Friday, May 31, 2019

The Bridge Of San Luis Ray Essay -- essays research papers

Thornton Wilder (1897-1975) The Bridge of San Luis ReyThe Bridge of San Luis Rey, by Thornton Wilder, presents the ancient dilemma of whether tragedy is the result of chance or a manifestation of heaven-sent intervention. It explores the lives of five people and reveals their internal struggles for survival. The sadness that is created by the undying love of the Marquesa de Montemayor for her female child, Esteban for his twin brother, Manual and Uncle Pio for the vain actress, Camilla Perichole, is so overwhelming in its enormity, that when tragedy strikes, we sense of smell relief that their suffering is finally over. The scene is set in Lima, Peru, in 1714. One afternoon, an ancient bridge broke sending five people to their deaths. crony Juniper, a Franciscan monk, witnesses this catastrophe and believes he can prove the existence of divine intervention. The first someone is the Marquesa de Montemayor along with her servant and companion, Pepita. The Marquesas love for her d aughter is not returned which sends her into a state of borderline psychosis. She begins to drink heavily and neglects to dramatize care of the most important things in her invigoration. One night while Pepita repose sleeping, the Marquesa is struck with the realization that her love for her daughter is a selfish love and she decides to renounce this love and begin a new life. Esteban and Manuel are orphaned tally found on the steps of a convent and raised by female horse del Pilar. When Manuel dies of an infection, Esteban is in despair and is about to embark on a new life with Captain Alvarado when he crosses the bridge. Camilla Perichole did not die on the bridge but was a victim nonetheless. Uncle Pio, friend and confidant of the Perichole, takes her son to educate him in the humanistic discipline and literature. The two never make it across the bridge. The Perichole is a famous actress who plays an important role in the story. She is the axis, as it were, around which eve rything turns(Stresau 23). She weaves the threads of the story together with her passions and perversities(Fadiman 338). The Perichole is a very selfish woman who indirectly causes the death of Manuel, Estebans brother, by destroying his will to live. When Manuel falls in love with the Perichole, the love the brothers share becomes tainted and is perpetually destroyed. The only time that Manuel admits this is when he is in a state of such pain, he lashes out ... ... of tragedy and lets her be the diamond in the rough. She is the one person whose vision is unaltered from the very beginning of the book and to her the other survivors draw their own courage. Camilla Perichole was in such pain over the loss Uncle Pio and her son bust Jaime, that she could no longer live in solitude. She desperately wished to be able to tell them one last time of her love for them. She sought out Maria del Pilar who accepted her with open arms and without judgment. I fail everybody, she cried. They lov e me and I fail them(Wilder 143). The Marquesa de Montemayors daughter, Dona Clara, also came in search of redemption. Her guilt of not returning her mothers love was consuming her and she wished to be punished. Dona Clara and Camille Perichole began to find new import in their lives by helping Maria del Pilar take care of those less fortunate them themselves. The question still remains. Was it an accident or by design? It is best to leave the mystery in place, for to answer it dissolves the meaning of the book. Just knowing that some good came out of a catastrophic event brings pleasure to ones heart and leaves us believing that it rightfully does not matter.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bruce Lee :: essays research papers

Bruce Lee, being the best martial artist in the world was the result for what he did to get there, yet his termination was widely misunderstood. Bruce Lee was born in the year of the dragon in San Francisco November 27 1940. Throughout life, the reputation he gained was not just by routine reading rather, he took his own form of workout to a whole new level. As good things dont last forever, Bruce Lee, unfortunately, suffered a sudden death on July 20, 1973. As his misinterpreted death spread worldwide only the true story was seldom heard. Essentially, Bruce Lees interpretation of keeping in status is constant daily workouts. Bruce Lees workout consisted of three categories martial arts sparring, weight training, and extensive AB training. The workout first consists of hours upon hours of highly delineate martial arts sparring. Secondly, a series of accelerated heavy weight training of his main ponderositys. Finally, is his extensive workout towards his ABs. Bruce Lees favorit e muscle was his ABs and whenever he had time, such as watching TV, he would do sit-ups or crunches. Bruce Lee had what most people called washboard ABs and was not afraid to show it, you kitty see this in almost every fight scene he had in his films.Undeniably, Bruce Lees sudden death shocked the world nevertheless the story on his death was never fully understood at that time. Yet to this day not even every atomic number 53 knows the true story. Rumors were spread that wounds received in a fight caused Bruce Lees death. Another rumor was that his death was caused by a fatal gunshot wound to the head during the making of one of his movies. When in fact Bruce Lees death (according to medical authorities) was caused by Bruce Lee falling into a coma from what was known as a rational edema (a swelling of the brain caused by a congestion of brain fluid). To the recollection of Bruce Lees wife (Linda Lee) on the afternoon of July 20, 1973 Bruce Lee began sound off of a headache he ha s been having that day. Later on that night Bruce Lee took Equagesic- a type of super aspirin, given to him by a friend and presently laid down for a nap.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Constitution and The Articles of Confederation Essay -- bankrupt,

Bankrupt, and on her knees for solutions, America was in a state of distress. Politicians alike recognized that The Articles of Confederation, follow in 1777, desperately needed revision as well as modification. Under the Articles, a Continental Congress had been shaped, which was allocated virtually no authority to heap up revenue, handle domestic affairs, or control commercial trade. Shortly after the Revolutionary War, America, had no way of compensating soldiers, or honoring investors and foreign nations for their loans. Losing faith in the nation as a whole, the States asked the Continental Congress to organize the Constitutional Convention. Held in Philadelphia from May 14th to September 17th of 1787, fifty-five delegates from nation-wide convened at the capital of the United States to amend the voids never addressed in the original federal document. The Articles, was identical to a poorly tailored quilt. The entire quilt and each individual pattern, symbolized th e uniting of the federal and state governments. However, the quilt was tattered, and the seams frayed. The power of the federal government was reliant solely on the compliance of every state government. The founding father shared out themselves into two parties, the Federalist, and the Anti-Federalist. The Anti-Federalist desired to patch and reinforce the Articles, while the Federalist supported the creation of a completely new quilt, the Constitution. Both parties argued upon hours on end, unable to answer the divers(a) fundamental questions such as, How much power should be given to a central government?, and How should a central government function?. For four months, the delegates debated how to assure rightful liberty to a nation, while promising stability, and pote... ... to recognize their own strength, as well as attempting to act in unison. Moreover, in the presence of sinful or dishonorable intentions, men would fail to communicate or assemble because doubt, and dist rust would be incarnated in proportion to the number whose concurrence is necessary. Federalists not sole(prenominal) the Constitution keep the Union secure, but Hamilton claimed that it would also amend the current issues regarding debt (Madison). Hamilton argued that duty of the states should be managed in the hands of a government capable of regulating, protecting, and extending the commerce of the Union. Thus giving the general government a chance to relieve the Unions post-war debt. Also, that failure to ratify the Constitution may incite a, reunion with Britain, most likely, by the establishment of a son of the present monarch, George III (Hamilton).

Reward and Punishment in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- GCSE English L

Macbeth Reward and Punishment In Macbeth, a dramatic tragedy by William Shakespeargon, the heroic characters ar rewarded, and the evil ones are punished. From her appearance in the play, Lady Macbeth is an evil woman who causes her husbands change of role. She becomes insane with guilt and kills herself, receiving her penalization in full. Malcolm, King Duncans son, is a heroic and honorable somebody throughout the play. He is crowned King of Scotland in the last act, and finally gets what he deserves. Macbeth is on both sides of the fence. He wins the battle in the first picture and is granted the title of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth lies and cheats his fellow men in the following scenes and is eventually killed in a heated battle with Macduff. He receives both his reward and his punishment in the course of the five-act play. Lady Macbeth makes her appearance in the play right after Macbeth receives his first predictions from the three Witches. She does not think twice about her actions and starts intend Duncans murder without consulting her husband first. Lady Macbeth, however, does not feel that her husband has the heart to kill the King for the crown Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be What thou art promised soon enough do I fear thy nature, It is too full o the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great, Art not wit... ...rself collectible to the guilt felt for conning her husband into such treachery. Malcolm is a very honorable person and slowly plans his revenge against the treasonous murderer of his father, King Duncan. In the old age spent trying to find the truth about his fathers death, he makes many allies and is rewarded for his patience with the crown of Scotland. Macbeth plays both trusting and villainous roles throughout the play. He becomes Thane of Cawdor for his valor in a recent war and is later killed for his horrific actions against his enemy Macduff. Throughout the course of the play, many pe ople are misguided and others are told the truth, but almost all of the characters receive what they deserve at the end. The moral of this story seems to be What goes around, comes around as well as, Do unto others as you would name them do unto you.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I am Sorry I Hurt You Essay -- Love Letters Dating Email Relationships

Dear Rachel,I had a sleepless night thinking about(predicate) what happened to us that night. I least expected it, I experienced the worst headache everlastingly, all I could hear was my heart beating faster than it ever has. I cursed my stars that night, as my expectation for the night was so much greater, but it ended in a far different way that do my heart choke with tears of losing something Ive always wanted and fought for.We all made mistakes not trying to understand each other, some words did hurt in some way and I guess we got carried away after all those arguments of whether I have an intimate relationship with Marie. I guess this issue has always been the block of our relationship getting worked out. I know its been hard for you trying to understand the real truth. Perhaps I need to give...

I am Sorry I Hurt You Essay -- Love Letters Dating Email Relationships

Dear Rachel,I had a sleepless night thinking some what happened to us that night. I least expected it, I experienced the worst headache constantly, all I could hear was my heart beating faster than it ever has. I cursed my stars that night, as my expectation for the night was so much greater, but it ended in a far different way that make my heart choke with tears of losing something Ive ceaselessly wanted and fought for.We all made mistakes not trying to understand each other, some words did hurt in some way and I guess we got carried away after all those arguments of whether I have an intimate relationship with Marie. I guess this issue has always been the block of our relationship getting worked out. I know its been hard for you trying to understand the real truth. Perhaps I need to give...

Monday, May 27, 2019

The language of fashion magazines

Overture The significance of print media has been getting bigger and bigger as the time arm all over the world. Magazine is one of the popular forms of print media worldwide. There ar different types of magazines with different suffers and attributes. They are mostly periodic- monthly and quarterly magazines are most common. The magazines generally focus a character referenceicular area and they target a point group of people as their target readers.Such as origin and economics oriented magazines are knowing mostly for the business people, Science and genealogy for the young people and students, art and literature for the readers who fragmenticularly possess kindle towards art and literature. Sports magazines target the young and enthusiastic sports lovers and fashion and life name magazines are for the people who are concerned pretty much ab out(a) their living name and modern days fashions. In this report we have selected such two fashion and life style magazines, one loc al and one worldwide. inform the internationalistic one, published as British version and Mirror- the Bangladesh magazine regarded as one of the most rumoring and classic fashion magazine of the country. Both the magazines follow English as their media language and are published monthly. We will try to identify the approach of these two commonly oriented magazines. Both the magazines target the todays modern women with their independence and glamorous. In the beside section we shall be introduced with these magazines. 1. Mirror at a glance Name Mirror Magazine Nature Monthly Magazine Type mood & Life style Established (First Issue) 2003, Dacha Editor Quasi Changer Lam Number of publication 24,000 (2013) Language English Company Mirror Group (Bangladesh) 1. 3 inculcate at a glance Name Instill Established (First Issue) June, 1994 Editor Ariel Fox Number of publication (2011) Company Time Inc. (US) EPIC Media (I-J) part TWO 2. 1 PURPOSE STATEMENT This piece of music has been in tended as an academic purpose of the students of M. A. In English Program.It aims to find out a comparative analysis of both the magazines in typographical error as well as structural sense. This comparison will reveal both the similarities and dissimilarities between the two magazines for each one possess supreme popularity in their own platform. The other purpose of the study is to analyze the style of language of English and what techniques are exercisingd in the magazines. This paper also tries to find out how to use language in print media 2. 2 Methodology For a constructive comparison time frame and contextual frame should be pretty much identical and identical.Here two magazines have been selected with same nature and categorical similarities. In order to maintain the time frame, the particular number of the magazines for analysis was kept concurrent. The Bangladesh magazine Mirror was taken of volume 10, which is the July-August Edition of the rent year and an Did Fashio n Special. On the other hand, the I-J based international Magazine Instill was taken of Volume 20, number 5 and it was the edition of the month of May of this going year. Thus, from the time frame perspective, both have same platform.In order to maintain the contextual frame, the two magazines taken from the similar taste and target readers. Both are fashion and life style magazines particularly designed for the progressive modern ladies. It is important to mention that the comparison was non made from all the be of the magazines, rather the two given numbers mentioned earlier. In the next section, we will begin with the comparative analysis of the magazines. Part THREE Comparative discussions on the two magazines The previously mentioned numbers of each magazine were brought under the bill of the readers.We have tried to point out similarities and dissimilarities put in in their writing styles, literal values and presentations. 3. 1 Point of Similarities 3. 1. 1 Presentation of the Cover foliate Both the magazines feature their cover page with the photos of two very beautiful and glamorous celebrities. The one at the left is the cover page of the Bangladesh gagging Mirror which features biddy Sinai Mim, a very promising and one of the top models of current times of the country. On the right top, we have the cover page of the British lozenge Instill which features the global celebrity Emily Blunt, a very popular international actress.This similarity is quite an evident and a very common method for the fashion magazines to feature a photo of a beautiful looking celebrity with her distinguishes appeals and glamour. This similarity is not true for these two numbers of the magazines, bull almost all numbers of all fashion magazines. 3. 1. Domination of Photos of the models at pose This is perhaps the most significant similarity and feature of the fashion magazines. They use the photos more than words. In fact, in the two numbers of the magazines, almost 80 pe rcent of the pages contain photo of the glamorous models at their beauty pose.Thus, the language of fashion magazines are predominately visual and not word oriented. This has been found in both the magazines case. 3. 1. 3 Presentation of Commercial Advertisements Both the magazines preach quite a heavy volume of advertisements. The advertisements are found to be similar in nature. The advertisements are mostly of the beauty products and colorful photos are used in form of commercial advertisements. This reveals that both the fashion magazines use their commercials as like their features as the magazines features models and their beauty styles.Thus the advertisements seem like the magazines own features. 3. 1. 4 Similar presentation of articles Both the magazines publish few articles in their magazines obscure from the photos. The articles are mostly short, generally contains less than 250 words. The British tabloid of May, 2013 featured few articles regarding Oscar programs and act ivities of he international celebrities. The local tabloid featured with beauty book of instructions and tips and promotes latest fashions through their articles. In each case, the language is short, easily understandable and free from literal complicity. . 1. 5 Similarity in Language and writing style Due to the light nature, both the magazines follow short and simple writing styles. They use simple worlds, short speeches and the articles are mostly free from articulate and literal beauty. 3. 2 Point of Dissimilarity 3. 2. 1 Contextual Dissimilarity Despite of their similar nature of fashion and life style, the magazines differ in their approach too. Instill exhibits its high interest in the life style of the celebrities whereas Mirror focuses more on the fashions of the progressive ladies.The photos and the features of the magazine Instill uses the international celebrities to preach the activities of the celebrities. Mirror- the Bangladesh Fashion tabloid on the other hand, focu ses more on the fashion and glamour of the local celebrities. 3. 2. 2 Difference in the theme it has seen that the local fashion magazine focuses on the impact of culture and seasons. For instance, the selected edition was an Did special. There were previous editions on summer bride, pupas special, bookish special etc. This suggest that the local magazine focuses on the pagan impact in the world of fashion.The international tabloid focuses on the life of the celebrities, their activities are the elements of interest. The impact of culture and season was not found to be strong. 3. 2. 3 Difference in Approach The British magazine provides short article and information though small news in columns which has been completely missed out in the beggarliness magazine. Bangladesh magazine on the other side focuses on the physical beauty of their local liberties (mostly models) and the pattern of their latest fashions thought the exhibition of a series of photos.Part Four Findings of the la nguage of Fashion Magazine The noticeable findings of the language of fashion magazines are It shows how linguistic techniques such as puns and presuppositions are used by magazines to stimulate our attention It examines how image and text combine to produce meaning It discusses how ideological messages are conveyed It analyses how the appeals are constructed through language It looks at how magazines relate to culture part FIVE Conclusion The language of fashion magazines is lively.Furs are to-die-for, colors are drifts dreamy and looks are leotard simple. The last three decades have witnessed a reevaluation of fashion, both in terms of its credibility as an area of academic investigation and its importance in Western culture, which has caused its reconsideration within popular culture. Today, fashion can be found when flipping through art and fashion magazines. The art press, however, locates fashion within wider social and cultural dialogues, reflecting upon the social, cultural , psychological ND economic implications of dress.As womens fashion magazines have small role in the maintenance of cultural values and representation of the gender indistinguishability, we will be able to investigate how English language relates to gender identity through fashion in Bangladesh. Even though synergies effect of fashion and language as symbolic capital is very interesting subject to study. This base of two is neutralized as to create mythology of the modern society is hard to deconstruct. To demythologize the fusion of English language and fashion more profound interrogation will be needed.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Break even revised

The break-even point is a line of work terminology which refers to the level of payoff or activity wherein a firms total revenue exactly equals its total apostrophize. At this point, the business entity crosss all its expenses but earns no profit. The operate income is therefore zero. The break-even point is exactly where a business entity crosses the line between being a losing operation to being a profitable venture. A business entitys total operating cost is the sum of its fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs refer to expenses that are not a function of outturn and thus, do not vary with the production level.Fixed costs include such items as administrative salaries, property taxes, and insurance premiums. Other things constant, the break-even point varies in residual to the fixed cost an increase in the fixed cost translates to a corresponding rise in the break-even point. A fixed cost increase leads to a higher break-even level of yield, depending on the degree of increa se. In reality, it corresponds to the fact that a higher fixed cost would entail the need to produce more output in order to cover the total expense.Variable costs, on the other hand, are costs that change in direct proportion to the output level separately planned percentage increase in output will yield an equal increase in the variable cost. Variable costs include such items as raw materials and direct labor costs. An increase in the variable cost actually generates an equal increase in the total cost at each level of output, thereby raising the output level at which the firm will break even. In this sense, a variable cost increase leads to a higher break-even level of output. On the revenue side, bigger sales receipts mean either higher sales prices or greater sales volumes.A higher unit sales price is tantamount to a higher per-unit profit and in this sense, a lower break-even level of output. The higher kale generated by a unit sales price increase lessen the output level ne cessary for the firm to break even or cover its operating expense, thereby effectively lowering the break-even point. Unlike fixed and variable costs, the break-even point varies in inverse proportion to the unit sales price. Amidst all the groundbreaking business calculation tools, the break-even point concept will remain a useful business reference for generations to come.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Growing Up in a Bilingual Family Essay

AbstractSome bicultural families confuse to deal with the decision of how, when, and if they should make their children be bilingual. They worry that if instead of helping their kids doing so, it may hurt them. Most multitude agree that in long terms, being bilingual is a great tool. Since most p arnts agree on that, not all agree on how earlyish kids should be introduce to a second langu sequence. Should it be as soon as they ar born, or foremost learn one terminology and then a second? exploitation Up in a Bilingual FamilyEducators and psychologists will advice to introduce a second wrangle when kids be under the age of 3. De Houwer, (1999) says Brain imaging studies show that languages in bilingual infants are stored closer together in the brain than in later bilinguals. This means, accomplishment another language after the age of 3 both takes greater effort and is treated differently by the brain compared to the child who acquires them simultaneously. The earliest a ch ild is undecided to a second language, the better. Contrary to what many parents think that their kids may get confused and end up not learning completely either language. For instance, there are cases of kids who were exposed to twain languages and by the age of 6 they know very well both languages. And the people that learn a second language in an adult age, they are most in all likelihood to have an accent after several years of been speaking a foreigner language, and most likely they will have their accent for a lifetime.Although, researches show that The main reason for dominance in one language is that the child has had greater exposure to it and postulate it more to communicate with people in the immediate environment (Grosjean, 1983, p.209), and it is not usual that kids are exposed to two languages equally. There is usually one preponderant language or mother language, and the nonage language. This is why the nonage language, should be balance by reading, dancing wit h music that has lyrics of the weaker language, watching TV shows and specially talking conversational experiences are the most valuable, easy tool parents can used. The case of Mia, who is two years old, and William, a 4 years old boy who are more exposed to English than Spanish, the parents try to reinforce the weaker language by teaching them songs in the minority language andmaking up songs with stories that calls the kids attention. This method worked in many families, and the result is always positive. One of the most common frustrations in bilingual families is when their kids start mixing up two languages.Children whole tone single out and this situation makes them feel uncomfortable, especially when there are people around who dont understand what the child is saying, this will end frustrating the child and start to deny speaking in a language that is not common in their environment Parents, who naturally tend to return a mixed utterance as evidence of confusion when in f act the child is getting on with the task of building up two sets of patterns by making more and more subtle contrasts (Harding-Esch, 2008, p.56-57). Kids are not conscientiously trying to mix up two languages, they do it because is natural, it is normal for a child to pick different words from each languages to express their feelings and thoughts. We, as a bilingual parents, should instead of focusing on the mistakes that our kids make, is praise their effort and frenzy on their ability to speak two different languages. There are many ways that we can help bilingual kids learn two or more languages, the most important probably is never give up and think that the kids are not understanding or listening to what we are saying.They have busy minds, and while we think they are not listening or watching us, they are. Parents should use any opportunity to talk to them especially on the minority language. Make them feel that they are not different than majority language speakers. Getting them spend as much time possible with other minority speaker children by arranging play dates. Also, the bilingual kids should visit the uncouth where the minority language is spoken. Cunningham, (2002, p.117), in her book In Growing up with devil Languages says, The potential, advantages of this are manifold The children get to know monolingual speakers of their own age, they learn to use their weaker language in different situations, they learn about the culture of the country.This will be a great boost for bilingual children, to be exposed to a total immersion to a different culture that they are not very use to. In chapter 14, Cognitive Functions, it is mentioned that Early exposure to some language increases ability to learn another language later. Also it is mentioned that children are better at pronunciation and grammar when they learn a second language early in age. There is not really disadvantage on learning a second languageat any age but it is better to take advantage of the ability kids have to grasp almost anything during their first stages of life.ConclusionThere is not evidence of negative effects of y learning at early age two languages or more. Instead, there are many evidences that children growing up with two languages have advantage over the ones that are not. As Grosjean says, researchers have found that bilingualism is, after all, a great asset to the child, and he continues, Especially, in intelligence and cognitive growth, researchers stress the assets of bilingualism. There is nothing to loose getting our kids to learn two languages, all what it requires is our patience and consistency.ReferencesCunningham, U. & Anderson, S. (2002). Growing up with two languages A practical Guide. New York Taylor and Francis Group.De Houwer, A. (1999). Two or more languages in Early Childhood. Retrieved from http// Grosjean, F. (1992). Life with two languages. Massachusetts Harvard University Press.Hardin g-Esch, E. & Riley, P. (2008). The bilingual family A handbook for parents. New York Cambridge University Press.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Adoption of the 13th Amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1965

The Adoption of the 13th Amendment to the cultivated Rights Act of 1965 In the turn of the fifteenth century African American traveled with European explorers, especially Spanish and Portuguese to the rising world many serving as crew members, servants and slaves (Bigelow, 2011).African Americans were free in the beginning durations of the New World, though first tweed landowners faced intentness crisis, what appeared easiest was to force the strong, hard spurting African Americans to slavery by the mid-sixteen hundreds, sulphur the United States Constitution in 1788 did not help, it guaranteed equality only to gaberdines and consider blacks as three-fifths of a person (Bigelow, 2011). The end of the Civil War and the help of Abraham Lincoln, in December 1865 the Thirteen Amendment to the constitution was adopted, stating that slavery was abolished, though it was the beginning of blacks worst sputters to come (Bigelow, 2011).The following will view African-Americans lives f rom the adoption of the Thirteen Amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1965 focusing how they have worked to end segregation, variety and isolation to gain equality and the obliging rights. Technology help the New World take its shape, that many would not know that African Americans had a huge impact developing the beginning of it. In 1790 an invention that impacted this countries production of cotton plant was the cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney an African American, it helped separate the cotton from the cotton seed which allowed the textile industry to grow (Trotter, 2000).This did not help the blacks they were not viewed as having technical knowledge but only as labor workers, which pushed slavery and Nat Turners rebellion in 1832 which outlawed blacks to see, write and cipher (Trotter, 2000). 1836 the U. S. Patent Act came to affect which required inventors to submit models showing the construction, mark and specifications, which the literacy restriction denied African A mericans to patent their inventions (Trotter, 2000).Then in 1857 the US Supreme Courts Dred and Scott decision, the federal government ruled that enslaved blacks were not citizens which they could not receive patents for their inventions (Trotter, 2000). All this things became obstacles for African Americans to be recognized for their inventions and knowledge in technology. African Americans continue pushing forward and with blacks being excluded from the industrial industry, the impact of emancipations, civil rights law and constitutional amendment, African Americans went from slaves to citizens which gave them rights, which led to many to a greater extent inventions.The slip lasting machine was a notable invention by Jan Matzeligers, this machine would attached the upper part of the shoe to the sole, which at the times was only move intoe by hand before 50 pair of shows were make in a day and by the time he perfected the machine 700 pairs of shoes were done in a 10 hour day (J an Matzeliger, 2011). Other inventions came from Elijah McCoy, who invented numerous lubrication devices for locomotives engines for the railroads and boat steam engines and Grandville T. timberlands electrical inventions, including a telephone transmitter (Trotter, 2000). It seems African Americans were moving forward though soon after African Americans face an other struggle Jim Crows Law or Black Codes. This brought the beginning of segregation Jim Crows law took voter turnout rights because when the fifteenth Amendment gave those rights to Africans Americans it left loop holes which it was required to take literacy tests and the practice of poll taxes, which over again discriminated the blacks (Bowles, 2011).Poll taxes required blacks to show either a payment or a proof of land ownership and the literacy test required blacks to know how to read which most recent freed slave did not know how to read because of the Nat Turner that took education privileges away before the Civil War (Bowles, 2011). Jim Crows laws in any case separated and downgraded African Americans from the whites, but not for long because the West brought many more opportunities to African Americans.The government excluded Asian immigrants but allow African Americans to take advantage of the homestead Act of 1862, allowing to purchase one hundred sixty acres of land for $1. 25 per acre and to take land for free if a homesteader farmed it for a period of five geezerhood (Bowles, 2011). Another Act was the Timber act of 1873 this express if positiontlers planted trees of at least one-quarter of the land for four years it gave them the option of taking another 160 acres of land for free, which helped solve some problems of isolation because the West was unknown and required collaboration of people and government (Bowles, 2011).World War I also brought opportunities to African Americans because it called out for 2. 8 million US Citizens out to war which left many Northern jobs vacated w hich started the time of the great migration (Bowles, 2011). African Americans got the opportunity to blend North in Massachusetts munitions plants, Pennsylvania steel mills, and New Jersey brick yards, it was said half a million migrated around World War II (Bowles, 2011).In the 1920s to 1930s blacks worked very hard to become better and have equal rights but many industrial places still believed in the Jim Crows law, which the blacks go from job to jobs, formed all black labor unions the like the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, domestic and servant unions, which broke the strike of discriminatory white labor unions in aluminum, coal mining, meatpacking and the steel industries (Trotter, 2000). By 1926 10,000 blacks worked for Henry Ford and gave them many opportunities like supervisory positions, those who worked for Ford felt superior to other plants (Trotter, 2000).This was a rising time for African Americans and as proven, standing their ground and pushing forward was w hat it required to gain equals rights and the start of a time for those to charge up for what belonged to them. In the beginning of the 1930s many intellectuals like Richard Wright believed that the Communist Party of the United States of America CPUSA was the best solution to fight racial inequalities in employment, lodgement and education (Carreiro, 1999). The CPUSA was known as Negrotarians the members seemed to adopt intellectual maturation and independence thought from African Americans (Carreiro, 1999).Zora Neal Hurtson an anthropologist and author was the first to use the term Negrotarians they were white humanitarians and altruist who aesthetically and financially supported young black artist (Carreiro, 1999). In Voice of the Negro sourced and excerpted stories from African Americans newspapers and published them in 1920 was Robert Kerlin (Bowles, 2011). This gave whites an opportunity to understand at first hand of how African Americans lives were in the United States, which gave blacks an opportunity to speak to become equal (Bowles, 2011).African Americas racial pride and intense desire for equality, the Harlem Renaissance began, they were Harlem artist who demanded admiration (Bowles, 2011). From 1920-1934 the whites social reformers and black intellectual faced many problems and whites continue to dominate political and social institutions with no gains of civil rights (Carreiro, 1999). The South continued the Jim Crows law and voting restriction and in the North blacks dealt with color-line employment, housing and entertainment (Carreiro, 1999).Harlem Renaissance declined and was face to a shift of economic and social reform, which was greatly shown in 1933 during the Great notion (Carreiro, 1999). African continue pushing forward in a wild roller coaster of improvement and then having to start again, but the hard work had been noticed, but hard times called for focus in a time like the Great Depression. African Americans continue the battl e of equal rights and believed to fight for the country they lived in. So when World War II came to the laid-backest degree, nearly one million served, but continued being segregated in to black units led by white officers (Bowles, 2011).Many did not back down and continue to fight for the equal rights they deserved, so on April 12, 1945 101 U. S. Army African American Officers were taking in to custody because they refuse an order from a superior officer, they refused segregation of housing and recreational areas (Bowles, 2011). African American pilots also protested segregation and many showed it by risking their lives, like the Tuskegee airmen Fighter Group 332nd, who flew 15,000 sorties and shot down more than 200 German aircraft, though none were recognized for their heroism, until 50 years ulterior by appoint Clinton (Bowles, 2011).The years from 1950s to 1960s many African leaders arise, like members of the NAACP, women, ministers, black powered organizations, and youths from colleges, all protesting for segregation, discrimination and isolation to end for civil rights. A notable civil rights movement was in 1954 with the ruling of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, it help desegregate African Americans and whites at schools (Bowles, 2011).Oliver chocolate-brown argued that it was injustice to make his daughter to walk several miles to attend an all-black school, when a school of all-white was only three block away from her home, which the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision Plessy stated that schools essential to be equal. In this case it was just making it harder for his daughter and other children to attend school, so Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled in regard of Oliver Brown (Bowles, 2011). Though the ruling was done it unfortunately left the rest, for the board of education to figure out when they would desegregate, which they were in no hurry to do anything about it.Arkansas governor Orval Faubus opposed the ruling and assembled the Ar kansas bailiwick Guard to confront it, but President Eisenhower did not allowed and sent 1,000 paratroopers from the 101st Airborne parting to allow the Little Rock Nine to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas (Bowles, 2011). President Eisenhower was a huge influencer to civil rights, he approved the Civil Rights Act of 1957, it did not do much positive to African Americans but it helped show uped a civil rights office inwardly the Department of Justice, with 10 lawyers staffing it (Bowles, 2011).Other influencers of the time, that kept things true through music was Bob Dylan, singing about the 14 year old boy emmet Till who was beaten to death by two white men, and both later released (Bowles, 2011). Times were tough and in spark of the civil rights movement this set them back in times of hatred and violence, segregation continue in the South and the Brown decision disappeared in Arkansas, a new strategy needful to be approached. Rosa Parks a 42 y ear old African American women and former secretary of the NAACP, road a bus in capital of Alabama, Alabama on December 1, 1955 helped focus on a new strategy to civil rights (Bowles, 2011).Riding the bus was not the problem, the problem was that the city polity stated that African Americans had to give up their seat on a train or bus if a white person asked it also stated blacks were not allowed to sit parallel with a white person. Rosa Parks refused to give her seat when a white man asked for it he got off the bordering stop, called authorities and had her arrested (Bowles, 2011). As a former NAACP she was committed to the movement but she acted as a private citizen, which led to the Montgomery bus boycott.A 26 year-old black pastor responding with poetic and deeply felt words led to another approach of civil rights movement, his name was Dr. Marti Luther King, Jr. He helped organized the Montgomery bus boycott, about 90 percent of blacks that normally rode the bus on a daily ba sis began walking, riding a bicycle or carpooling to work (Bowles, 2011). He also helped urge for them to buy less at Christmas since the lack of transportation, plus it was a good time to show what Christmas was truly about.The boycott lasted until the Browder vs. Gayle federal case, which showed that segregation laws were unconstitutional, which helped King become a noticeable civil rights leader, with stories appearing in New York Times Magazine, he appearing in the cover of Time, and was the second African America guest in NBCs Meet the Press (Bowles, 2011). Following Gandhi nonviolent philosophy he was able to coordinate many more boycotts in other cities, which led other to view this movement differently in a more nonviolent way.The Student Nonviolent Coordinating commission formed sit-ins as a form to protest. Four African American freshmen from the North Carolina Agricultural and technical College sat under a sign that read, We dont serve colored here but they did not cared and remained seated until closing and promised to return the next day till served (Bowles, 2011). This movement spread quick with roughly 70,000 people sitting in across the nation, some 2,000 arrested and some were attacked by whites (Hall, 2007).The NAACP a national leader supplied bail money and legal advice to this activist, and later 3000 from the NAACP boycott stores that practice discrimination which dropped sales because of the refusal to buy (Hall, 2007). Though this movement was nonviolent others like the white used force one being done in 1963 Bull Connor unleash police dogs and high-pressure hoses on Black school-children in Birmingham, Alabama bringing blacks to the streets (Hall, 2007). King went to Washington, DC, where he gathered 200,000 demonstrators at the National Mall and addressed them with his famous We Shall Overcome speech on August 23, 1963. Kings words at the capital that day were a defining moment of the Civil Rights movement (Bowles, 2011). After the assassination of President Kennedy, Johnson assures congress he would honor the passage of the civil rights bill that Kennedy fought for before his death.The Civil Right Act of 1964 stated, An Act, to do the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public accommodations, to authorize the Attorney General to bring suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extend the Commission on Civil Rights, to prevent discrimination in federally assisted programs, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes (Bowles, 2011). This helped start the EEOC, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission who serve as a bear dog to employers to treat every employee equally. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was the final pass after a march that ended as the Bloody Sunday blacks were attacked as they walked 52 miles from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama (Bowles, 2011). These boycotts, sit-ins and marches led to a change in laws and lead to the end of legal segregation of the races, known as the de jure segregation (Bowles, 2011).African Americans are sure very hard working citizens to what they believe are right and will go the limit to prove this right. With continues roller coasters over high and rocky mountains, blacks accomplished many success that lead to the Acts passed in 1965. Many important people including some white supported the end of segregation and civil rights which with patience and courage it was shown it was something accomplishable over time, since change requires time.? ReferencesBigelow, B. C. (2011). African Americans. Retrieved October 2, 2011, from Countries and Their Cultures website http//www. everyculture. com/multi/A-Br/African-Americans. html Bowles, M. (2011). A history of the United States since 1865. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education Carreiro, A. E. (1999, Summer). Gh osts of the Harlem Renaissance Negrotarians in Richard Wrights indigen Son. The Journal of Negro History, 84(3), 247-259. Retrieved from http//www. jstor. rg/ immutable/2649004 Hall, S. (2007, November). Civil Rights Activism in 1960s Virginia. Journal of Black Studies, 38(2), 251-267. Retrieved from http//www. jstor. org/stable/40034978 Jan Matzeliger. (2011). Retrieved October 2, 2011, from http//www. blackinventor. com/pages/ jan-matzeliger. html Trotter, J. W. , Jr. (2000, Fall). African Americans and the Industrial Revolution. OAH Magazine of History, 15(1), 19-23. Retrieved from http//www. jstor. org/stable/25163396

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Smile and Smiling Specific Purpose

Preparation Outline Informative Speech on Smiling Specific Purpose to inform my speech sort about the more things Your Smile can do. Thesis After listening to my speech, my audience should be informed about how Your Smile can do many things take aim an effect on you and others around you, and how it has an effect on your brain. Introduction I. Smiling is something most people enjoy. Im a happy and in truth positive person, so I smile a lot. It turns out that when I smile, the world smiles back. In my research about smiling I referred to sources such as cbsnews. com, science. owstuffworks. com, bizzikid. co. uk II. Smiling can affect the way you face. It feels good to smile and be smiled at. People like to be surrounded by others who are positive and contribute them feel good. III. A smile is a great way to lead off any conversation, and makes others more receptive to you. It adds to what you have to offer. Transition Lets start with how a smile can affect you and others around you. Body I. A smile can affect you and others around you. A. It lifts our mood as well as the moods of those around us. B. It can make us appear more attractive to others. C.It can be contagious. D. Make you look younger E. Help you build ringing F. Helps reassure the other person of your sincerity. Transition Now that we have talked about how your smile can affect you and others around you, lets move on to how your smile affects your brain. II. How Your Smile Affects Your Brain A. Each time you smile at a person, their brain coaxes them to return the favor. B. Facial changes involved in smiling have direct effects on certain brain activities associated with happiness. Smiling triggers your feel good chemicals in your brain.C. Just the simple act of smiling releases endorphins from the brain into the blood. In conclusion, today we have discussed how your smile can affect you and others around you. We also talked about how a smile affects your brain. Conclusion I. Smiling is a way to call down happiness within yourself and others. Smiling is a very important part of connecting and getting to know someone. II. Choosing to smile can make a difference in everything you do that day. A smile can brighten your mood, improve your outlook, and lead you to make positive choices.So when you smile not only will you make yourself feel better, you will also attract positive energy into your life. References Makes you look younger. Freeman, D. W. (2011, November 10). Smiling makes people look younger, study shows. . Retrieved from http//www. cbsnews. com/8301-504763_162-57322365-10391704/smiling-makes-people-look-younger-study-shows/ How your smile affects your brain. science. howstuffworks. com Layton, J. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//science. howstuffworks. com/life/smilinghappy1. htm Feel good chemicals. Bizzikid . (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. bizzikid. co. uk/healthwellbeingsmiling. hypertext markup language

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Essay on the Book Night

Night Night narrates Ely Wiesels test of faith and struggle for life by dint of the horrors of the Holocaust. Twelve-year-old Elie and his family are packed into crowded cattle carts and shipped to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camps. This is where Elie survives tragic events that cause him to question immortal who could let such suffering occur. In the memoir Night, trio events that hold to Elies victory over death and questioning of the existence of God are when Elie and all the Jews are separated into different carts, Elies struggles in the soaking up camps and the final death march.Elies former teacher, Moshe the Beadle, comes to warn Elie and his family to not be tricked by the Germans, for they were taking control of railroad trains and transporting them to death camps. Elies family doesnt believe Moshe because his stories seemed exaggerated. in brief after, Elies family is forced to live in small ghettos in the center of the town. When the trains pulled up, there was no turnin g back. The Hungarian police made us originate into the cars eighty persons in each one. They handed us some bread and a few pails of water (Wiesel 22).Elie realizes he and his family are not going to safety. When the train wheels stopped, there was a wretched stench of corpse bodies. They were in Birkeneau. He was shortly separated from his mother and sisters. This momentous event will forever modification his family. His faith is massacred, Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes (Weisel 34). Elie and his father go through many horrific obstacles in the density camps.One afternoon, Elie and his father are forced to watch a hanging of three condemned prisoners, two of which were grown men and the other an innocent child. The two men were no longer alive, but the childs rope was still moving for he was to light and was still breathing. Elie questions himself, How could I say to Him Blessed be Thou, Almighty, winner of the Universe, who chose us among all nations to be tortured day and night, to watch our fathers, our mothers, our brothers end up in the furnaces (Weisel 67).After watching thousands of Jews die each day, Elie loses his faith in God completely. Before the war is over, the Germans try to eliminate as many Jews as they can before the Americans invade and free the Jews. Elie has just gotten out of the infirmary because of his infect foot. Elie is about to give up at this point, but he sticks through and survives the death march. After the death march had finally come to a rest, Elies father becomes very sick with dysentery.After Elies father passes away, Elie is upset but is relieved. Elie is struck with food poisoning and spends weeks in the hospital, deathly ill. When he finally raises himself and looks in the mirrorhe has not seen himself in a mirror since leaving Sighethe is shocked From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. Elie comes to realize, in the emergence of separating himself from the corpse, he has become, as a result of his time in the concentration camps, can coexist with faith, both in God and in man.In each of the three events described, Elie must face major traumatic life changes that force him to question his belief in God. Despite these terrible struggles, Elie does not allow himself to be consumed with penalise and evil. He maintains goodness in his spirit. Ellie says, And even when we were no longer hungry, not one of us thought of revenge (Wiesel 115). If God is good and Elie is still (good) within despite his sufferings, then God must still exist.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Class Matters… Short Description of a Section of the Book Essay

Class Matters by Bell Hooks, the section The Me-Me Class The Young and the Ruthless examines how the mass media influences ideas that everyone living in the united States is rich, into the minds of foreigners. This section further notes that the media makes it seem as though social and economic backgrounds have little or no influence on the man of spending because most advertisements seem to make items seems affordable and cheap to acquire.The media reveals the fantasies of life to make people think that the things shown in the media are reality, especially in the look of teenagers. This section notes that the media brings about the psychological torment envy amongst teenagers. The way the media presents issues regarding children/students, makes it seem as though it is easier to acquire money wealth on an outward appearance. This whitethorn be done to bring about competition into society, which develops envy amongst individuals if they are unable to acquire a particular item.In thi s section, it states that it is easier to acquire money and goods than it is to understand meaningful values and ethics. This is a authentically profound statement because it portrays the influence the media has had on the younker to the extent that their values and ethics dont really have as much meaning to them as that of the money and goods the acquire. This further demonstrates the culture of the youth and how materialistic things have an impact on the way youth view todays world.The media is indirectly educating the youth with items that seem relevant in the world rather than showcasing the importance of education. This may be the reason wherefore many schools have decided to enforce a rule that students need to wear uniforms. This lessens the amount of items students will be competing with each other. Although the world is set up in a way that competition exists, the fact that students have the same items means that they are less likely to be envious of each other.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The History of Batu Caves

The History of Batu Caves The Batu Caves is altogether made up of limestone, as we can see when we are inside the cave or notwithstanding driving on the high schoolway crossing Batu Caves. The limestone is said to be around 400 million historic period old the limestone forming Batu Caves is. Some of the cave entrances were used as shelters by the native people. Batu Caves became famous only subsequently the limestone hills were recorded by colonial authorities including Daly and Syers as well as American Naturalist, William Hornaday in 1878.The narration of Batu Caves all started in the year of 1891 when Mr. K. Thamboosamy Pillai, who were one of the founders that also founded the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple Dhevasthanam, Kuala Lumpur, on top of that he conduct his associates that is Sri Thiruvengadam Pillai and Sri Kanthapa Thevar to do a research for an suitable place of worship for Lord Sri Murugan. It was in that year, that the influential descendent of Indian immigrants fro m Tamil Nadu, India, Mr.K. Thamboosamy Pillai installed the murti or consecrated idol of Lord Murugan in the 400 ft high Temple Cave. At the following year ahead, the Thaipusam festival in the Tamil month of Thai during the month of January to February has been celebrated there as the annual festival of Batu Caves. In addition to that, the steps to go up the Batu Caves was all wooden steps up an it was built in the year of 1920 and have since been replaced by 272 cover steps.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tobacco Advertising Is Illegal but Alcohol Is Not

COMM 3P14 Media Industries baccy advertizement is Illegal, and advertise for intoxicant is not, Is This Hypocritical? Rebecca Stewart 4574927 Russell Johnston Seminar 3 November 11, 2012 Advertisements atomic modus operandi 18 a vital part of any callers marketing st respectgy, and argon used to predicate or persuade an audience ab discover a certain product or service. In f title, mating American companies argon among the domain of a functions highest advertisers (Boone et al. , 2010, 502). Today, an average consumer is exposed to hundreds of advertisements every day.It is when these companies get to promote a dangerous product that restrictions must be, and leave been put in place. For several years, Canadas regulations on baccy advertisements have become stricter, while inebriantic imbibe advertisements be still permitted across multiple mediums. This hotshots one to c altogether into question the difference between the two substances, and if this notion is i n fact hypocritical. The stakeholders identified in this paper are the viewers and listeners of the advertisements, specifically the offspring audience.The principles involved with alcoholic beverage advance are examined with a lens that incorporates the views of Horkheimer and Adornos perspective on announce. Along with a brief history of baccy advertising regulations, this paper leave behind discuss the honorable issues involved in alcohol advertising, and point to support that alcoholic products are no less of a danger than baccy, and should have the equivalent advertising restrictions. There is also evidence to betoken that the majority of Canadians are in favour of tighter restrictions on alcohol advertising.The current hypocritical state of allowing alcohol to be advertised, but removing all tobacco colligate marketing is further discussed in detail. Literature brushup Not only is advertising illegal for tobacco companies, retailers are now obligated to remove the se products from sight. cigaret companies are also no longer permitted to label their product as light or kooky on the package (Pollay, 2004, 80). The first Canadian legislation successfully passed in favour of advertising regulations was the Tobacco Act of 1997 (Pollay, 2004, 80). health Canada created provisions in this act such as, tobacco products must not be promoted, and all manufacturers must share information about the products emissions and health hazards arising from use of the product on the packaging (Health Canada, 2011). The intent of this act was to protect two-year-old people and others from macrocosm go ond to try tobacco related products without being informed of the dangers to their health (Polley, 2004, 81). The belief was that tobacco ads were aimed at new smokers, and that companies were trying to clear new-fashioned people towards their brand.This idea is plausible because in order to maintain a strong transaction over a long period of time, new users must be targeted. Further, thither is evidence backup the fact that current smokers are not likely to be converted to another brand, making callowness targeted advertisements more likely (Polley, 2004, 83). There was pressure to strengthen the advertising restrictions after countless health risks and deaths were attributed to smoking. smoke has been estimated to result in roughly 45,000 deaths annually and is a major cause of respiratory unhealthiness, cancer and circulative disease (Sen, 2009, 189).A study conducted by the American Journal of Public Health looked at 481 randomly selected tobacco retailers after the product display dispose to understand the changes that resulted in tobacco promotion (Cohen et al. , 2011, 1879). Their study revealed that this ban successfully limited the exposure of tobacco products, and demonstrated the importance of a complete ban on retail tobacco displays (Cohen et al. , 2011, 1880). Clearly, limiting advertising exposure to hazardous produ cts such as cigarettes truly limits consumer exposure, and and so promotes the idea of a healthy in the public eye(predicate).Since these ad regulations have proved to be a success, it would likely have a very convertible effect when applied to alcohol. Ethics is an essential consideration in the world of advertising. Marketers should make responsible decisions, and not just focus on generating profits, because it is legal. Ads should address audiences not just as consumers who care about material interests but as citizens who care about social virtues and the public candid (Hove, 2009, 35). The idea of advertising alcoholic beverages is unethical.While there are mild restrictions in Canada regarding alcohol promotions, there is a demand for more. Some provinces run ads that promote responsible drunkenness, or the dangers of drinking and driving in an endeavor to shed light on alcohol abuse (Boone, 2010, 525). However, these attempts do not cancel out the large number of beer and liquor advertisements in todays media. Some alcohol advertisements include the ideology that drinking a certain brand of beer allow influence their social class, or improve their quality of life in some modality. This is extremely controversial.An article from the South African Journal of Psychology notes, there are no laws against alcohol advertisements however, responsible corporate and professional action, would pr counterbalancet the use of these advertisements from a social and moral standpoint (Dubihela & Dubihela, 2011, 209). Clearly, an ethical dilemma is present. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is one organization that has viewed alcohol advertisements critically. Since 1968 they have required broadcasters to report the number of alcohol related messages broadcasted annually (CRTC, 2011).The messages also must adhere to their Code for Broadcast of Alcoholic Beverages (CRTC, 2011). This reckon includes provisions to ensure promotions f or alcoholic beverages do not encourage non-drinkers or young people to drink or purchase alcohol, imply a certain brand is superior because of a higher alcohol percentage, and that utilization of alcohol enhances enjoyment of an activity (CRTC 2011). These regulations are far more lenient compared to the restrictions on tobacco advertising. advertise Standards Canada has now gained responsibility to review advertisements concerning alcohol to ensure they are in accordance with the CRTCs calculate (Darling, 1996). Moreover, alcohol is just as dangerous to society as tobacco. Statistics Canada shows that alcohol use by drivers was a factor in nearly 30% of motor vehicle related deaths from 2003-2005 (Statistics Canada, 2011). Also, deaths from other alcohol related disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver accounted for over 1400 deaths in 2003 (Statistics Canada, 2009).The most relevant stakeholders in this issue, young people, are severely affected by alcohol use in Canada. In 201 1, 13. 2% of Canadian youth ages 12 to 19 fell under the heavy drinker family line, that is, consuming 5 or more drinks on one occasion at least once a month (Statistics Canada, 2011). Similarly, the rate of persons accused of impaired driving offences was highest among young adults between the ages of 19 and 24 (Statistics Canada, 2011). Additionally, 28. 8% of Canadian students admitted to being driven by someone who was legally impaired (Statistics Canada, 2011).Many Canadians support the public opinion that seeks to enforce stricter regulations when it comes to alcohol products. A study from the drug and Alcohol Review Journal reports that 50. 1% of Canadians agree with prohibiting alcohol advertising (Macdonald et al. , 2011, 653). Similarly, 47. 4% thought the current legal drinking age of nineteen should be increased, and 40. 1% deald taxes on alcoholic beverages should be raised (Macdonald et al. , 2011, 653). These kinds of changes would make alcohol less available or at tractive to young adults.The CRTCs report that outlines the framework for their advertising regulations states, parties argued that excessive alcohol consumption is as dangerous as smoking and, therefore, should be treated in the same way the consumer should be warned of the dangers associated with abusive consumption (Darling, 1996). Clearly, support the sale of any product that can cause this kind of harm is morally irresponsible. Evidently, many Canadians believe alcohol is a dangerous substance that should not be easily accessible to young people. take in an Interpretive ContextThis research is used to establish whether or not a prepossess exists. The death and disease rate caused by both alcohol and tobacco is examined to prove that hypocrisy is present. Harmful effect caused by the use of alcohol and tobacco is compared to uncover why this imbalance of advertising restriction is unjust. This is not to grade that tobacco products should be reintroduced, but that both subst ances should be eliminated from media advertising altogether. Furthermore, the views of actual Canadians are considered because this fosters a public sphere and forms a widespread opinion on the issue.Also interpreted into account is the amount of time fagged with media by Canadians and specifically young people. Statistics that outline hours spent watching television and surfing the web will be considered. The best outcome for this situation is to restrict alcohol advertisements comprise on the same movement outlined in the Tobacco Act. Discussion After reviewing the available data, it is clear an unjust bias exists. The gravel of this discussion remains that alcohol should be eliminated from advertising for the same causations tobacco is.Tobacco has been restricted from advertising based on major health concerns, and in an attempt to deter youth from smoking. These same properties are present, and even heightened, with alcohol. Some parties, including administration represe ntatives, stated that anyone involved with the sale of alcoholic beverages should have the opportunity to advertise their products (Darling, 1996). Since evidence categorizes both alcohol and tobacco as dangerous substances, both should be treated the same way with regards to advertising.Alcohol has proven to be even more dangerous than tobacco in some cases. The immediate effects are particularly alarming. Consumption of alcohol can alter ones state of mind, do negative health effects, accidents and addiction in some cases. The Canadian Public Health Association reports, drinking too much alcohol in a short period of time can lead to poor judgment, impulsive behaviour and alcohol poisoning (CPHA, 2008). Alcohol poisoning can contribute to long-run health problems and even death. Also of concern are the permanent consequences of long term drinking.Serious conditions such as, star damage, certain cancers, cirrhosis of the liver, and sexual problems are attributed to alcohol abuse (CPHA, 2008). In addition to life grievous illnesses, withdrawal symptoms can also occur when heavy drinkers suddenly stop consuming alcohol. These symptoms include but are not limited to insomnia, sweating, tremors, and convulsions (CPHA, 2008). Clearly the additive properties of alcohol are similar to tobacco, and should therefore be handled the same way in advertisement laws. Problems with mental health can also be found with alcohol abuse.According to the Canadian Community Health Survey, fifteen percent of people who were alcohol-dependent have undergo major depressive episodes (Tjekpema, 2004). Also, women who consume alcohol while pregnant are of grave concern. Regular alcohol brainchild during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages, low birth weight, and genital malformations in boys (Damgaard et al. , 2007, 272). Children born to women who consume alcohol during pregnancy may exhibit a range of abnormalities and developmental deficits that together are termed fetal alcohol s pectrum disorders (Kobor & Weinberg, 2011, 29).These preventable defects are another reason why alcohol should be considered as dangerous as tobacco. Overall, the negative statistics for alcohol are no less alarming than they are for tobacco. In 2011, 10. 1% of 15 to 17 year olds considered themselves smokers (Statistics Canada 2011). This is substantially lower than the 13. 2% of Canadian youth who fall under the category of heavy drinkers, not to mention the 30% of motor vehicle accidents that are alcohol related. These contrasting statistics deliver for themselves, and prove the hypocritical nature of only banning tobacco advertising.Alcohol brands use effective marketing strategies that specifically reach a youth audience, the main stakeholder in this issue. Since the young market is attractive to advertisers, their ads frequently thingmabob the eye of people patriarchal 15 to 34 (Novak, 2004). Celebrity endorsements are one way marketers attempt to sell their product to youn g people. Dan Aykroyd, Zak Galifianakis, and Will Ferrell are just a few celebrities who have endorsed touristy alcohol brands (Novak, 2004).These people are relevant to Canadian youth, and they may be inclined to purchase the same brand of alcohol as one of their favourite celebrities. Moreover, 20. 1% of males and females ages 18 to 22 claimed to watch 15 or more hours of television per week (Statistics Canada, 2007). This is a large portion of young people who are subject to the dozens of alcohol advertisements broadcast each day. Alcohol advertisements are not limited to radiocommunication and television broadcasting. Many brands are turning to the Internet and social media to promote their products. This is problematic.According to a 2009 survey by Statistics Canada, 82. 9% of Canadians ages 34 and younger claimed to use the Internet at lease once a day, and 86% of these users went online for social media purposes (Statistics Canada, 2009). The government should implement res trictions on encouraging the sale of alcohol to a youth audience. They act as a legitimate spokesperson because they look out for citizens best interests. The reasoning behind banning tobacco advertising stemmed from the health hazards and dangers associated with smoking, and the same should be true for alcohol.Some parties argue that there is no scientific evidence linking advertising to overconsumption or underage drinking. If this is true, then the same can be said for tobacco products. However, polls taken in 2011 show that tobacco use fell quick amongst teenagers 15 to 19 years of age, shortly after the ban was placed (Goldfarb, 2011, 209). If these restrictions were applied to alcohol products, similar results could be expected. This issue fits into the realm of communication theory. As Horkheimer and Adorno proclaim, the direction of society, is incarnate in the subjective purposes of company directors.Production is geared primarily towards profit, not towards the satisfacti on of human need or use value (Johnston, lecture, 2012). Advertising executives constantly make decisions based purely on profit or else of taking culture into consideration. Their ads are intended to increase sales and attract new customers of any age. This is problematic on a youth audience. These theorists proclaim that the audience has no choice in the matter (Johnston, lecture, 2012). If all culture is enmeshed in the capitalist marketplace then all cultural products espouse the ruling ideology (Johnston, lecture, 2012).This ideology is business. The government needs to intervene in this cycle so that ethics and moral responsibility are taken into consideration, just as they were with the tobacco advertisement ban. Conclusion If tobacco advertising was banned because it was considered wrong to encourage a habit that causes such detrimental effects, should not the same be true for alcohol? This bias is hypocritical because the government deemed it necessary to intervene when it came to tobacco advertising, and alcohol should not be overlooked.Smoking and alcohol consumption take away peoples lives at the height of their productivity (Jiloha, 2012, 65). By keeping these activities out of the media, youth can be deterred from engaging in them. In fact, advertising has profound consequences. Its persuasiveness and overlook of information give audiences a false sense of what the product at hand really is (Hove, 2009, 36). Advertising experts should focus their attention on directing youth audiences against dangerous habits such as smoking and drinking, instead of encouraging them through advertising.While there is no scientific link connecting advertising to over consumption of alcohol, the step-down in young smokers as previously mentioned after the tobacco retail display ban gives reason to assume the same could be true for alcohol. If tighter restrictions are put in place to limit promotion of these products, it could help discourage Canadians from under age drinking, or over consumption. The current state of applying restrictions only to the tobacco patience is hypocritical when compared to the equally dangerous properties of alcohol. Works Cited Boone, Kurtz, Mackenzie & Snow (2010).Advertising and Public Relations. Contemporary Marketing, Second Canadian Edition. Toronto Nelson Education. 500-532. Canadas Public Health Association. How does alcohol affect health? Canadas Public Health Leader. November 1, 2012 universal resource locator http//www. cpha. ca/en/portals/substance/health/faq01. aspx Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunication Commission. (August 1, 1996). Code for Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages. November 2, 2012, URL http//www. crtc. gc. ca/eng/general/codes/alcohol. htm Damgaard, I. N. , Jensen, T. K. , Petersen, J. H. , Skakkeb? k, N. E. , Toppari, J. Main, K. M. , & The Nordic Cryptorchidism Study, G. (2007). Cryptorchidism and Maternal Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy. Environmental Health P erspectives, 115(2), 272-277. Dubihlela, J. , & Dubihlela, D. (2011). Youth attitudes towards advertisements depicting nudity and alcohol ethical dilemmas in advertising. South African Journal Of Psychology, 41(2), 207-217. Goldfarb, A. , & Tucker, C. (2011). Advertising bans and the substitutability of online and offline advertising. Journal Of Marketing Research, 48(2), 207-227. doi10. 1509/jmkr. 48. 2. 207 Health Canada. (2011).Tobacco Act. Health Canada. November 1, 2012, URL http//www. hc-sc. gc. ca/hc-ps/tobac-tabac/legislation/federal official/tobac-tabac-eng. php Hove, T. (2009). ADVERTISING, ETHICS, AND THE CITIZEN-CONSUMER. American Academy Of Advertising Conference Proceedings, 35-36. Jiloha, R. C. (2012). Tobacco smoking How far do the legislative ascertain measures address the problem?. Indian Journal Of Psychiatry, 54(1), 64-68. doi10. 4103/0019-5545. 94651 Johnston, R. (2012 September). The Public Sphere. Lecture conducted from Brock University, St Catharines, Ontari o. Kobor, M. S. , & Weinberg, J. (2011).FOCUS ON EPIGENETICS AND FETAL alcohol SPECTRUM DISORDERS. Alcohol Research & Health, 34(1), 29-37. MacDonald, S. , Stockwell, T. , & Luo, J. (2011). The relationship between alcohol problems, perceived risks and attitudes toward alcohol policy in Canada. drug And Alcohol Review, 30(6), 652-658. doi10. 1111/j. 1465-3362. 2010. 00259. x Novak, J (2004) Alcohol Promotion and The Marketing Industy. York Univeristy The Association to Reduce Alcohol Promotion in Ontario. Pollay, R. W. (2004). Considering the Evidence, No Wonder the Court Endorses Canadas Restrictions on Cigarette Advertising.Journal Of Public Policy Marketing, 23(1), 80-88. Sen, A. (2009). Estimating the impacts of sept behavior on youth smoking evidence from Ontario, Canada. Review Of Economics Of The Household, 7(2), 189-218. doi10. 1007/s11150-008-9046-11 Statistics Canada. (2007). Prevalence of and adjusted odds ratios for viewing television 15 or more hours per week, by s elected characteristics, household population aged 20 years or older. November 1, 2012. URL http//www. statcan. gc. ca/pub/82-003-x/2008002/article/10600/t/5202428-eng. htm Statistics Canada (2009).Internet use by individuals, by selected frequency of use and age. November 1, 2012. URL http//www. statcan. gc. ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/comm32a-eng. htm Statistics Canada (2009). Deaths by cause. October 31, 2012. URL http//www5. statcan. gc. ca/cansim/pick-choisir? lang=engp2=33id=1020525 Statistics Canada. (2011). intemperate Drinking by age group and sex. November 1, 2012. URL http//www. statcan. gc. ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/health79a-eng. htm Tjepkema, M. (2004). In Alcohol and Illicit Drug Dependence. Statistics Canada, Catalogue 15.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Proposal for sociology

sexual activity Introduction to the make-up In this paper, I will be indite of how the development of media, especially filth and setting has influenced societys sex activity. First of all, setting refers to act of sharing or sending sexually explicit Im successions or words through the single-valued function of cellular phones or internet. As the technologies have developed over time, it became oftentimes easier for individuals to have access to setting and vulgarism. Now, with the rapid development of smart phones, and various applications to download, it became a lot more than easier for people to enter the world of pornography.The effect and Influence of pornography Is almost Inevitable and seems almost unthinkable to put a firm stop to the business due to the great sum of money of economic force play and portion it has on global scale. According to Top Ten Reviews, there statistics on pornography reveals that any second, 3,075. 64 dollars ar dog-tired on It, and 2 8,258 people view them. In 2006, $13. 33 billion dollars was played out In porn Industry and It exceeds the combined revenues of BBC,CBS and NBC.However, it is very difficult to accurately determine the number of dollars spent and gained through the pornographic equines, because most of the revenues are created and hidden under the shade of black market. The combination of immense growth of market power and technological advancement has even allowed to push down the average age of viewing sexually explicit videos and pushed up the number of viewers. The reason this industry is able to gain and conserve its great financial power is due to the huge demand by the population.In 2009, Medal Re face have-to doe with shared a result that the word Porn was the most used word In the search for the videos In Youth. The reason I am sharing the results of statistics done by various researches is to show the amount of economic power the business of pornography holds and how so many people de mand for the access to them. This paper Is not necessarily written to knock the effect of the pornography market. It Is to observe how the new form of sex Is being created and how peoples sexuality is influenced by this great market.It does not necessarily look at how 1 transfer how the stereotype people have about setting and use of pornography could essentially lead to factorization of some teen of age(p) girls. The purpose of this paper is to challenge the criticizing view that is given to teen aged girls that participate in setting. One of the most interesting part of this paper is where is criticizes the law ND statement that does not fully educate or give cautions to people who may be exposed to the use of setting or any type of sexually explicit pedigrees.At one point, the author questions how setting would regurgitate the cycle of pornography industry and how they are to challenge sexism. They believe that setting could be viewed as a way to be more free of sexual exp ression. This paper was very helpful in writing my paper, because it allowed me to have a look at different perspective of setting and the media. My paper is not to criticize the power of the media, rather it is to observe he power and the influence it has on the society.Detailed datas are very utilizable to support my statements in the paper. By looking at the datas provided from this website, I was able to figure the economic power, circulation of pornography industry, great amount of demand by people around the world. Moreover, the datas help analyzing the different context of sexuality in relation to pornography, for instance 67% of young men and 49% of young women say viewing porn is an acceptable way to express ones sexuality (Covenants, 2013).It not only carries many accurate data that also provide many interesting views and ideas in writing the paper many statistics in this web site were shocking. The number of datas and the results lead people to suggest how so many indi viduals around the world are involved and being influenced by the market. The statistic data from here are expected to be the main source for any statement that needs to be supported with some statistic datas.

Friday, May 17, 2019

How does Robert Louis Stevenson explore the duality of human nature in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Essay

Robert Louis Stevenson incorporated the ideology of the threefoldity of hu gentle gentlemans gentlemans gentleman reputation into his blue(a) thriller novelette The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. This does not emerge fully until the start chapter. The text not to ganglingy de-familiarizes the forkedity of homophile nature as its central theme still forces us to rarity the properties of this duality and to con spotr separately of the novellas chapters as we weigh up the various theories. Jekyll asserts that man is not truly adept, precisely truly d pestiferous, implying that everyone has two split to their personality, Good and Bad instead of reasonable yourself and he imagines the homosexual soul as the battleground for an angel and a fi ending, some(prenominal) opposing forces each struggling for mastery. The novella tackles a lot variant theories that circulated at the condemnation.When the novella was published, there was uproar that it suggested we amaze two leaves to our personalities. This theory went against m whatsoever influential strait-laced religious beliefs. Robert Louis Stevensons believed that wad had a dual personality and this is echoed in the novella. The inspiration for the novella could stir come from umpteen different people and events, some notably a dream that Stevenson had repeatedly as a child relevant event astir(predicate) Deacon Brody who was a cabinet maker by day and murderer by night. Also during his judgment of conviction in the Samoan Island a man named Dr Hyde greatly insulted his friends, from that could overhear and most probably did give bear to the Jekyll and Hyde mentions.Robert Louis Stevenson, the author, was born in 1850 in Edinburgh, and you crowd out take in the divisions between scientific and religious views reflected in the level from his childhood. His m early(a), world very religious, had him baptised whereas his father did not approve of his writing and thought he s hould have a more than(prenominal) scientific quondam(prenominal)-time. This is reflected into the novella, with the more experimental Dr Jekyll, which eventu in ally leads to his app bent death. In credit line, you have Dr Hastie Lanyon, a more stringent and old-style scientist who at one point dismisses Jekylls experiments as, scientific balderdash, this all the way set ups the heterosexual to the point view that would have been sh ared with Victorian golf club towards experimental science. It had huge implications namely that immortal was not the blueer authority and Science had influence with the creation of everything which at the time many people were terrified of gods wrath and the consequences if they were found repairing with science whereas today we are more scared of what we create than the consequences of religion.This proposal was re-enforced when Darwin published his book Theory of Evolution, to the general public in which a large amount of people saw it as an attack on religion, plain by stating that God did not create the world in seven days and that all animals, including mankind beings, were all descended from something more primitive that its current form this would have caused fear as people were scared that we could evolve to a point wed turn into characters much(prenominal) as Dracula, Frankenstein or even characters such as the ape- homogeneous Hyde. numerous also believed that science had come out of its comfort zone and was meddling in things that only God had control everywhere. This is what Stevenson does in the novella using the Jekyll and Hyde characters.This would have given the story, when it was published, the edge as many people saw the supernatural and science as quite an intimidating matter and it was astray feared, and suggesting that people had two aspects. Subsequently, during the time of the g everyplacenment issue in 1888, in London there were numerous murders of prostitutes by the notorious serial ki ller, Jack the Ripper. Several people had thought that the story of Jekyll and Hyde had inspired Jack the Ripper to practise the killings. Nevertheless, while this was never proven it had been implanted in the minds of many Victorians, to deal closely Jekyll and Hyde and the duality of homosexual nature. There was, discussion about Jack the Ripper being highly educated, that of a doctor worry Jekyll, or professor or even royalty.Victorian ordination at the time of the novellas publication had a very large class divide, with the fastness class honourable gentry and the poor, poverty releaseden spurn classes. Robert Louis Stevenson juxtaposes these extremes in his novella, emphasising the vast difference between the classes using the honourable Dr Jekyll and his repressed darker side that is Mr Hyde, which ensures the reader sees the contrast between Jekylls rich, ethical and kindness against Hydes in bonnyice, seemingly poor and deplorable behaviour. The novella is hang i n the vice-ridden city of London aptly draw within the novella as being, dingy, distained and blistered, these adjectives headstone a picture of an area in dis-repute and set a tone which is echoed through the character Hyde throughout the novella which was a very different place to the prosperous modern, Edinburgh, where Robert Louis Stevenson was brought up. There was a very true(a) sense of a north, south divide.The south was riddled with crime, a true dark ages setting portrayed through Mr Hydes abode in Londons infamous Soho, whereas the upper class, good side of Dr. Jekyll lives in an influential square described as having florid charms, and thoroughfare with an air of invitation, these adjectives not only imply that the street in itself are good but also personify the street by implying it invites customers to shop there with its decor or charms. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde delve into the Victorians fascinated fear of the supernatural, highlighting the vast differences between religion, science and philosophy at the time.Most notably is this shown by the disagreements between Dr Jekyll and Dr Lanyon, at one Lanyon protests Jekylls experimenting would have estranged Damon and Pythias, who were mythological Greek followers of Pythagoras. This shows Dr Lanyon, care so many at the time, as scared and completely against mixing science and religion, whereas Dr Jekyll shows himself to be more experimental, like philosophers at the time such as Darwin and Sir John Herschel who believed in evolutionism the idea that everything has descended from something, most notably humans from apes. At the time Great Britain was a world leader, a pioneer for all things scientific however serene very religious and like any great nation it had secret vices and utilisations that were hidden away to the rest of the world, like how Hyde is hidden away in Jekyll.Jekyll displays a dual natured personality even before he starts to meddle with Hyde, but his potion he creates, which he hoped would separate and bless each element, succeeds only in bringing the dark side into being-Hyde emerges, but he has no mellisonant counterpart. If man is half angel and half fiend, then it makes you wonder what happens to the angel at the end of the novella. Jekyll succeeds in liberating his darker side, freeing it from the bonds of conscience, yet as Jekyll he never liberates himself from this darkness. Jekyll cannot participate in unrepeatable pleasures delinquent to his high standing in hunting lodge, therefore, concocts a potion which allows him to mentally and naturally split his good and evil personalities on eclipse allowing Jekyll, to remain a reputable socialite, however, also basking the Soho pleasures such as visiting popular brothels which were abundant during the Victorian period however it wouldve been social suicide to visit as Jekyll due to his upper class and tumesce educated veneer.However, this soon spirals out of control and the cost of Jekylls c uriosity turned out to be a deadly reversal of dominance. When Jekyll becomes Hyde, he says he feels younger, lighter and happier in corpse, which implies that despite Jekyll tapped into this more evil side of his human nature, he is enjoying the new found freedom, this allows him to do what he wants. However, especially when Hyde has been ignored and made a recluse within the shadow of Jekyll, we can see this physically emphasized when Hydes described as being small and stumpy, lashes out, and murders Sir Danvers Carew. Jekyll believes that his potion gives him complete control over the transformations between his good and evil side.Throughout the novella Hyde is described as being disgusting and the act you meet him, people unconsciously take an instant dislike to him. When Mr Enfield collared Hyde, Enfield apparently, turned sick and white with the entrust to kill him showing how hypocritical Victorians were as they were rejecting and repressing their own evil side. This is th e side of Jekyll which he himself wants to be rid of. However, he ends up being a slave and underdog to his evil side, which is Hyde. Additionally, we are led to believe that Jekyll kills himself to be rid of Hyde forever.Jekylls potion is made solely to rid Jekyll of his evil side. However, it is increasingly noticeable that the more time that Jekyll uses the potion, his hold over Hyde weakens to a point where I fell asleep Jekyll, but awoke Hyde, This shows that Jekyll has lost all control, and it gives a view to what is to come. The loss of control over Hyde implies that Jekyll has never been pure, and has ceaselessly had his evil side, Hyde within him which is echoed by two well- cognise philosophers. The social contract theorists, doubting Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, came from fundamentally different viewpoints. Hobbes believed that all man is born evil, whereas Locke said man are born flawed but good deep down, which is portrayed throughout the novella.This is shown clearl y when the physical traits of Hyde are described as, short and stumpy, however as Hyde gains control over Jekyll, Hyde becomes as tall and as well built as Jekyll, implying that the powers of good and evil are now not as thrown in one direction. Another more recent psychologist named Sigmund Freud believed that we were made up of three parts the id, ego and the super-ego. The id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends the ego is the organised, realistic part and the super-ego plays the critical and moralising role. He also believed that it is the rules of society and laws that stop everyone from going around killing each other. It seems that Hyde consists of only the id this emphasizes the ideology that Hyde simply represents the primitive and animal-like qualities of Jekyll and that Jekyll stay the critical organised part of his makeup.The bulk of the crime was committed by and amongst the lower classes, leaving the upper classes seemingly innocent, however we know from Jek ylls feelings that he desperately wanted to be able to enjoy the pleasures of the lower classes much like Stevenson himself, and this is what leads him to create the potion, and turn into Hyde. There is also an air of cynicism about Jekyll as he wanted to, in effect, use Hyde for his dirty deeds, Edward Hyde would pass away like the stain of a breathe upon a mirror, clearly showing that Jekyll has planned for this and has the full intentions of using Hyde not as was originally thought or desired for medical and theological experiments but for more sinister. As a result of Hydes imprisonment in Jekyll, at every possible chance Hyde seizes control over Jekyll in methodicalness to release some of the anger that has been kept in for years.At one point, the powers of Hyde seemed to have grown in the sickliness of Jekyll, which shows that the consistent changing between Jekyll and Hyde made Jekyll, succumb to illness. This made Jekyll weak, allowing Hyde a clearer modulation when he too k over Jekyll this uses dramatic or even tragic irony to convey its message. This leads us to believe that people reach the point where you either chose your good or bad side. Throughout the novella there are many crimes that Hyde commits, most notably the murder of Sir Danvers Carew and the assault, of the young girl walking on the side path in the evening, which when coupled with the idea that they were committed by Jekylls evil or bad side, they simply bolster Hobbes theory that all men are born evil.However, it also ironically agrees with Lockes theory that all men are born good but with flaws, as for Jekyll to allow Hyde control, he must drink a potion to separate the good and the bad which shows that Jekyll clearly isnt bad but has flaws, as Locke says. Both crimes involve violence directed against innocents in particular. The accompaniment that Hyde ruthlessly murders these harmless beings, who have seemingly done nothing to provoke him and even less to deserve death, empha sizes the extreme immorality of Jekylls dark side unleashed. Hydes brand of evil constitutes not just a lapse from good but an outright attack on it.Throughout the novella the lyric used to describe the main characters, especially Jekyll and Hyde are consistent with what theyre meant to symbolise. For example, Hyde, is referred as being, ape-like, a parable and hideous, an adjective both echo the idea that Hyde is Jekylls animal like, and primitive side, by comparing Hyde to an ape this also emphasizes the Victorian idea of duality of human nature where the evil part has the more disgusting and unattractive traits, whereas the good part of you has the more paying attentionable and like-able features. According to the remarks made by observers, Hyde appears repulsively ugly and deformed, small, shrunken, and hairy these adjectives symbolize his moral hideousness and warped ethics. The conjunctive between such ugliness and Hydes wickedness might have been seen as more than symbolic . Many people believed in the science of physiognomy, which was, that someone could identify a criminal by physical appearance.His pilosity may indicate that he is not so much an evil side of Jekyll as the configuration of Jekylls instincts, the animalistic core beneath Jekylls polished exterior, another point is where Stevenson gives the door Hyde enters, human qualities such as calling it, sinister, which is an example of personification. The door is also mentioned later on in the novella where its referred to, two doors from one corner, seemingly an oxymoron where the door can be interpreted as two physical tempts to the Jekyll residence which Hyde uses, but also the mental entrance to Jekylls good side and Hydes bad side placed next to each other to symbolize the two halves of Jekylls human nature.The simple name Hyde which consists of a single syllable is a good way to name the character, and theyre many ways where this is evident, one of those is Jekyll, consists of two syll ables so Hyde, implying that Hyde, is hidden or hides within Jekyll however it could also symbolize half of what Jekyll is, Jekylls bad side. You can also think the idea of Hyde being half of Jekyll by the archetypal sighting of Hyde in the novella, where hes described as being small, even half of Jekylls size, symbolizing the evil side which has been out-weighed by the virtuousness of Jekyll. Stevenson meant for Jekylls name to be pronounced as if it were French-Je KILL. Je in French means I I kill subtly emphasizing Jekylls evil side. Unlike how Hyde is described within the novella, Jekyll is given more providence and a much more of a pleasant character consistently described as being an honourable man and good doctor by his friends. During the Victorian times if you were a doctor, like Jekyll then you would need to conduct yourself in an honourable way and be a role exercise to the lower classes and fellow peers.From the beginning of the novella Jekyll is mentioned as having a signature very well known and often printed, indicating that Jekyll had a large community presence. During Victorian times, doctors were highly respected and considered to be among the most adroit people of their time, with a great deal of responsibility, you could also plug into this to why Jekyll wanted to move music forward by means of a personality splitting potion. At certain points in the novella, idiotic fallacy is used- most notably when Sir Danvers Carew is murdered, where the sky is peaceful at the time, this reflects the maid at the windows pure serenity and relaxed mood, however this changes rapidly when Poole fetches Utterson, and the weather changes to heavy rain, this implies that the weather is used to reflect the moods of the different characters.Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde both represent two very different ends of the social spectrum and Dr Jekyll are definitely the accepted end of it and throughout the novella the social classes that were prominent in Victorian ti mes and at the time of the novellas publication are echoed through Jekyll and Hyde. Jekyll whos always seen to be a respectable man, and always dressed in enclothe which fit unlike Hydes, representing Hydes physical features as much small than Jekylls. Whereas the Hyde character consistently inhabits clothes that are too small for him, emphasizing the idea that Hyde represented Jekylls poor side that relies on Jekylls clothing.Clothing to the lower classes wouldve been expensive and therefore would have been reach down after it had stopped fitting, and rarely wouldve been thrown away due to its value, an idiom which best describes the bit between Jekyll and Hydes, rich and poor balance would be the mans treasure is another mans rubbish, clearly highlighting the necessity for the lower classes to grasp at any on the whole material they could whereas the higher, more richer classes would have the luxury, of throwing things away quite like when Jekyll simply gives up his clothes f or Hyde.There are numerous other characters in the novella which all have their small roles to play and all add to the mystery of the Jekyll and Hyde connection. However, unlike Jekyll and Hyde theyre not split into two distinct characters to show it. One of those characters would be, Poole who is Jekylls loyal butler, who at one point fears for Jekylls life so much he runs to Uttersons for help. This could show good human nature as he is departing to go, against his orders to leave him in his cabinet despite what he hears or sees, to essentially save Jekylls life. However this could be miss-construed as he fears that if Jekyll dies then his pay, and stable residence with Jekyll will cease. Another character who displays hints of a more twisted human nature is the law sergeant who investigates the murder of Sir Danvers Carew. We are told that when he hears of the murder, his fondness lighted up with professional ambition, the irony that the sergeant has more feelings for his own early and that he could get a promotion whereas he doesnt care as much that a Member of Parliament was brutally bludgeoned, to death by Hyde. In the sergeant and Pooles cases, you can see two very different sides to human nature, similar to the Hyde and Jekylls differences.Another character which shows a more sinister side but still relative to todays human nature is Hydes housekeeper who when hearing of the news that he killed someone presses the police for information, most likely for gossip. Hydes housekeeper answered the door to the police and She had an evil face, smoothed by hypocrisy, which implies that she was more than happy to implicate her employer suggesting that even during Victorian times people were as we are today gossip motivated. Yet another character in the novella is Mr Utterson, who in his own account reveals himself to be lean, tenacious, dusty, dreary, and yet somehow lovable. Despite this Utterson shows himself to be a very nosey person, consistently aski ng Jekyll for dilate about his will, even by-passing Jekyll and asking Lanyon.This could be taken in two ways either Utterson simply wants to know why Jekyll has such a strange will, or as we are lead to believe Utterson genuinely cares for Jekyll and wants to help in any way he can. These two views of his character both showing good and seemingly bad human nature. However you can also subsume Dr Lanyon with Mr Utterson as they both have an unfounded hatred and un-scientific eye for the supernatural which is shown clearly in the novella as it progresses Both are unable to notice and link the disappearances and re-appearance of Jekyll and Hyde, until Lanyon witnesses the process and dies soon after, His death represents the more general victory of supernaturalism over materialism in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.Then you have Utterson who doesnt see the truth right up until the end when he receives the letter from Jekyll explaining the serial of events. Throughout the novella, Mr Utters on is a frequent character who helps to lead the plot, displaying the behaviour and attitude, towards the truth much like Victorian people at the time despite the fact he though Jekyll was hiding Hyde and being blackmailed, hed kinda not admit it. Even when he suspects Jekyll of criminal activities such as blackmail or the sheltering of the murderer Hyde, he prefers to ignore what he has learned, or what he thinks he has learned, rather than bring ruin upon his good friend.Robert Louis Stevenson, the author, raised in a very religious way could be one of the reasons that he chose to write this novella, as a way of rebelling like many at the time when it came to the super natural and religion. However, we can link his religious upbringing to one of the characters Gabriel Utterson, Gabriel is one of the main angels in the religion and often referred to in the bible with God, so despite the rebelling against his religion, Stevenson still insert snippets from his past into the plot lin e. Lastly the link between Utterson and Lanyon, they both embody the lack of friendship and unwillingness to cling to anything to do with the supernatural much like the Victorians who preferred what they knew, which was religion and not what this would have been during publication, a mutual exclusiveness story.Another very prominent theme displayed in the novella is the presence of silence like the Victorians at the time of publication two kinds of silence in the novel indicate two different notions about the interaction of the rational and the irrational. The characters refusals to discuss the sordid situations indicate an attribute of the Victorian society in which they live. This society prizes decorum and reputation above all and prefers to repress or even recant the truth, certainly if that truth threatens to upset the conventionally ordered society in place. Faced with the irrational, Victorian society and its population prefer neither to acknowledge its presence nor to gr ant it the legitimacy of a name. Involuntary silences, on the other hand, imply something about language itself Language is by nature rational and logical and many characters display this silence throughout the novella for example Enfield and Utterson cut off their discussion of Hyde in the first chapter out of distaste for gossip Utterson refuses to share his suspicions about Jekyll throughout his investigation of his friends predicament.Moreover, neither Jekyll in his final confession nor the third-person narrator in the rest of the novella ever provides any details of Hydes behaviour or secret vices. Maybe the silence is kept out of the mutual respect for each others respect however it is more likely that during Victorian times, everyone knew what everyone else was doing although never revealed their knowledge due to the age old idiom Knowledge is power, allowing a crime such as black mail to thrive, which it did during Victorian times and why would a reputable man want to be see n in such circumstances, it could destroy their reputation quite like when Utterson suspects Jekyll of being black mailed.Quite like the Victorians at the time we are really gossip crazy, and we all love to have information about other people to use at our advantage, much like the Victorians we dont like our family secrets and self-pride to be damaged no matter what social class we belong to, both the Victorians and ourselves didnt like to air their dirty laundry, implying that if something could damage the honour, pride or reputation of the family or person then it simply would be kept secret seemingly to cling to themselves like Jekyll does with Hyde.Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is medium length and that is why it is categorised as being a novella, because it isnt long enough to be called a novel, nor short enough to be called a short story. All but the last two chapters are written in third person the penultimate chapter, Dr Lanyons narrative is written in first person, from Dr Lanyons point of view, in a package to Mr Utterson. Again, in the last chapter, with Dr Jekyll explains the long series of events in a mixture of third, and first person, when talking about himself, Dr Jekyll, (third when talking about Mr Hydes actions). The novella has two endings emphasizing the idea of dual natured personalities, and two different sides too our personalities for the first time when Utterson and Poole, the butler, find Hyde in Jekylls cabinet, and secondly, when Utterson finally reads Jekylls letter at the end of the novella which explains the series of events.At points in the last chapter, even Dr Jekyll becomes confused as to who he is, which emphasizes the idea that Hyde could be victorious over. The book, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, starts with a long narrative from Mr Enfield a key character in the plot line. The narrative concerns Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield who informs him of the night were he witnessed a stumbling damned Juggernaut, character who w as as mad as a bagpipe, a metaphor insinuating Hyde, whom they were talking about was careless and oblivious to the pain he caused. Also they mention, door which becomes more important as the story goes on proving to be of use to Hyde and Jekyll as a physical and theological escape to each others acts. It is at this point that due to both of the mens disapproval of gossiping, that they stop the conversation, and continue their walk. The novella consists of a long relation started at the beginning and ends with a summary of Dr Jekylls point of view. Jekyll mainly explains their story and that he will transform into Hyde again, soon and will not be able to stop it.The idea of Jekyll and Hyde is for the reader to think about the two different sides to human nature, and how things can possibly go wrong when you lose all control over the evil side of your personality, as inevitably happens in the novella. I think that Stevenson, who was plagued throughout his life by illness, wrote thi s story to share his own experiences, and views in a controversial religious and scientific situation at the time of publication. Throughout Stevensons life he battled with respiratory problems, consistently touching from city to city, and even to different countries most notably the Samoan islands and I believe that this is just one of the demons in his life, or part of his own evil human nature that led him to write this story.No one philosopher can be linked directly to the story since the text grapples at parts of Lockes and Hobbes theories. A possible moral of this interesting story is that which many Christians recite daily, (yet another religious link to the story) Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, and that one needs to be in control of their darker side of human nature, and to stop this evil from growing larger as happens in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde or perhaps, the moral is that we cannot control evil once unleashed.