television†.(Toletti and Turba 8). However, the Government of Hong Kong doesn’t have its own television station; despite without the support of the government, the TV industry in Hong Kong still can be sustained and stable development. The government should support content producers in Hong Kongâ⠂¬â„¢s creative TV industry, setting policy for public broadcasting the television license fee, and licensing the public service broadcasters; creating a local TV framework so that local TV services can be set up across in Hong Kong. The content of the TV industry is in a state of change, in this modern society, the TV industry content contains many entertainment choices and commercial mode. In the face of the change of landscape, The content of the TV industry must be enhanced value structure, instead of the old content industry and to further optimize the content of change. TV industry and information content in the media setting is taught to be righteous, objective and diaphanous. (Televisao et al 6). With the Hong Kong TV industry users demand continues to grow, the old industry content is not suitable for this modern society. In the past, Hong Kong TV industry content production only the pursuit of low cost, efficient fast, cant bring more change and only pursue the maximization of interests, the content also structure of production with the seal of obvious and the television content lack of originality. But now, the simple manufacturing content is difficult to satisfy the needs of the people, more and more people pursuit of television production content and processes. Each television station has entered a competition in other parts of the range, increase the investment in the TV content, obvious effect is the quality of TV content production and to increase the price. The increase in the number of Hong Kong TV channels, prompting investment increase the arrival rate of TV content, the largest share in the advertising market, television advertising value from its content. New media becomes a part of the content, and the Internet as a new broadcast television content channel, TV content can be controlled by the cable, the value of the content will be further. As we know, the content is good or bad reflects the value of the television industry, good television production content, not only improve the quality of local TV industry, but also can bring new hope to the television industry, instead bad television production content will only hinder the development of the TV industry, and even affect the surrounding areas for Hong Kongs TV industry is not satisfied. The development of the whole TV content industry, mainly through elements and explore new market and stable development of advertising investment, in addition, the technology of change will continue to promote the quality of the TV content industry, television production company merger, as well as increase the cost and remain competitive. In other words, television content production is very important. For example, many television companies are starting to focus on the content of television production requirements, to attract more audiences for television content, but also can pull mo re companies invest in their TV industry. The production of TV content is one of the most important steps is to have clear goals and objectives, if produce content of goals and objectives without apparent consistency, it would be difficult to determine its success, and then make a production plan, point out that the production of TV content related to domestic TV industry a series of economic factors. As one of the most developed areas in China and even the whole Asia TV industry of Hong Kong, it is experiencing the development of digital TV industry, it is scope very broad, it even has affected around the region. Especially for Malaysia, China, Taiwan and so on. Because due to the impact of Hong Kong television industry and free-to-air commercial station, more and more people choose purchase Hong Kong TV programs to watch so that the local TV programs cannot get peoples attention, lead to a downturn in the television industry development in the region, and also it seriously affect the surrounding areas of peoples demand and economic growth. In Asia, the impact of the TV industry is bound to bring significant change to the economy of a region, because television industry is different from another social industry, it needs to provide more information to everyone. In addition, the introduction of TV programs in different countries can promote the development of the local TV industry advantage. Despite the advantage of the television industry can improve the development of a region, but for Hong Kong around the country, especially for China, Malaysia, the introduction of Hong Kong TV programs will impact their own TV industrys future needs. For example, in China (Guang Dong province), because of TV system is imperfect, lack of unified in the main body, affecting the development of the industry and enterprise scale is still small, scattered market main body, cannot form effective cooperation. So, they have to purchase the other country’s TV programs to satisfy the needs of the audience; otherwise will lose more market returns. On the other hand, even though can temporarily satisfy the audience demand for the TV programs, from a long-term point of view, buying programs in other countries will only hinder the development trend of domestic TV industry. The second example is, in Malaysia, Malaysias TV industry has been hard to success was largely due to the high cost of making content, technical requirements and the shortage of the funds, and young graduates even didn’t want to work in the television so that Malaysias TV industry didnt have enough manpower to support the development of the television industry. Therefore, Malaysias Government in order to maintain the local television industry can continue to develop steadily, so they need to the introduction of Hong Kong TV programs. On the one hand, with the countrys TV industry can learn from each other and improve the content of the local TV. On the other hand, it can bring more advertising revenue; attract more audiences to do something fo r the local TV industry. In conclusion, the technological evolution has changed the boundaries of the TV industry. Media technologies have provided a new way for the TV industry, with companies seeking new methods of advertising and business. In recent years, the development of a market economy in Hong Kong, especially for the Hong Kong TV industry system itself, use networks-both to enhance their reputations and win more audiences to enjoy all sorts of fun brought by the local TV industry. In the process, Hong Kong TV industry has gained much more freedom and independence, in the pursuit of interests and goals of service with the audience at the same time. Therefore, Hong Kong TV industry has affected the development of the society. The generation of the TV industry, not only changes people’s views of the TV industry but also makes people understand more about how the TV industry impact different area. TV industry provides more service for people to choose, let more people know Hong Kong production and development of TV industry. References Menezes, E., and Carvalho, R., Impacts of New Technologies on Free-to-Air TV industry, Journal of Technology Management Innovation, 2009, print Toletti, G., and Turba, L., Sofa-TV: The New Digital Landscape, International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2009, print Televisao., Publicitaria, R., and Discurso., Is this the end of the conventional advertising in TV broadcasting? Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2009, print Leeuw, S., European Television History Online, Journal of European History and Culture, 2012, print O’Donnell, V., New Bottles for New Wine Sociology and Technology of Today’s Television Industry, Cultural Studies Review, 2012, print

Friday, September 20, 2019

Chemical composition of Ambrette Essential Oil

Chemical composition of Ambrette Essential Oil Chemical composition of the essential oil of ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus Medik.) from subtropical region of north India Ram S. Verma*, Rajendra C. Padalia, Amit Chauhan ABSTRACT Abelmoschus moschatus (Family: Malvaceae), popularly known as ambrette or muskdana, is an important aromatic and medicinal plant of India. The plant is widely cultivated in tropical countries for their musk-scented seeds useful in perfumery and medicine. In this study, hydrodistilled ambrette seed essential oil produced in subtropical region of north India was investigated using gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 27 constituents, representing 90.4% of the total oil composition were identified. Major constituents of the oil were (2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (58.0%), (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one (12.1%), decyl acetate (4.8%), (2Z,6E)-farnesyl acetate (3.5%), (Z)-oxacyclopentadec-6-en-2-one (2.4%), dodecyl acetate (2.4%) and (2E,6Z)-farnesol (2.0%). Ambrettolide and its homologues, responsible for the characteristic musk-like odour, constitute 15.8% of oil composition. Keywords: Abelmoschus moschatus, Malvaceae, ambrette seed, essential oil, (2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate 1. Introduction Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. (syn. Hibiscus abelmoschus (L.), commonly known as ambrette, is native to India (1). It is cultivated in tropical regions of Asia, Africa and South America for their seeds. The seeds have been used as tonic, stimulant, carminative, diuretic, demulcent, and for stomachic property (2). The essential oil obtained by steam-distillation of ambrette seeds is a valuable material known for a rich, sweet, floral-musky, distinctly wine-like or brandy-like odor, which finds application in flavour and fragrance formulations (3). Moreover, the seed essential oil is used as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic drug. It is indicated against cramps and bowel disorders and also useful in the itching caused by insect bites. The leaves and the fruits of the plant are consumed in soups and the seeds are used as a spice (4). In addition to this, A. moschatus shows good antioxidant, antiproliferative and antimicrobial activities (5). The plant has been classified as â€Å"an herb of undefined safety† by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the extracts are classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for their use in baked foods, candies, and alcoholic beverages (6). The chemical composition of essential oil and extracts of ambrette seed have been reported from different countries (7-16). The ambrette seed oil has a much smoother odor than synthetic musk compounds, and the major compounds responsible for the characteristic musky odor include ambrettolide: (Z)-7-hexadecen-16-olide and (Z)-5-tetradecen-14-olide (17). Despite a long history of uses in traditional medicines and in perfumery, information on A. moschatus from subtropical region of India is meager. Therefore, in this study, volatile oil composition of the ambrette seed grown in north India (subtropical condition) has been investigated. 2. Experimental 2.1. Plant material and isolation of essential oil The ambrette seeds were collected from experimental field of CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Research Centre, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand) in the month of December (2009–2011). The experimental site is located between coordinates 29.02 °N, 79.31 °E and an altitude of 243 m in foothills of north India. Isolation of the essential oil from ambrette seeds was carried out by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger’s type apparatus for 5 hours. Isolated oil was dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 and stored at 4 °C until further analyses. 2.2. GC and GC-MS analyses GC analysis of the essential oil was carried out on a Nucon gas chromatograph model 5765 equipped with DB-5 capillary column (30 m Ãâ€" 0.25 mm internal diameter, film thickness 0.25  µm) and flame ionization detector (FID). The oven column temperature ranged from 60–230  °C, programmed at 3  °C/min, using H2 as carrier gas at 1.0 mL/min, a split ratio of 1:35, an injection size of 0.03  µL neat, and injector and detector temperatures were 220  °C and 230  °C, respectively for Nucon gas chromatograph model 5765. GC/MS analysis of the essential oil sample was carried out on a Clarus 680 GC interfaced with a Clarus SQ 8C mass spectrometer of PerkinElmer fitted with Elite-5 MS fused-silica capillary column (30 m Ãâ€" 0.25 mm i.d., film thickness 0.25  µm). The oven temperature program was from 60–240  °C, at 3  °C/min, and programmed to 270  °C at 5  °C /min; injector temperature was 250  °C; transfer line and source temperatures were 220  °C; i njection size 0.03  µL neat; split ratio 1:50; carrier gas He at 1.0 mL/min; ionization energy 70 eV; mass scan range 40-450 amu. Characterization was achieved on the basis of retention index (RI, determined using a homologous series of n-alkanes, C8-C30 hydrocarbons), mass spectra library search (NIST/EPA/NIH version 2.1 and Wiley registry of mass spectral data 7th edition) and by comparing the observed RI and mass spectral data with the literature (18,19). The relative amounts of individual components were calculated based on the relative % peak areas (FID response), without using a correction factor. 2.3. Statistical analysis To compare of the examined essential oil composition of ambrette seed from subtropics with the reported compositions from other regions, seven samples (1: present study and 2-7: other regions) (8,9,11,13,14) were treated as operational taxonomic units. The percentage of nine major components, representing composition up to 82.8-89.0% of ambrette essential oil (decyl acetate, dodecyl acetate, (E)-ÃŽ ²-farnesene, (Z)-oxacyclopentadec-6-en-2-one, (2Z,6E)-farnesyl acetate, (2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate, (2E,6E)-farnesol, (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one, and (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesyl acetate) were used to determine the chemical relationship among the different essential oil samples by hierarchical cluster analysis using the average method (20). This software computes the hierarchical clustering of a multivariate dataset based on dissimilarities. The derived dendrogram depicts the grouping of chemical compositions as per their chemical constituents. 3. Results and discussion The essential oil yield and chemical composition of ambrette seeds observed in subtropics, north India is presented in Table 1. The seeds gave 0.12  ± 0.01% (v/w) of essential oil on hydrodistillation. However, essential oil yield was 0.15–0.20% in ambrette seeds under eastern Indian conditions (12). The resulting essential oil was analysed using GC-FID and GC-MS techniques. Altogether, 27 constituents, representing 90.4% of the total oil composition were identified. Major constituents of the oil were (2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (58.0%), (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one (12.1%), decyl acetate (4.8%), (2Z,6E)-farnesyl acetate (3.5%), (Z)-oxacyclopentadec-6-en-2-one (2.4%), dodecyl acetate (2.4%), (2E,6Z)-farnesol (2.0%), (Z)-oxacyclononadec-10-en-2-one (1.3%) and (E)-nerolidol (0.7%). The essential oil composition of ambrette seed has been investigated earlier from different countries and mainly five types of compositions are described. Garnero and Buil (1978) identified (2E,6E)-farnesol (39.0%) and (E,E)-farnesyl acetate (35.4%) as the major constituents of ambrette seed oil (13). Dung et al (1999) reported two different compositions, viz. (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesyl acetate (67.3%) type, and (E,E)-farnesyl acetate (35.5%) and (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesyl acetate (32.9%) type for ambrette seed oil from Vietnamese (14). However, ambrette seed oils from Ecuador and China are reported to have (E,E)-farnesyl acetate (59.1% and 64.22%) and (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one (7.8% and 14.9%) as major constituents (8,9). According to an earlier study from Odisha (eastern India), the main constituents of ambrette seed oil were (E,E)-farnesyl acetate (47.6%), (E)-ÃŽ ²-farnesene (9.6%) and (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one (9.0%) (11). Moreover, to compare the examined essential oil com position with earlier reported compositions, the contents (%) of nine major components of different oils were subjected to the hierarchical cluster analysis. The derived dendrogram clearly demonstrate dissimilarity based on the percentages of the constituents present among the different compositions (Figure 1). Thus, composition of the examined oil from subtropical northern India was closer to the oil composition reported from Ecuador (8). However, it was rather different from China (9) and eastern Indian (11) ambrette seed oils due to the content (%) of other constituents, viz. (E)-ÃŽ ²-farnesene and decyl acetate. 4. Conclusions In conclusions, the chemical composition of ambrette seed oil produced in subtropics was rich in (E,E)-farnesyl acetate (58.0%), and ambrettolide and its homologues (15.8%). The ambrette seed oil has a promising value for fragrance and fixative purposes. Based on the results of this study, it can be said that ambrette can also produced good quality essential oil in the subtropical conditions of north India. Acknowledgements Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi is thankfully acknowledged for the financial support to carrying out the work (Project: BSC0203). Authors are also thankful to the Director, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for encouragement and the Central Chemical Facility (CSIR-CIMAP) for providing facility for GC and GC/MS analyses. 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Compounda RIb RIc Content (%)d 1 ÃŽ ±-Pinene 933 932 0.1  ± 0.09 15 Decyl propanoate 1502 1501 0.2  ± 0.06 2 ÃŽ ²-Pinene 972 974 t 16 (E)-Nerolidol 1560 1562 0.7  ± 0.06 3 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one 978 981 0.1  ± 0.04 17 (Z)-5-Dodecenyl acetate 1588 1592* 0.5  ± 0.06 4 ÃŽ ±-Terpinene 1014 1014 t 18 Dodecyl acetate 1609 1607 2.4  ± 0.25 5 p-Cymene 1022 1020 0.2  ± 0.25 19 (2Z,6Z)-Farnesol 1696 1698 0.1  ± 0.00 6 Limonene 1026 1024 0.2  ± 0.16 20 (2E,6Z)-Farnesol 1713 1714 2.0  ± 0.93 7 1,8-Cineole 1028 1026 0.2  ± 0.21 21 (Z)-Oxacyclopentadec-6-en-2-one†  1719 2.4  ± 2.43 8 Linalool 1100 1095 0.4  ± 0.46 22 (2Z,6E)-Farnesyl acetate 1822 1821 3.5  ± 1.15 9 Camphor 1146 1141 t 23 (2E,6E)-Farnesyl acetate 1850 1845 58.0  ± 3.13 10 n-Decanol 1270 1266 0.3  ± 0.35 24 (2E,6E)-Farnesyl propanoate 1919 0.4  ± 0.17 11 Undecanal 1304 1305 t 25 (Z)-Oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one † Ã¢â‚¬   1928 1929 12.1  ± 4.88 12 Decyl acetate 1407 1407 4.8  ± 0.90 26 (Z)-Oxacyclononadec-10-en-2-one 2128 1.3  ± 0.79 13 (E)-ÃŽ ²-Farnesene 1458 1454 0.2  ± 0.33 27 Linoleic acid 2129 2132 t 14 10-Undecenol acetate 1499 1498 0.1  ± 0.10 Total identified (%) 90.4  ± 6.25 aMode of identification: retention index (RI), mass spectral data (GC–MS); RIb: Experimental Retention Index (relative to n-alkane); RIc: Retention Index from literature (18); dMean ( ± standard deviation) of three samples; † also known as (Z)-5-tetradecen-14-olide; † Ã¢â‚¬  also known as (Z)-7-hexadecen-16-olide (= musk ambrette); *KI: Kovat Index (19). Figure 1: Hierarchical cluster analysis of the essential oil compositions of ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus Medik.) seed. 1: present study [(2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (58.0%), (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one (12.1%)]; 2: [(2E,6E)-farnesol (39.0%), (2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (35.4%)] (Garnero and Buil, 1978); 3: China [(2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (64.22%), (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one (14.96%)] (Tang et al., 1990); 4: Ecuador [(2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (59.1%), (Z)-oxacycloheptadec-8-en-2-one (7.8%)] (Cravo et al., 1992); 5: Vietnam [(E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesyl acetate (67.3%), (2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (14.9%)] (Dung et al., 1999); 6: Vietnam [(2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (35.5%), (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesyl acetate (32.9%)] (Dung et al., 1999); 7: Eastern India [(2E,6E)-farnesyl acetate (47.6%), (E)-ÃŽ ²-farnesene (9.6%)] (Rout et al., 2004). 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Causing Child Support Problems Essay -- Social Work

When the economy is bad, providing for a family can be extremely difficult for a single-parent household. It becomes more difficult when a non-custodial parent stops making court-ordered child support payments that the family depends on. One would think that a government funded program that claims to provide the same variety of services to both welfare and non-welfare recipients would be beneficial in retaining the support from the non-residential parent. However, this is not true in all child support cases. Single-family households, who do not receive their child support, are living in poverty because child support specialists are overwhelmed with welfare cases that they make a priority. In the case of the child support specialist, it is all about the return of investment for the government. Because of the increased percentage of welfare cases, it is the understaffed child support specialist’s position to focus primarily on collecting money for the federal government, which i n many cases leaves non-welfare recipients without help. Single-family households are suffering in a world of poverty because of overwhelmed child support specialists who focus primarily on their welfare cases due to the growing child support policies, high volume of divorce rates, poor economic conditions and teen pregnancies. With the policies changing frequently, it can be difficult for child support specialists to stay informed of the laws and the procedures that are required by them to perform their job duties. Also with so many responsibilities, it is difficult for specialists to complete their duties in the limited time given per case. With so many changes in the federal and state policies, I wonder if the child support specialists are staying informe... ...rt Effective Programs to Reduce the Number of Child Support Enforcement Cases.† Policies Studies Journal 35.3 (2007): 546-547. Social Sciences Full Text. Web. 25 Feb. 2012. Cornanor, William. Law and Econimics of Child Support Payments . N.p.: Elgar Publishing, 2004. ABC-CLIO eBook Collection. Web. 9 Dec. 2011. â€Å"Divorce Rate.† Divorce Rate. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2012. Laakso, Janice H. â€Å"Child Support Policy: Some Critical Issues and the Implications for Social Work.† Social Work 45.4 (2000): 367-370. ProQuest Research Library Prep. Web. 25 Feb. 2012. Lamb, Michael. Role of the Father in Child Development. 4th ed. N.p.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004. ABC-CLIO eBook Collection. Web. 2 Dec. 2011. United States. Child Support Enforcement. Handbook on Child Support Enforcement. Washing D.C: n.p., 2008. U.S. Department of Human and Health Services. Web. 5 Apr. 2012.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Use of Light and Darkness in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essa

Use of Light and Darkness in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness  Ã‚      Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness contrasts light and darkness, to represent the civilized and uncivilized sides of the world. Conrad uses light to represent the civilized side of humanity while contrasting the dark with the uncivilized and savage. Throughout the thematic stages of the novel, that is the Thames river London, the company's office in Belgium, the journey to the "heart of darkness" and the conclusion, light and dark is used to represent these sides of humanity, but on a deeper level many assumptions of darkness and light are challenged, with the appearance of light and dark, and in turn good and evil contrasting with the reality. From the initial setting, the Thames river, London, on the "cruising yawl" the Nellie, light and darkness are used to symbolize the good and evil side of humanity. Marlow's tale of the Congo is where light and darkness is used to represent the civilized and uncivilized. Marlow talks of the lights that are reflected in the water, creating the idea that the members of the Nellie are civilized. The   lights of London are again used represent the civilized nature of the society, with connotations of "good" coming from the bright lights of civilization. However this is then contrasted with the juxtaposition of the "light", with Marlow saying - "And this also has been one of the dark places of the Earth". By saying this Marlow is portraying London as a city with once the same darkness of civilization, of which the civilized Roman's brought light to. This establishment of light representing the civilized demonstrates the dominant assumptions of the white society, later in the novel it is demonstrated that civilized does no... ...story. However Conrad also challenges many assumptions of darkness being solely associated with evil, and light being solely associated with good, as throughout the novel the light of the white society is critiqued, representing the evil side of humanity. Works Cited and Consulted Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Middlesex, England: Penguin Publishers, 1983. Gillon, Adam. (1982). Joseph Conrad. Twayne's English Author Series: Number 333. Kinley E. Roby, ed. Boston: Twayne. "Joseph Conrad." The Encarta 1998 Encyclopedia Online. Microsoft, 1998. Kunitz, Stanley J. "Joseph Conrad." Twentieth Century Authors: Vol. T. New York: H.W. Wilson Company, 1942. 307-9 Stape, J.H.. The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Taylor, Derek. Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The Explicator. No.4 Summer 1998: 195-8.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


A post-structuralism reading looks into this hierarchy in order to show that is not sustained throughout such works, or showing that he two terms are not oppositional but are interdependent and interrelated (Senators 145). There is philosophical acknowledgement of the fact that what human beings experience and claim to know about this world appear just only as they are understood by the human mind.Hence, there is a division created between the mental appearance and the â€Å"things in themselves. † This sets stage for limitability of such work as incorporates division of the things and the words, condition of discourses for the appearance of things inside our knowledge or the systems of truth versus the real things in the material world.Furthermore Dermis's prose is usually difficult since he IS made aware of the problems of metallurgy, that is, the phrases, terms, metaphors and vocabulary as used in the description of culture and philosophy as expressed in words, and the turn s and twists of metaphor and rhetoric we buy into when making and writing arguments (Wise 89). Deconstruction doesn't mean demolition of truth or reality, but subverting illusions in our ideologies and engage that pretend to raise unquestionable universal or natural grounds for belief and knowledge.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Independence Day Speech

Good morning respected principal, Father John, teachers and all the students present here. I am truly grateful to Father Ajit Kumar Xess for thinking me worthy of addressing this august gathering. Let me begin by congratulating all of you at the golden Jubilee of your school and also wishing each and every one of u a very Happy Independence Day. For over half a century our nation has sprung, stumbled, run, followed, rolled over, gotten up and dusted herself. As students, we must always be reminded of this constant perseverance that has always been the backbone of success of our nation today.We live in a country whose faith in success is far greater than her fear of failure. We no longer boycott foreign goods but buy the companies that produce them instead. At this juncture we must also think of our freedom fighters who laid down their lives for our country’s independence. When they began with their struggle, they were young, just like you and me. Their struggle, dedication and unrelenting zeal transformed us into a free nation. They dreamt big, stayed focused, and fought against all odds to achieve their goal.As we stand here, at the threshold of a new phase in our lives, we must take valuable lessons from them and incorporated these into our lives. We must also think of the India today and compare it with the India that the people who fought for our independence, had in their minds. They fought for a free country where everyone would be regarded as equal, every Indian would have equal opportunities. But the India that we see today is not quite as it was imagined to be. We still have a long way to go.Even though, as Indians, we have a lot to be proud of: we are the citizens of a country which has given birth to scholars like Rabindranath Tagore, Amartya Sen, Scientists like Jagdish Chandra Bose, C. V. Raman, visionaries like Mahatma Gandhi and Sportspersons like Kapil Dev, Saina Nehwal, who have represented our country and brought respect to our nation, worldwide. We must draw inspiration from these extraordinary Indians and do something which will not only benefit us, but will also make our fellow Indians proud.In about an years’ time, most of you will be enrolled in engineering colleges, or medical colleges, or might as well go abroad for further studies. Let the thought of the Indian freedom fighters, scholars and scientist make you reach for the stars. At the same time, don’t forget your motherland. We are yet to achieve a â€Å"free† and fair India. We have the third largest pool of doctors, engineers and scientists. Yet, 25 % of our population is illiterate. That is 300,000,000 (a huge chunk of the population) people who cannot read or write. We are ranked the 2nd largest country in the world suffering from mal nutrition. 5 million people are suffering from AIDs. There exists a huge divide between one India and another India. One India says give me a chance and I’ll prove myself, to the other India , we say prove yourself first and then u will have your chance. One India wants, the other India hopes; one India leads and the other India follows. Our responsibility as citizens of this country is to converge this divide and forge one India and thereby create a country that our freedom fighters envisaged. Do not let anything stop you from realising your potential.I would to leave you to mull over the following words given by the father of our nation: â€Å"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubt s and yourself melt away. Independence Day Speech â€Å"Filipinos are worth dying for. † this is the famous line of the late senator Noynoy Aquino. Maybe our fellow Filipino who fought for the freedom of the Filipinos from the invaders of our country will also agree with what Noynoy Aquino has said. An Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a nation’s assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another state, more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries honor their respective independence day as a national holiday and some countries or nations’ independence-date honors’ are contested. Independence Day is the day to commemorate all the works of certain people or individuals who contributed much for the liberty of their country. More that celebrating the freedom of the country from slavery, dictatorship and tyrant rule, it is also the day to acknowledge all the sufferings and hardships of these people we called heroes. We recognize their bravery and thank them for all the things they contributed for the freedom of their country and countrymen. June 12, 1898, is a glorious date in the history of the Filipino people. On this day, President Emilio F. Aguinaldo proclaimed the freedom of the Filipino people. The Philippine national flag was hoisted and the country’s national anthem was played. President Aguinaldo’s proclamation of Philippine Independence not only heralded the birth of a new nation. It also brought glad tidings to the colonial subjects of Asia. It inspired the colonial subjects to struggle to be free. May I ask you this, if our heroes who fought for the freedom can see the current status of our country today, do you think they will be happy? Do think they will be glad that they sacrifice they lives for the sake of our country? . But if you have notice, and based on my opinion some Filipinos doesn’t even know the word peace now. Yes it’s true that we are now free from any invaders and free from the colonization of other country but in our own native land there is still war, a war against each Filipinos who doesn’t know how to mingle with other Filipinos.. And as we all see our country is currently facing an extreme poverty. There is a very high rate of unemployed Filipinos. There are many Filipinos who are hardly to eat 3 times a day. The continuous oil price hike which has been affecting the prices of all products in the market and industry that also making our life harder. And the continuous growth of population which is caused of unemployment. People often say that education will be your key to success. But how will you be successful if unemployment is a big problem in our society today. Newly graduates are having a hard time seeking for a job suitable to their taken profession that’s why sometimes they have no choice but to work in a job that is not related to their course only to say that they are employed. We are aware that our native land was blessed with many tourist destination and tourism brought us big contribution in the progression of our country. But what had happened lately at Quirino Grandstand has changed everything. We are having a hard time convincing tourist to visit our country because of that tragedy. And this affected our country so much. And the never ending issue of terrorism in Mindanao that is always been a subject in peace and order in our country. There is so called government in such country to lead the nation. But what’s happening on our country today is a lot far from this. Our government itself is the one who is putting our economy status miserable because of the word corruption. Instead of handling the nations fund wisely, they are putting it on their personal interest that’s why no projects were been successfully founded. Yes we are free, free from the manipulation of other country ,but in our country I can say that we are definitely not free. Because we are chained into these different problems. It seems like we are in a battle towards our country problems for us to be totally called free. If only everyone of us were doing our duties and responsibilities as a responsible citizen of our country, and if everything were all in places, can you imagine how beautiful our country is? And through this everyone of us can proudly say that â€Å"Filipino’s are really worth dying for â€Å"

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Class Test on Micro Economics Essay

i) All questions in this section are compulsory ii) Marks for questions are indicated against each iii) Answers for very short answer questions carrying 1 mark must be answered in ONE sentence each iv) Answers for short answer questions carrying 3 marks each should not normally exceed 60 words v) Answers for short answer questions carrying 4 marks each should normally not exceed 70 words vi) Answers for long answer questions carrying 6 marks each should not normally exceed 100 words each. vii) Answers should be brief and to the point – The above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible. 1. Name the characteristic which make monopolistic competition different from perfect competition[1] 2. Why is demand for water inelastic?[1] 3. State one feature of oligopoly[1] 4. In which market form is the demand perfectly inelastic?[1] 5. Distinguish between increase in demand and increase in quantity demanded[3] 6. Goods X and Y are substitutes. Explain the effect of a fall in price of Y on the demand for X.[3] 7. At a price of Rs. 5 per unit of a commodity A, total revenue is Rs 800. When its price rises by 20%, total revenue increases by Rs. 400. Calculate its rice elasticity of demand[3] 8. Explain the implication of freedom to entry and exit of firms under perfect competition[3] 9. Given below is the cost schedule of a firm. Its average fixed cost is Rs 20 When it is producing 3 units. |Output |1 |2 |3 | |Average Variable cost (Rs.) |30 |28 |32 | Calculate its marginal cost and average total cost at each given level of output.[3] 10 Explain the features of â€Å"What to produce† OR Explain any two main features of centrally planned economy.[4] 12. When the price of a commodity falls by Rs. 2 per unit, its quantity demanded increases by 10 units. Its price elasticity is (-)1. Calculate its quantity demanded on its equilibrium price.[4] 13. Explain the effect of increase in income of buyers of a normal commodity on its equilibrium price.[4] 14. State whether the following statements are true or false: Give reasons for your answer (a) When total revenue is constant, average revenue will be constant. (b) Average variable cost can fall even when marginal product is rising (c) When marginal product falls, average product will also fall.[6] 15. Explain the law of variable proportions with the help of total and marginal product curves. [6] 16 Explain producers equilibrium with the help of a marginal cost and marginal revenue schedule [6]

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Insider trading about Martha Stewart

When she was young, Martha committed her attempts to school assignments, obtaining report books full of best marks. She gained a scholarship to Barnard College, where she employed as a model and wedded with a law scholar, and changing her name becomes Martha Stewart. She discontinue her career as model when she was pregnant. Then she worked as a broker for few years. She was pretty good in doing the job, so she would have recognized about insider trading laws (â€Å"Martha Stewart, broker indicted†, 2003).When she was a college student, Stewart involved in business with her friend. Stewart began a catering business. Her catering business became productive and successful. Stewart started a retail store and sold her home equipments. She co-wrote a best-seller book, entertaining peoples, with long-period fashion ace Elizabeth Hawes. She began cropping up on Television talk shows with confidential information for troubled housewives. She was also having crucial problem with her hu sband. After Stewarts divorced, her husband married the worker. In the meantime, Martha Stewart's business remained successful (â€Å"Martha Stewart, broker indicted†, 2003).Stewart launched her magazine, Martha Stewart Living, in 1991. It became an achievement. Two years later, she began her own TV show, Martha Stewart Living. Initially, the insiders were unsure it would run well, but surely it was become tremendously rewarding TV show. Stewart generated a lot of money increasingly at that period (â€Å"Martha Stewart, broker indicted†, 2003).Insider Trading in case of Martha StewartThe Securities and Exchange Commission, in 2002, informed that Martha Stewart was investigated for insider trading case. In December 2001, she had sold 3,928 shares of ImClone Systems merely ahead the Food ; Drug Administration informed that it was entrancing ImClone's utilization to sell a modern supposed wonder medicine. It seemed like standard insider trading, and it believably was (â⠂¬Å"Stephen Moore on Martha Stewart & Insider Trading†, 2004).However, inquisitively the federal officials never testified this in courtyard, or even attempted to establish it. Alternatively, they appointed Stewart with four law-breaking, such as confederacy, construction of natural virtue, and two numbers of creating incorrect statements to officials. A jury said that she is blameworthy, and she was decided to be prisoned for five months. They thought that it is a law-breaking to telling the falsity to a fed. The speech communication does not have to be recorded, and witnesses are elective (â€Å"Stephen Moore on Martha Stewart & Insider Trading†, 2004).Martha Stewart has been in the news program and media for some months because the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission considers that she was confirmed by Sam Waksal that his company ImClone’s cancer medicine had been declined by the Food and Drug Administration earlier than this report was published (Schroede r, J., 2004).This state of affairs was a great stroke to his company and the monetary value of its stock descended spectacularly. Nevertheless, Martha Stewart was not monetary injured because she had her stock broker sell her 4000 shares earlier than this information was published. If it is accurate, and it should be lined it has not been evidenced yet, and so she is chargeable of insider trading. The Stewart beliefs should make a resentful after-sensation in conservatives' openings for other causes. Stewart was a unfortunate person of socio-economic class conflict that has filtered down from the unintelligent (Schroeder, J., 2004).One of the panelists remarked joyously that this final judgment was warrantied, because it would bring a subject matter to the â€Å"valuable and strong†, which they cannot escape with such maltreatments. The print media also pleasured in performing the â€Å"socio-economic class conflict   correspondence† by spiting Martha Stewart for suc h wrongdoings as dressing high-priced jewelry at the time of the legal proceeding (â€Å"Stephen Moore on Martha Stewart ; Insider Trading†, 2004).Stewart now confronts possibly two years in correctional institution and the termination of as a minimum one-half of her financial condition, all because she handled to preserve herself $50,000 selling ImClone stock at the time of she perceived that one of the medicines the companies had been expanding had unsuccessful to acquire FDA acceptance (â€Å"Martha Stewart Stock Scandal†, 2003).In conclusion, Martha Stewart has been one of the great and victorious entrepreneurs of this contemporaries era. She produced hundreds of millions of dollars of innovative economic condition and nearly an innovative business enterprise that was effectively by herself. She made many occupations and was a booming enterpriser who materialized to produce much money.The origin my edginess is that a number peoples in our social group praise her ru ination incisively because of her tremendous attainment. However, attainment is a moral excellence in United States, and while the people begin handling it as frailty, they minimize their competitive arrangement. And so they have an untold greater difficulty in their social group than whether people are exchanging on active stock confidential information among the period of time.BibliographyMartha Stewart, broker indicted. 2003. [Online]Available at: Stewart settles SEC's insider trading case. 2004. [Online]Available at:†¦/index.htmlSchroeder, J. 2004. SSRN-Envy, Jealousy and Insider Trading: The Case of Martha Stewart. [Online]Available at: Charges Martha Stewart, Broker Peter Bacanovic with Illegal Inside. 2003. [Online]Available at: Moore on Martha Stewart & Insi der Trading. 2004. [Online]Available at:

Friday, September 13, 2019

Public Relations Campaign Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Public Relations Campaign - Assignment Example Our target public in this case is students, adults through teachers and parents. This will enable Sonic Drive-In to realize its target of increasing its market share substantially in the competitive American market (LEtang, 32). In this campaign, Sonic Drive-In has an opportunity to increase market share in the fast food market. In addition, this will make Sonic Drive-In more visible in the market and increase its strength as a household brand name. This will encourage the purchase of products by Sonic Drive-In by the current customers and attract new ones to their product range. It will also show the company is sensitive to matters affecting the community and that it is empathic to the problems its consumers face. It will also boost its prominence around the country hence increasing the company’s chance for future growth (Henslowe, 68). Problems that might be faced during this exercise in order to reach our target public include the following. Firstly, it will be difficult and time consuming in covering schools, in the whole country. This will prove to be an enormous undertaking. It will also be difficult to come up with a schedule that will accommodate all the schools in the country. Finding a schedule that will suit them all will be a big challenge. Since we cannot go school by school, we will have to pick strategic locations for this event that will attract the largest group of our public. This will be a challenge since the success of this campaign relies on numbers. We will have to deliberate carefully to identify the most suitable venues for this event. The main opportunity created in this campaign for Sonic Drive-In will be to increase its share in the fast food market in the United States. It will increase its customer base through its target public. This campaign will also make the brand more attractive to consumers through our efforts in advertisements through the various media campaigns we plan

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Post-Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Post-Globalization - Essay Example One’s personal contention of globalization is parallel with the focus on â€Å"the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology† (The Levin Institute, 1). My search for other meanings of the term give credence to my belief that globalization consists of systems and operating processes that aim to ultimately be interrelated with global protocols on a continuously growing exchange of transactions among diverse countries and regions (Marzui, 2001, 1). As a process, globalization is more prominent in today’s generation due to technological advances that provided the impetus for improved intercultural interaction traversing borders, distance and time. The United States (US) continues to provide direction and significant influence to other countries in terms of applications on globalization. As the world’s most devel oped industrialized nation, the US has continued to support democratic ideals in terms of foreign trade, intercultural communication, preservation of the environment, adherence to ethical and moral standards, as well as promotion of human rights: all critical elements for sustained globalization efforts.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Financial Analysis of Barcelona Brasseries Case Study

The Financial Analysis of Barcelona Brasseries - Case Study Example In the case study, hedging, as suggested by the private banker, would make sense for Barcelona Brasseries S.L. The economic environment is characterized by floating interest rates all through, with low margins. Given the prevailing economic environment, hedging the interest rates may be beneficial. The prevailing interest rates are low, and the company’s investment yield is quite low. Since the company has recently obtained additional locations all through Barcelona, for 1,000,000 Euros holding mortgage loan(s) will, therefore, result in higher earnings. Such a rise in income is caused by the increased interest earnings. In the example provided, the interest rate –swap has been set into a three-month floating rate system. The three-month floaters stretch more than it can if invested in securities and there are no capped rates (Hollis 2011). The company’s performance will be better if the interest rates increase. Suppose the rates fall, the three-month floater wil l have a performance similar to that which was predicted. However, the low rate may be quite inconvenient. Deventer and Imai (2013, p.113) note that there are some dangers the family may have to take into account when implementing the hedging of interest rate risks. There is a need for constant and consistent rearrangement. For example, a hedge with an eight percent effective duration would be sufficient to hedge a balance sheet with 31-year mortgage loans. However, seven years later, the hedge diminishes ineffective duration and may need to be rearranged with more hedges as the earlier former hedges mature. In most cases, this rearrangement needs superior modeling methods. In summary, the hedging of interest rate risk and the application of derivatives are useful method Barcelona Brasseries Inc. may consider utilizing.  

Queer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Queer - Essay Example The most common being those of homophobia because the word queer means deviant sexual practices that are frowned upon by the society. It can also mean strange sexual characteristics ranging from being a hamerphrodite to having abnormal genitalia. When an individual is not a heterosexual as the society dictates, then that person is referred to as a queer for being a lesbian or gay. Those people who have changed from being female to being males or vice versa are also regarded as queers by the society. The society we live in chooses to assign the word queer to this group of persons because they do not conform to the accepted gender roles assigned to them by the community. Gender has been divided since time in memorial into two groups. According to Bornstein, â€Å"choice between two of something is not a choice, but rather the opportunity to subscribe to the value system which holds the two presented choices as mutually exclusive alternatives and our choice puts us into the system that perpetuates the binary† (Bornstein 101). Different cultures assert that we belong to either one of the two chosen genders without question. If a person chooses not to belong to any of the two, then they are branded as outcasts. Bornstein wonders if the bi-polar gender system were a group and if its members were following rules that they can neither question nor be capable of challenging making group become more like a cult (Bornstein 103). In this context, gender is made up to look like a club for the privileged where the members, exhibit patterns both structural and behavioral that are common to cults (Bornstein 103). In his book â€Å"The Trouble with the Normal†, Warner says â€Å"even after fifty years of resistance, loathing for queer sex, like loathing for gender non conformity remains powerful†(Warner 48). This illustrates the society’s unwillingness to accept those who do not practice what their culture dictates as normal, especially if they are t o be accepted under consideration of sex only. The lesbian and gay movement in America was expected to shed more light on sexuality, but it did not because according to Warner in his book it shows that even after these â€Å"queer† people declared their sexual orientation to the public, they did not get the reaction they expected from â€Å"straight† people as envisioned. The end to stigmatization that they were used to did not end, but it, in fact, escalated because the abuses and threats now had a defined target (Warner 50). In his book, Warner uses the term queer to stand for the sexual acts that gays and lesbians engage in, it is also used to represent those who are sexually oriented towards homosexuality. Queers are understood to be separate from the other part of the population, and their political rights activist movements advocate that they be considered under the minority or special group category. The society we live in makes it hard for these people to be as similated into the community and be perceived as normal because it needs a group to dominate, have power over and control. Even if, the gays and lesbian movements did not arise, the culture we practice has always had a way of isolating an element in a society that is portrayed as queer so that there can be something for the society to frown upon and discriminate. The culture we live in, designed gender in such a way that it would

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Medias Influence on Today's Woman Term Paper

The Medias Influence on Today's Woman - Term Paper Example This is the reason why most women contend that they either lose or gain weight to fit into the figures or the images they see in the media. Women believe that being underweight and skinny is beautiful and sexually appealing that directly translates to success. This explains the skinnier standard as a body image that women try to attain in their course of daily lives. There is a close relation between what women see in the television media and how they correlate with the eating disorders in young adult women. Wang (204) says that media is the key cause of eating disorders experienced in young women. This is lent credence by other studies on integrative model for change in behavior that provide that the media can influence the behavior of any person through the airing or publishing of what type of lifestyles and personalities are destined for rewards and successes. This is because when a person gets to believe that his actions will satisfy others, he gets to act in that prescribed mann er. This is the easiest way to confirm that a person will likely be influenced by what he sees or reads in the media, the media plays this role by influencing traits and norms of the women. One area in which the media has had a direct impact on women is diet and unhealthy trends in dieting. This is especially through the television programs and magazines that will make the woman try to emulate the images that are presented as presentable and desirable. For example, most magazines would put on the covers of the particular magazine, pictures of skinny and emancipated women who are seen by the women fraternity as sexy with desirable body figures.... This paper approves that there is need to challenge the images portrayed by the media and challenge and reconsider demands that are unrealistic. This will enable the woman to develop self-esteems and develop oneself independent of media influences. Media messages should be identified and challenged in preventive programs that include that discouraging the notion that beauty is a woman’s main aim in achieving success and happiness and that a woman should be ashamed of her body size. I would, therefore, put positive redefinition of the image of woman as composed of many factors including self-acceptance that will help the woman resist attempts for thinness or being skinny. Some questions are provided to be considered by an individual including women when evaluating media messages, one question is whether real women look like the models in the specific adverts portrayed in the media and whether buying the product being advertised will make the woman look like the model. It is also important to ask yourself whether the model looks like the picture portrayed because of the product. This essay makes a conclusion that It is quite clear that the print media and television has the effect of determining how women portray themselves in terms of body image. Creating too much attention to magazines and television programs or movies lead to body image dissatisfaction, which often lead the woman to eating disorders. As a conclusion, the media has a serious impact on the image of women in terms of the body, which is likely to affect their mental and physical health in a negative manner.