Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Impact of Rising Healthcare Cost on Employer Benefits Essay

The Impact of Rising Healthcare damage on Employer Benefits - Essay ExampleOne of the most strongly change employee benefits due to increasing health care cost have been seclusion benefits. The most common retirement benefits that employers provide to their employees are pension, gratuity fund, healthcare and provident fund. These benefits help in ensuring that the retired employees either have a consistent stream of income or a reasonable amount available to them once they have left the organization.Although the number of benefits offered to employees varies from employer to employer, yet on a larger scale the trend in the industry has been affected negatively. The relationship between healthcare costs and retirement benefits has been inversely proportional. The rise in the former has lead to a decrement in the latter. In many cases the impact has been so grave that employers have had to completely cut down on sealed benefits like entitlement to healthcare after retirement, pen sion and gratuity fund.During interviews with managers and employees at different organizations, it was observed that the inflation in the cost of healthcare has lead to immense dissatisfaction among employees. ... Statement of the Nature of the Issue and its OriginsThe burgeoning cost of healthcare has affected employers healthcare coverage plans and other benefit policies. Of all(a) the benefits issues the most severely affected and neglected ane has been that of retirement plans. In the past companies used to provide full coverage of employee retirement benefits but at one time an increasing number of employees have to bear the burden themselves.Employees are spending more time at work to earn more in order to meet the demands of the current life style. Improvements in supporting standards have caused an increase in expenditure on the whole. Owing to this, retirement benefits play an important usage in enabling retirees to maintain life styles as they used to lead during empl oyment.In the past, employers assumed all the risks which came with the benefit plans they offered to their employees. They also made significantly large contributions to these plans. However, with the passage of time, they have been shifting the risks on their employees and minimizing the contributions as well. Over the past 10 years the inflation in healthcare costs has been unacceptably huge. indemnity fund which was already facing a continuous decline was hit hard by this. A pension fund is a sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit.The purpose of this paper is to highlight the impact of rising healthcare costs on the decline in the provision of retirement benefits by employers. It primarily emphasizes the cut down in pension funds to which the employee was ab initio entitled.Literature ReviewBy several measures, health care spending continues to rise at the speedy rate in history.In 2005 (the latest year data are available), total

The Negative Impacts of Cybercrime on Business and Society Research Paper

The Negative Impacts of Cybercrime on Business and union - Research Paper ExampleComputer crime (commonly referred to as cybercrime) is a reference to any flake of criminal practise that involves the use of a computer or an internal/external network. This type of activity has been increasing at alarming rates over the past few decades, to the point that seemingly no one is immune from becoming a victim.Cybercrime can take on many shapes and forms. It can aim as something seemingly harmless, and rise to one of the gravest threats to personal and national security that exists today. It is also a lamentable trend that the majority of the perpetrators of such crimes appear be young people under the age of 26. They lots justify their actions initially as harmless hacking just for fun, but they quickly realize that their actions could prove to be quite lucrative. The harm done to victims of cybercrime, however, atomic number 18 immense. It is important to note that cybercrime does n ot only involve a financial element. There are crimes being committed that involve spam, harassment, threats, child pornography, and child endangerment just to visit a few.Moreover, Cyber threats are becoming a dominant and challenging factor for organizations, as it leverages many risks that are constantly changing as cyber-crime spread by a number of peoples acting independently and having their have varied self-interest (Hardin, 1968), every now and then, there are new security breaches resulting in stolen character card records, stolen personal information and losses in terms of customer confidence, as well as revenue. NO matter how advanced the security controls are, still incidents and security breaches are on the rise. Relevance and conditional relation The security of networks and computers globally has been called into question in recent years. Globalization has increased the presence the cyber criminals, compounding efforts to sincerely yours secure and maintain reli able networks that can be trusted. Even the most secure of networks, be them possess and operated by government or private individuals, have been hacked into from time to time, leading one to wonder if real security is even possible (Kirschner, Buckingham, & Carr, 2002). These problems become relevant because the job of maintaining network security has fallen on individual companies, reducing their ability to expand as rapidly and profitably as possible. This is the result of the realism that the insecurity of their networks has become a primary concern (Layton, 2007). Rather than devoting more resources to research and development, for example, many agencies are need to reallocate resources for combating the increasing prevalence of cybercrime. Current research alludes that, in the face of growing concerns with cybercrime, and with the drop of true network society, individuals are becoming more and more hesitant to use networks to conduct mercantile system and financial minut es (Peltier, 2001). While it is true that Internet usage is up, trust in conducting electronic transactions is going down. Should this continue, the rapid globalization that we have experienced to this point will likely be compromised (Hung, Chang, & Yu, 2006). To raise examine the relevance of this problem, it is helpful to briefly touch on the various types of

Monday, April 29, 2019

IT in Finance Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT in Finance Industry - Essay ExampleIf I have to do this project again, I will plan a version management frame and instruct the team members to strictly follow it and verify the version of the files before uploading them to the live server.First and foremost, unceasingly have up to date reliable anti-virus softwargon with an Internet Firewall installed in the frame. It is not possible to drop dead all threats as hackers and malware programmers cannot be eliminated. So the best policy is to prevent such attempts. In teddy a threat is encountered, the user has to report the matter to the anti-virus software provider, so that the provider can issue a fix for that threat as well. The system administrators can have security certificates and encryptions included in their web applications so that it is impossible for anybody to include viral software in the web application and circularize it across the web.As far as a backup system is considered, reliability is far more(prenominal ) important than the features included. The main reason for using a backup system is to restore the original system if it encounters a sudden threat or gets corrupted. The backup system has to be reliable and error separated so that it can actually serve its purpose. Limited features are sufficient for a backup system, as they do not play major role. In order to provide uninterrupted service to the terminate users, it is always essential that the backup system is reliable and is always ready to be used as a substitute.In this case, resolving the problem depends on the nature of the issue and at times, even on the level of technical knowledge of the user. In any case, the basic things to check in the event of a complaint areThe first thing to do is to stop continuing the changes try and reverse the changes through recently. It is best practice to take a screen shot or record the steps that are being taken. The database has to be checked to verify if the

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Case management concepts to care for patients with high-risk complex Essay

event worry concepts to care for patients with high-risk complex needs - Essay ExampleExisting literature on the subject of case management has often set up that it is successful and beneficial to the patient, their families and their caregivers (Bergen 1992 Pugh et al. 2001 Riegel, Carlson, Kopp, LePetri, Glaser & Unger 2002). Case management advise be especi onlyy beneficial for patients that have high-risk complex needs, such as elderly patients with congestive inwardness failure and diabetes, and it appears to be cost effective and improve patients quality of life (Pugh et al. 2001). An example of using case management for patients with congestive heart failure is described in an article by Riegel et al. (2002). The field of honor aimed to determine if a standardized telephonic case-management intervention had any effect on reducing the total of resources utilized by patients (Riegel et al. 2002). Participants in the require received standardized calls from a case manage r on a regular basis over the six months of the study. Results of this study indicated that the phone calls did significantly decrease the resources involve by patients (Id.). The telephonic case-management intervention also resulted in significantly lower costs for patient care. Basically, the study results found that the telephonic case management resulted in significant decreases in physician office visits, hospital days, emergency department visits, and rates of rehospitalization (Id.). Interestingly, the study also found that some of the telephonic case management interventions were more effective than others. However, it is not clear which factors of the intervention actually influence the effectiveness of the results and further question is needed in this area (Id.). Other studies assessing the effectiveness of case management in patients with congestive heart failure also found that case management intervention was beneficial to the patients (Laramee, Levinsky, Sargent, R oss & Callas 2003 Pugh et al. 2001). In fact, nearly all of the research on the subject of using case management strategies with congestive heart failure patients found the intervention could be linked to decreased hospital readmission, cost savings and improved functional health status (Laramee et al. 2003). Another population which can benefit from case management intervention is the population of former(a) people alive in the community (Bergen 1992 Bernabei et al. 1998). Existing literature on the subject seems to indicate that coordinated community care that includes case management strategies has positive effects on the elderly population that is liveliness in the community (Bernabei et al. 1998).In fact, Bernabei et al. (1998) found the intervention led to reduced risk of hospitalization and reduced distance of stay in the hospital or nursing home, less physical decline among patients, and reduced health care costs. Case management strategies have also been beneficial to elderly diabetic patients, especially those living alone (Huang, Wu, Jeng & Lin 2004). Elderly diabetes patients that live alone face a number of challenges and often cannot perform self-care severally (Huang et al. 2004). Through home-based case management intervention patients can be educated in diabetes self-management (Funnell et al. 2007). Results of the study indicated that a home-based nursing case management strategy improved quality of life for elderly diabetics living alone, although much(prenominal) more research is needed so that more strategies may be developed to treat these populations in our society Case

Saturday, April 27, 2019

International businesse in emerging market Assignment

International businesse in emerging commercialise - appellative ExampleThe emerging market accelerated growth of its international business, which were up 4% y-o-y.In June 2014, the telephoner planned to invest $20 billion in a gas-fired magnate labyrinthine in Vietnam. In its planning, the gild recognized the need to create a partnership with a host well-known company in Vietnam in an attempt to sell its products in this emerging market. It, therefore, collaborated with Vietnams state-owned petrol Vietnam. It erected two power plants with a capacity to produce between 6000 and 6500 megawatts of power. In this perspective, the company focuses on capturing the gas and oil market in Vietnam through provision of cheaper prices and diversified oil and gas brands (Regester & Larkin, 2014). It proposed to position its operation in 700 locations and some(prenominal) retail operations. The strategy aims to present its brands closer to consumers and therefore making its brand most acce ssible products in Vietnam.Vietnam is one of the top five developing nations in Asia. It has a robust middle path, a polar driver of economic expansion in a developing farming. It is valid to argue that middle class mainly supports the policy change significantly to the success of the country and in supporting capitalist democracy. The country has the fastest-growing middle class in the whole Southeast Asia and is expected to double in size from 12 million (2014) to 32 million by 2020. Generally, Exxon Mobil was experiencing various impending challenges in Vietnam such as complex foreign investment laws, corruption in infrastructure projects, lack of comprehensive and transparent legal transcription and restricted land usage rights (Plunkett, 2014).However, Vietnam is currently undergoing trade liberalization through negotiations toward a free compact with the European Union (Van Dyke, et al., 2014). The negotiation presents viable market to Exxon Mobil since its objects to