Thursday, May 16, 2019

In report format, prepare a services marketing mix (people, process, Essay

In report format, prepare a services selling mix (people, process, bodily evidence) for the service offering on which you based assignment integrity - Essay ExampleIt will provide the firm opportunities and to reduce the impact of threats. In this case, Holiday society Hotel has to make adjustment of the traditional 4Ps trade mix that entails product, price, promotion, and place and adopt more Ps, which include process, physical evidence, and people to achieve its marketing objectives.Useful marketing objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART) (Wilson and Gilligan, 2004). The marketing objectives should be based on the situational evaluation of the environment of the company (Lambin, 2007). In this case, Holiday Inn should character its strengths to eradicate its weaknesses and respond to threats in the application (Doyle and Stern, 2006). Moreover, marketing objectives should aim at exploiting market opportunities that will enable the company compete efficiently and attain a higher market share in the industry (Kotler, and Keller, 2011).The first marketing objective of Holiday Inn should be to enhance its presence in the coming(prenominal) markets such as China and Dubai by 15 part in the next five years. The Asiatic market offers abundant growth and profitability opportunities due the high growth in consumer revenues, good stand and growth in tourism number therefore Holiday Inn should expand its presence in those markets. The hotel brand has huge financial resources and human talent thus it is possible to use its learning contract in the hospitality market to attain high market share in Asia (Ariffin and Maghzi, 2012).The second marketing objective for Holiday Inn is to increase the current bed occupancy by 25 percent in the next five years. The goal is specific and attainable since the global tourism travel numbers are increasing while the wealthy global economy will lead to a raise in internationa l business travel. Previous research by Bowie and

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