Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Effects of the Crusades on the Civilization of Europe....

The crusades was the churches response to the Muslim expansion, which had spread along North Africa and up to the eastern and western fringes of the Mediterranean world. The Crusades began in 1096 and ended in 1291 (some 200 years) with 8 major crusades and some minor ones. Pop Urban II initiated them with the main intention of protecting Christianity and recapturing Religious Holy Sites in Jerusalem from the control of the Muslim â€Å"infidels†. However, there were mixed motives behind the crusades. The kings and feudal lords saw crusading as a means for obtaining new lands and riches and the clergy found a new dumping ground for troublemakers. Lastly, the Church would give remission of penance for past sins and†¦show more content†¦They had a wealth of scholars in many disciplines astronomy, mathematics, medicine, poets and writers who created literature equal to anything their European counterparts had done. Facts are that reading and writing was scarce even among the nobles and some were unlettered as their lowest serfs. Most nobles had a prelate at there side to attend to clerical duties. The Crusades brought many changes to the political, economical and social structure of Europe. Feudalism became weaker. The kings who led the crusades got more power and began to form countries and impose taxes. People gave their loyalty to kings in exchange for protection. As long as the king promised to keep the new trad e routes open and safe; the people would pledge their allegiance to that king. The in- crease of trade also led to three big developments: 1. The manufacturing system 2. A banking system 3. The practice of investing capital People began to invest in trading, ships heading east and got a share of the profit when it came back. Serfs who used to be bound to the land either escaped from the manor or bought their freedom by fighting in a crusade for their noble. As more peasants left for the towns, the towns grew larger. This brought a new social class to the Europeans; the middle class as we know it today. New basic rights were created: 1. The right to be free, and not to be tied to theShow MoreRelatedEffects Of The Crusades On Western Civilizations915 Words   |  4 PagesConsequences of the Crusades The crusades were a series of religious wars that though they took place centuries ago, they are still often discussed today. The crusades were a religious war between the Christian and Muslim states that lasted years. â€Å"The Byzantine Empire, which had thrived spread over the coastal areas of the Mediterranean†¦now found itself increasingly challenged by the navies and pirates of Isla. The contest between these two sides were to generate seeds of the first Crusade† (Paine 8-9)Read MoreChapter Three Of The Crusades Essay1546 Words   |  7 PagesChapter three Woman was affected by the Crusades greatly because many of them came along with their husbands while possibly bringing their kids and they suffered greatly. The trip was often tiresome and hard to keep up with, many people often died on the way to battles. Although the women and other children or injured was provided protection, they often died anyways. For example when a fatal disease struck them on their way to go conquer Jerusalem, ‘nearly fifty thousand’ woman died. The crusadersRead MoreThe Causes and Effects of the Crusades Essay654 Words   |  3 Pagesask someone if they ever heard of the Crusades the answer will most likely be yes. Does that mean that they know what the Crusades are? 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Strategic Analysis of Nike - 1213 Words

Nike Case Analysis Nike is a worlds leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel. The company was founded in 1964, when it was selling shoes to athletes. It grow rapidly through the 1970’s, and expanded its product lines to produce footwear in the categories of running, training, basketball, casual shoes, and kids shoes. As the bloom faded from the domestic athletic footwear market, the company entered active apparel market in 1978. Nike made a series of strategic decisions in 1970’s and early 1980’s, which made it one of the most successful sportswear and equipment suppliers in the world. The Company’s strategic goal was to maximize its profit in a long run. It was successful because it was able to identify, develop and match†¦show more content†¦Sourcing helped to reduce the cost of the footwear during 1970’s and later active apparel in 1980’s. The key to the success of the sourcing strategy was the company’s ability to find and develop contract factories, closely monitor the quality, and forecast production needs effectively. Besides, Nike also sought to diversify sourcing to minimize political risk and to reflect changing economies. RD Strategy To maintain its strong position at the top of the pyramid, Nike emphasized on the innovation of technology. In 1978, the company opened a research and development center in Exeter, New Hampshire. The RD center worked very closely with the athletes and the marketing department. Nike spent $5.7 million on RD in 1982, significantly more than its competitors. One result of the increasingly sophisticated research was the patented Air-Sole. By enhancing the RD, the company wanted to design and build the best shoe for every product level. Expansion Strategy Nike Apparel In early 1980’s, the athletic footwear market was maturing. Price competition was becoming more severe. â€Å"For the first time, there is more product out there than demand for it†, a leading consultant mentioned in the case. To cope with this change, Nike expanded into a new marketShow MoreRelatedStrategic Analysis Nike1619 Words   |  7 PagesSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT NIKE: Strategic Analysis SUBMITTED TO: AMIT SINHA SUBMITTED BY: Varun Bhatia 191181 FMG 19C Nike’s Global Business Strategy When first founded in 1962 under the name of Blue Ribbon Sports, the strategy was â€Å"to distribute low-cost, high-quality Japanese athletic shoes to American consumers in an attempt to break Germany’s domination of the domestic industry.† Today Nike offers athletic shoes at every marketable price point to a global market. Nike sustainsRead MoreNike Strategic Analysis3456 Words   |  14 PagesIntroduction Every box of Nike shoes states, engineered and built to the exact specifications for championship athletes around the world. Nike has become the measuring stick in the world of merchandising and endorsing. Top athletes around the world are often seen with a famous Nike swoosh on their shoes. It is not uncommon to see some form of Nike product everywhere you look. It all begins with Phil Knight, a competitive runner, who incorporated Blue Ribbon Sports in Oregon in 1968. BlueRead MoreStrategic Analysis of Nike8813 Words   |  36 Pages------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Read MoreStrategic Management Analysis of Nike2527 Words   |  11 PagesNIKE _______________ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT _______________ BY: Castronuevo, Jan Clark Meer, Regginald Young, Johnedel Quintero, Arvin Dioneda, Jefrick September 18, 2009 Section 1 - Executive Summary Back before the Swoosh logo and long before the days we were called Nike, there was Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS). It was the company Phil Knight, our founder, and legendary track coach Bill Bowerman created in 1964 to provide athletes with better shoes.Read MoreStrategic Analysis of Nike Inc12147 Words   |  49 Pagesp.8 Company AnalysisÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…p.9 Industry AnalysisÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…......p.24 Top Competitor AnalysisÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….p.25 Other External ForcesÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….p.26 Key OpportunityÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..Â….Â…p.27 Key ThreatÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…p.27 Major and Subordinate ProblemsÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….Â…Â…p.28 Strategic MatchÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…...p.29 Primary Strategic Match PositionÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Read MoreStrategic Management Analysis of Nike2519 Words   |  11 PagesNIKE _______________ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT _______________ BY: Castronuevo, Jan Clark Meer, Regginald Young, Johnedel Quintero, Arvin Dioneda, Jefrick September 18, 2009 Section 1 - Executive Summary Back before the Swoosh logo and long before the days we were called Nike, there was Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS). It was the company Phil Knight, our founder, and legendary track coach Bill Bowerman created in 1964 to provide athletes withRead MoreStrategic/Operational Planning (Nike) Essay696 Words   |  3 Pages Nike: Strategic Operational Planning Albert Dwayne Johnson Jr. University of Phoenix Nike: Strategic Operational Planning: When people think Nike, the first thing that comes to mind is a swoosh. The iconic symbol of the clothing brand can be seen as a way of life in sports clothing, stylish clothing and pop culture. Nike is a highly successful company, with all competitors, like Addidas or Converse, constantly working toward being on the same plane as Nike. TheRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1535 Words   |  7 Pagesthe internal and external variables of a company, the business managers would have to use a SWOT analysis to develop awareness to different of the company. For example, the company could want to measure consumer behavorior, competitor behavior, and current trends in their marketplace. Environmental Scan and SWOT Analysis The information discovered from conducting an environmental scan and SWOT Analysis is vital to an organization’s success as it will help businesses gain an accurate assessment ofRead MoreNike, Mission, Vision, Values, Principles Essay704 Words   |  3 PagesRunning head: NIKE, Inc. Mission, Vision, Principles 1 NIKE, Inc. Mission, Vision, Principles Ameirah Aldahmani MSM631 – Strategic Management and Financial Reports Analysis Regis University Saturday, September 04, 2010 Abstract This paper is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of NIKE, Inc., done as six separate sections. The six sections of the project are external environment analysis, S.W.O.T analysis, executive interview, strategic and tactical plans and controls, structure,Read MoreEnvironmental Scan Essays952 Words   |  4 PagesEnvironmental Scan Nanette Guffey MGT/ 498 – Strategic Management Richard Haines September 17th, 2012 Environmental scanning is an organization’s strategic management and is actual important to the corporation. Environmental scanning is getting-together data for the external and the internal of the company.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Checks And Balances And Seperation Of Powers Free Essays

The Constitution nowhere contains an express injunction to preserve the boundaries of the three broad powers it grants, nor does it expressly enjoin maintenance of a system of checks and balances. Yet, it does grant to three separate branches the powers to legislate, to execute, and to adjudicate, and it provides throughout the document the means by which each of the branches could resist the blandishments and incursions of the others. The Framers drew up our basic charter against a background rich in the theorizing of scholars and statesmen regarding the proper ordering in a system of government of conferring sufficient power to govern while withholding the ability to abridge the liberties of the governed. We will write a custom essay sample on Checks And Balances And Seperation Of Powers or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Theory Elaborated and Implemented When the colonies separated from Great Britain following the Revolution, the framers of their constitutions were imbued with the profound tradition of separation of powers, and they freely and expressly embodied in their charters the principle.2 But the theory of checks and balances was not favored because it was drawn from Great Britain, and, as a consequence, violations of the separation–of–powers doctrine by the legislatures of the States were common[p.64]place events prior to the convening of the Convention.3 As much as theory did the experience of the States furnish guidance to the Framers in the summer of 1787.4 The doctrine of separation of powers, as implemented in drafting the Constitution, was based on several principles generally held: the separation of government into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial; the conception that each branch performs unique and identifiable functions that are appropriate to each; and the limitation of the personnel of each branch to that branch, so that no one person or group should be able to serve in more than one branch simultaneously. To a great extent, the Constitution effectuated these principles, but critics objected to what they regarded as a curious intermixture of functions, to, for example, the veto power of the President over legislation and to the role of the Senate in the appointment of executive officers and judges and in the treaty–making process. It was to these objections that Madison turned in a powerful series of essays. Madison recurred to â€Å"the celebrated† Montesquieu, the â€Å"oracle who is always consulted,† to disprove the contentions of the critics. â€Å"[T]his essential precaution in favor of liberty,† that is, the separation of the three great functions of government had been achieved, but the doctrine did not demand rigid separation. Montesquieu and other theorists â€Å"did not mean that these departments ought to have no partial agency in, or controul over, the acts of each other,† but rather liberty was endangered â€Å"where the whole power of one department is exercised by the same hands which possess the whole power of another department.† That the doctrine did not demand absolute separation provided the basis for preservation of separation of powers in action. Neither sharply drawn demarcations of institutional boundaries nor appeals to the electorate were sufficient.7 Instead, the security against concentration of powers â€Å"consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others.† Thus, â€Å"[a]mbition must be made to[p.65]counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place.† How to cite Checks And Balances And Seperation Of Powers, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Quick History Of Art Essay Research Paper Example For Students

Quick History Of Art Essay Research Paper Before the portrayal of the human body can be critiqued, you must understand the artists culture. As man evolved over centuries, his views of the body also transformed. Our tour definitely showed the drastic changes in different cultures art. Each culture and era presents very distinct characteristics. Through time and experimentation, we have expressed our views of the human body clearly with our art. Egyptians were the first people to make a large impact on the world of art. Egyptians needed art for their religious beliefs more than decoration or self-gratification. The most important aspect of Egyptian life is the ka, the part of the human spirit that lives on after death. The ka needed a physical place to occupy or it would disappear. Most of the important men of Egypt paid to have their body carved out of stone. That was were the spirit would live after the man dies. They used stone because it was the strongest material they could find. Longevity was very important. The bodies are always idealized and clothed. Figures are very rigid, close-fisted, and are built on a vertical axis to show that the person is grand or intimidating. Most of the figures were seen in the same: profile of the legs, frontal view of the torso, and profile of the head. Like most civilizations, Egyptians put a lot of faith in gods. The sky god Horus, a bird, is found in a great amount of Egyptian art. Little recognition was ever given to the artists. The emphasis was on the patron. Early Greek art was greatly influenced by the Egyptians. Geography permitted both cultures to exchange their talents. The beginning of Greek art is marked by the Geometric phase. The most common art during the Geometric phase was vase painting. After the vase was formed but before it was painted, the artist applied a slip dark pigment to outside. Then the vase was fired and the artist would incise his decorations into the hard shell. It was important to incise humans into the fired slip and not paint with slip. The people in the pictures needed light colored skin, which was the color beneath the slip, because Greeks wanted to make their art as realistic as possible. Much like Egyptian art, the Greeks idealized the bodies of the people in their works. As the Archaic Period evolved, Greek sculptures were almost identical to the Egyptians. Unlike Egyptians, the Greeks refined their techniques. Greeks used marble to construct their sculptures. It was considered more valuable and beautiful than any material available. They softened the lines of the body. Greek sculptors slowly perfected every contour in the human figure. Greek people viewed the human body as something beautiful and so they depicted nude men. Women were eventually nude but only when there was a reason, they needed to be bathing or something where they would be naked. They people that are sculpted are always young and their bodies are still idealized. The Greeks invented contrapposto, the relaxed natural stance of a sculpture. A figure that is standing in contrapposto becomes a sculpture in the round, meaning that the emphasis is not only on a frontal view but also from all angles. The Hellenistic Period emerged as the Romans began to produce some of the finest art in history. This new revolutionary style was incredible. Figures werent confined to the unnatural or boring positions they had for centuries. All body parts were in perfect proportion. These statues came alive as their limbs reached out into space. Vacant stares evolved into human emotions, which were easily recognized on their faces. I think this renaissance portrayed the way people were thinking. They were exploring philosophy, religion, and politics. This was a time for rebirth. Christian art was introduced during the middle of the second century. .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd , .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .postImageUrl , .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd , .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd:hover , .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd:visited , .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd:active { border:0!important; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd:active , .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua47f6e58a5b48fe92680d60e68c19abd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Four Cardinal Virtues EssayIn many cases the only difference between Christian art and Hellenistic art is the religious subject matter. After a slow start the Christians introduced something new, the mosaic. Mosaics became a favorite medium for decorating churches. Man was viewed in religious scenes due to the spread of Christianity. Byzantine and medieval art was very representative. The artists ability to produce lifelike figures had regressed. The emphasis was not on man anymore. Their art was made to glorify God. The fifteenth century marked the arrival of the Renaissance. Artists have finally recaptured the amazing detail and realism that the Greeks and Romans perfected. Artists pushed the limits with new exciting mediums and bright colors. Filippo Brunelleschi, allowed artists to determine the relative size of each figure by inventing the vanishing point perspective. With that tool it was possible to put everything in perfect proportion. Humans were not always idealized as they were in earlier centuries. Many elderly people are found in the paintings. Neoclassical paintings commonly showed contemporary garments and scenes. History painting became very popular. A larger transition was made when color was used to set a mood or express inner feelings. Nothing like this had ever been considered. Man viewed his experiences as important stepping stones. To assure that experiences arent forgotten they were preserved in artworks. Humans are often used in modern art. Although the people may appear very large or important, they are usually just vehicles used to convey a message to the audience. In Segals Red Light, we saw a man walking alone in front of n old truck. The man was not colored at all. He seemed to be sauntering across a street at night. A feeling of depression or sadness surrounds the man. The human is not important but the emotion is. Most of the modern art uses the human body to portray a feeling or emotion. Rarely will you find any new art that displays a humans because they extraordinary. Romantic landscaping is incredible. The idea of most of these pieces is to show how insignificant man is. Before humans were always the center of attention but now here they are almost trivial. Artists like Thomas Cole show us what is pure and simple. The paintings use a lot of color to create very natural, unaffected scenes. It seems that we come upon these landscapes almost by accident. They depict ideal settings that are unscathed by the injustices of the world. In my opinion, the beauty of these works is unsurpassed by any other art. Through the ages each culture had its own interpretation of what the human body means. I have briefly explained a few of the broadest views of the human body. In order to explain one in great detail would take volumes. I thoroughly enjoyed Monas tour of the museum and I hope to see her there again.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Iraq War in 2003

Introduction Iraq war 2003 is considered as the 2nd Gulf war. In 2001, when George Bush became the president, chances of war in Iraq grew rapidly as Bush administration accused Iraq of producing weapons of mass destruction. Iraq countered this allegation, but could not stop the US from pushing the issue further. Afterwards, the war started on March 20, 2003 in which US was supported by around 40 countries. The power was taken from Saddam in just few days but the effects of the war can still be seen after 9 years (Fitzgerald, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Iraq War in 2003 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Coverage by Gulf News Most of the articles in Gulf News cover the destruction that the world has seen as a result of this war that was never desired by people of Iraq. The poverty level has gone up sharply as benefits provided by Saddam’s government certainly stopped after his demise. Acco rding to an article published in Gulf news on February 4, 2012, there were around 100,000 Iraqis killed as a result of bombing and numerous others have died in other violence and sectarian attacks (Gulf News, 2012). The Humanitarian Group Relief International estimates that 10% of the women are widower and are leading households in Iraq. Another article in the Gulf News also covers the stories regarding the torture faced by the prisoners in the occupied country from the attacking alliance, which is a clear violation of human rights and the UN constitution (Gulf News, 2010). Coverage by Washington Post Washington Post started to give coverage to the Iraq war since the inception of the debate on Iraq in the US Congress. Later the resolution was passed to attack Iraq by the US government. The article titled ‘Hussain’s Baghdad Falls’, designates Saddam a ruthless leader. It holds Saddam responsible for spreading poverty and fear in the country for decades. The articl e clearly justifies actions of the US government. Another articles placed in the Washington Post on December 10, 2011 states consequences of US war against Iraq. It mentions that the people perceive the US army as the killer, not the defender, and they are certainly against the long term presence of the US army in their Iraq. The article further mentions that around 92,614 people were killed by the US army from March 2003 to March 2008, but exactly how many Iraqis were killed may never be known (Sly, 2005). Coverage by Azzaman Newspaper The views covered by the Iraqi newspapers is quite different from that published in Washington Post however, there are similarities with those of Gulf News. The news paper covered the loss as a resultant of the war including the loss of killing the innocent citizen, destruction to infrastructure and the economy as whole. Moreover, it talked about the effects of war on the control of oil rich region where Kurds do not allow national army to make any i nterference. This region which borders with Turkey has been the root of conflict between Iraq and Turkey which is leading to imbalance in the region and could lead to civil war within Iraq (Abdulsalam, 2012).Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion The Gulf News and Azzaman have presented the actual picture of the condition of Iraq since the inception of the war. They have covered the loss sustained by the people as well as their perception regarding this war. The Washington Times, on the other hand, has tried to defend the vicious acts of the US government. It blames Saddam Hussain for all that is happening in Iraq and further, an impression has been created that the US government is being helpful to the people by financially supporting them. Reference List Abdulsalam, F. (2012). War over oil and wealth in Iraq. Azzaman. Web. Fitzgerald, P. (2011). Iraq War Summary. The fin er times. Web. Gulf News. (2010). Prosecute those Involved in Iraq War. Gulf news. Web. Gulf News. (2012). Iraq war widows face government apathy. Gulf news. Web. Sly, L. (2005). Civilian killings created insurmountable hurdle to extended U.S. troop presence in Iraq.  Washington Post. Web.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Iraq War in 2003 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This research paper on Iraq War in 2003 was written and submitted by user Scream to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Great War

The Great War The Great War (WW1)Question: "The system of alliances that existed before 1914 increased the likelihood of war"How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (20).The Great War was fought during 1914-1918, mainly between countries in Europe and their respective colonies. Alliances were the union or association formed with another countries to defend and benefit both nations. The system of alliances increased likeliness of war alongside many other factors that ultimately led to the war.Firstly, inevitably the alliances that the European countries had with each other increased the likelihood of war. The concept of alliances was not to start wars, but to prevent them. Unfortunately, in this case the alliances backfired and actually created a large-scale war between many European nations. The smaller countries in the alliances declared war on each other abut matters that did not concern the bigger countries in the alliance.English: Deutsch:However, due to the alliance, th e other countries had to be dragged into the problem, and it ended up with many countries who did not technically need to go to war but were bound by the alliance. The countries were divided into 2 main groups: The triple entente (Britain, France and Russia) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy). Then there was Belgium who was neutral in amidst countries declaring war on each other. Countries in Europe were insecure about their armies and navies, which ultimately led to the arms race or militarism.Many countries in Europe wanted the best armies or naval fleets. During that particular time Britain had the largest naval fleet and Germany had the largest land army. The German naval fleet was growing larger and Britain was feeling threatened. The other countries also began to hoard military equipment and enlarge their army and navy fleets.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Turkey and Russia relationship during World War II Research Paper

Turkey and Russia relationship during World War II - Research Paper Example In the phony war phase of the Second World War, Russia got reach and control over the Turkish Straits which were of significant influence in the entire course of the war. Turkey had its interests intertwined with that of the Iranian affair and thereby it demanded more proactive actions from U.S.S.R in the course of the war. This led to overall bitterness in the state of affairs and diplomatic activities between the two states. Prior to the war, the two countries were interlocked into the treaty of Peace and Neutrality that was signed towards 1925. The development of the aforementioned scenario and overall tension led to the annulment of the treaty and further strangulation of the ties between these two states (BÄ °LGE 2012). Turkey found the demands of Russia being too advanced and unjust and this did not go well with the Turkish army. The Russians wanted to use the Turkish territory in the same way as was Poland used by Germany against it. Turkey would not allow this as it suspected Russia of having followed the policy that was continued from the days of the Ottoman Empire where the Russian state was alleged to have played a significant role towards overall weakening and subsequent destruction of the Ottoman Empire (Hale 2012). Strategic interests, Russia’s expanded interest in the region, past rivalry and past incidents of mistrust, Turkey’s refusal of surrendering to the demands directly made up for few of the causes of the overall resentment and disagreement between the two states.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theoretical Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Theoretical Framework - Essay Example The focus would be the fire tragedy in Australia which would be used as a case study to show the differences in the two forms of media. In doing this, the perspective of theorists have to be incorporated. Modern dynamic theorists have various issues awaiting their input in different disciplines. They cover cultural theory, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, history, technology studies, and science among many more. Impulses ignite the academicians to move issues in these disciplines in addition to the references beyond present problems that the dual form. Changes are also aimed at redirecting ways of thinking. The media as an industry has undergone transformations over the years. Bloggers are contemporary media personnel whose mode of information dissemination is conspicuously different from traditional media personalities. This is discussed into detail in the following discourse. In the following part, the theoretical framework that underlies the two forms of media will be discusse d. There are several theories that relate to the two forms of media. In essence, either conventional or new school media only acts as a way of disseminating information. Conventional media refers to all forms of media which entail broadcast as well as print media. ... There are cases of media trivializing reports which usually cause unsolicited reactions from the public. In the same way, new media has been in existence due to technological advancements which have taken place in recent years. For instance, the advent of the internet as a modern form of communication has brought with it endless opportunities. In this case, blogging has evolved as way of reporting information. One notable attribute about blogging is the fact that the bloggers are usually not so much accountable for whatever they put out to the public. This is unlike in traditional media where the media houses usually bear responsibility for everything that they put up for broadcast. Consequently, bloggers have a boundless freedom in which they express themselves. However, they also have some limits regarding what they report. Theme The discussion that follows delves into the two forms of media with a particular reference to how they contrast in reference to the Australian fire traged y. In addition, references would be made to theories which are related to media or reporting (Paterson & Domingo, 2008). The motive is to find out if the theories are true in view of what happens following media reporting. Background on the Australian fire The Australian fire was a tragedy that affected the lives of many. Of significant importance to the many humans who were affected at the time was the media coverage. During disasters like in the fire, most people turn to the media for information and updates. It is at the time that media owners have to practice professionalism and ethics in disseminating the information that they have. This should be observed because the media at the time is relied upon as the official communication channel. Responsible

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pest analysis arcelik as and white goods industry in Turkey Essay

Pest analysis arcelik as and white goods industry in Turkey - Essay Example The acronym, PEST, is used to describe these macro environmental factors. Turkey has eight major producers in its white goods industry, with Arcelik A.S. being the leading producer in the market. The PEST factors are going to be studied in relation to Arcelik A.S. and the white goods industry. In very generic terms, political influences deal with the government regulations under which the business has to operate. These deal with tax policies, government support, employment laws, trade barriers and restrictions, environmental regulations and political stability. It may also include laws to restrict the formation of monopolies. The economy of Turkey is politically instable and the government has been implementing an IMF controlled restructuring and reform programme since 1999 which may have the desired effect to stabilize the conditions of the country and increase consumer demand for elastic products manufactured by Arcelik A.S. Moreover, Presidential and Parliamentary elections were held in May and November 2007 which increased political unrest and affected the white goods industry and its leading producer, Arcelik A.S. The high tax expenses that Arcelik A.S. incurred in the year 2007 weakened its financial position while close political ties with United States imposed hardships on Arcelik A.S. and the white goods industry in terms of the Iraq embargo. The government of Turkey has harmonized its commercial laws and regulations with the European Union which imposes restrictions on companies like Arcelik A.S. According to Biesen (2007), Temel, who is the coordinator of corporate relations for Arcelik A.S. and a staunch believer of rules and regulations states it is crucial for the company to follow the regulations and standards imposed globally and by the government to prevent violation of consumer rights. Economic factors affect the purchasing power of the consumers as well as the

Friday, November 15, 2019

UK Policies to Prevent Online Spam

UK Policies to Prevent Online Spam â€Å"Spam is one of the most significant challenges facing the Internet today. Its rapid growth threatens the convenience and efficiency of electronic messages and undermines user confidence online more generally. Thus the very purpose of the Internet is under threat.† â€Å"In light of the above statement critically evaluate the terms of the United Kingdom’s Privacy and Electronic Communication (EC Directive) Regulations and assess the effectiveness of those provisions in defeating the ‘challenges’ of spam.† Introduction No sensible challenge can be mounted to the arguments that spam e –mails are both a monumental threat to the integrity of a computer system and a more generalised nuisance in typical day to day access to the Internet. However, the title question addresses only one half of the current issues associated with spam. The purpose attributed to the Internet is not solely that of the individual Internet user. Commercial activity is an equally valid component of Internet use. Spam as a targeted threat carrying a multitude of potential viruses, spy ware and other insidious digital attackers is properly characterised as a menace to be deterred. Spam as a direct marketing tool is in theory a far more innocuous concept. The fundamental issue to be addressed is whether an appropriate balance can be struck between these interests, ones that are not competing positions so much as they are disparate. It shall be submitted the UK Privacy and Electronic Communication (EC Directive) Regulations (â€Å"the Regulations†) are an entirely inadequate response to the issues posed by Internet spam. Spam defined Spam is generally defined as undesired e-mail or junk e –mail; the common attributes to spam are bulk mailings from a typically corporate source, often employing techniques such as anonymizing servers and other methods to mask the sender’s web address or identity. At a more innocuous level, spam is a bulk mailing that indiscriminately advertises or promotes a commercial product such as erectile dysfunction medication or the promotion of ‘hot’ stock market tips. In its most repulsive format, the spam may be either pornographic in content, an inducement to fraudulent activity or it may contain viruses or other harmful attributes that damage or disable the recipient’s computer. Spam is a consumer of significant system bandwidth and has the capacity to damage large scale computer networks.[1] The financial cost of spam are also profound, both in terms of direct tolls taken on computer systems and the indirect seepage of productivity in workplaces where spam must be deleted from employee mailboxes on a seemingly incessant basis.[2] The weapons available to the individual computer user with Internet access to combat spam are relatively straightforward, including: never opening e-mails received from unknown mail addresses equipping the computer with anti-spam filtering software, virus protection, and firewalls Many direct marketing advocates suggest that these simple remedies are ample protection against the unscrupulous; further government regulation represents an unwarranted inhibition of their commercial efforts, analogous to a â€Å"No Soliciting† sign in a front door residential window[3]. It is submitted that the question is not nearly so simple. Notwithstanding the sophistication of anti-spam technology, estimates as to the volume of spam received at both workplace computers and residential addresses ranges from 30 percent to 80 percent of all e-mail received in the UK.[4] The Regulations, 2003 The Regulations were a much anticipated UK governmental weapon when they were enacted in September, 2003. The UK computer industry hailed the Regulations as â€Å"spam busters†[5] that were anticipated to both result in prosecutions of the most prevalent spammers and create a more healthful UK commuting environment. The Regulations were designed to bring the UK into compliance with the European Community Directive concerning electronic marketing, Directive 2002/58/EC.[6] The EC Directive stressed a balance between the harmonization of regulation between member states in the interest of commercial efficiency and the enhancement of citizen privacy rights. The Regulations were not restricted to spam. The provisions also restrict the manner in which such digital techniques as cookies (the HTTP method of tracking and authenticating user data), traffic data, and public directories. The act of clicking ones computer mouse to open a spam transmission can potentially provide significant cookie data to the spammer. The industry optimism of 2003 was replaced by blunt scepticism as to the efficacy of the Regulations by late 2004. The same industry insiders who had lauded the Regulations on their introduction now panned them as ineffective, as no prosecutions had been launched pursuant to the Regulations.[7] Questions were raised as to whether the UK government was truly committed to the spam battle due to the suggested under funding of the enforcement aspects of the Regulations.[8] The Regulations as promulgated could never have fulfilled their promise due to the structure of the e-mail provisions of the Regulation. The relevant portions of s. 22 the Regulation and commentary are set out below: 1) This regulation applies to the transmission of unsolicited communications by means of electronic mail to individual subscribers.† The Regulation is therefore not applicable to the regulation of corporate and commercial users of the Internet. 2) Except in the circumstances referred to in paragraph (3), a person shall neither transmit†¦ unsolicited communications for the purposes of direct marketing by means of electronic mail unless the recipient of the electronic mail has previously notified the sender that he consents for the time being to such communications being sent by, †¦the sender. If (2) stood alone in the Regulations, the individual user would have a reasonable line of protection against spam, provided that the user had not previously consented to the transmission 3)(3) A person may send or instigate the sending of electronic mail for the purposes of direct marketing where that person has obtained the contact details of the recipient †¦in the course of the sale or negotiations for the sale of a product or service to that recipient; the direct marketing is in respect of that persons similar products and services only; and the recipient has been given a simple means of refusing (free of charge except for the costs of the transmission of the refusal) the use of his contact details for the purposes of such direct marketing,† Subsection (3) serves to create an exception to the consumer protection afforded through (2) so as to render the section ineffective. The spam mailer can conceivably obtain the contact particulars of the recipient in a myriad of ways, all of which are unknown to the recipient but entirely legal. The expression ‘similar products and services’ is so broad as to suggest that the subjective opinion of the spammer would be a complete answer to any complaint. The UK initiative is however not without potential merit. The UK authorities have suggested that the UK ISPs are denying the spammers a place in their networks out the outset and that the Regulation sin this direct fashion are having a desired effect. [9] The provisions in the Regulations concerning facsimile transmissions as direct marketing are of interesting in this context. Facsimiles may not be used to direct market goods unless the subscriber has provided their prior consent; the facsimile provisions are more protective of the individual user’s privacy.[10] Other options? As apparently toothless as the Regulations may be in practice, the other options available on a strictly UK based regulatory footing are very modest. The individual Internet user who is bombarded with spam has no practical alternatives – the potential common law tort remedies of invasion of privacy, intentional interference in economic relations, or the pursuit of an injunction have at best a theoretical appeal; the cost of mounting such actions is likely prohibitive. A corporate complainant has the same concerns as the individual user in terms of legal costs, coupled with the realization that the targets will in all likelihood be far removed from UK legal jurisdiction unless the various reciprocity provisions of the European Community might be engaged, a prospect that assumes EC domicile for the target spammer. The only viable legal remedy is an extension of the international co-operation exhibited through the response to the Council of Europe Treaty on Cyber Crime, ratified by 33 European nations and signed by four international states to date.[11] It is plain that so long as computers and their requisite networks may be situated anywhere on Earth, a concerted expansion of regulatory efforts is the only true manner in which spam can be regulated. A number of recent commentators, including Bazelon[12]have stressed that computer systems, the most global of entities ever created, will require a correspondingly sophisticated transnational legal framework to counter all forms of computer crime. While spam is not always considered a criminal product, the loss of both productivity and computer enjoyment, compounded by user fears of the compromise of their private information, make the concept of an international spam treaty an imperative. The distinction between the European Treaty of Cyber Crime and the distinct provisions regarding spam as enacted in the Regulations and the initial EC Directive are the fundamental distinction between the readily identifiable criminal computer act, such as the dissemination of child pornography or the perpetration of identity theft, and the clear commercial flavour imparted to the European regulation of spam. It is submitted that given the potential for misuse and criminality inherent in spam, international powers to combat its spread would be significantly furthered if spam were simply treated as a lesser but included form of cyber crime activity, while holding out the ability to regulate its transmission in carefully defined and legitimate business and commercial settings. In this sense, the prospects of true international enforcement of anti-spam legislation would be enhanced if never perfect. The elevation in the status of spam to a true crime might also carry a significant level of deterrence in the activity that is clearly not present through the enforcement of the current Regulations. It must also be noted that another avenue exists to encourage the promotion of spam as a criminal act. The G-8 group of nations, of which the UK is a member, has an existing protocol for the sharing of law enforcement information regarding computer crime. Conclusions Spam currently rests in an enforcement netherworld – a well defined problem, a significant irritant, but like the weather, no one evidently can do much about it in the current Regulatory climate. Spam solutions will be ones of stark choice – either a ‘grin and bear it’ Internet consumer attitude, with an assumption of risk that requires the taking of all necessary personal precautions for home computer safety, or encourage the UK to broaden the reach of international cyber crime enforcement to tackle spam as an adjunct to existing computer crime initiatives. Bibliography Bazelon, Dana L et al â€Å"Computer Crimes Journal† American Criminal Law Review, Vol. 43, 2006 , 1 Dickinson, David â€Å"An Architect for Spam Regulation: Federal Communications Law Journal, Vol. 57, 2004 Crews, C.W ‘The Government should not ban E-Mail spam’ In: The Internet – Opposing Viewpoints, James D. Torr, Ed. (New York: Thomson Gale, 2005) Edlind, Peter J. and David Naylor / Morrison Forester LLP â€Å"United Kingdom: The United Kingdom Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003† 09 March 2004 Munir, A.B. â€Å"Unsolicited Commercial E-Mai: Implementing the EU Directive (2004)† Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, Vol. 10, Issue 5 Nordlinger, Jay, ‘The government should ban E-mail spam’, In: The Internet – Opposing Viewpoints, James D. Torr, Ed. (New York: Thomson Gale, 2005) â€Å"UK soft on spam† (August 11, 2005),39025001,39151286,00.htm (accessed January 21, 2007) ZDnet â€Å"UK law smashes consumer spam† (September 18, 2003),1000000097,39116473,00.htm (Accessed January 20, 2007) ZDnet â€Å"UK law failing to nail spammers† (December 13, 2004),1000000097,39181034,00.htm (Accessed January 20, 2007) Table of Regulations Directive 2002/58/EC, (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) The United Kingdom Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 1 Footnotes [1]1 An excellent and concise technical description of the manner in which spam is transmitted and the problems that result is found at Dickinson, David â€Å"An Architect for Spam Regulation: Federal Communications Law Journal, Vol. 57, 2004 [2] Global estimates as to spam related losses exceed $20 billion [3] C.W. Crews ‘The Government should not ban E-Mail spam’, 149 [4] Jay Nordlinger,‘The government should ban E-mail spam’, 141 [5] ZDnet â€Å"UK law smashes consumer spam†, (September 18, 2003)1 [6] Directive 2002/58/EC, (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) 5 ZDnet â€Å"UK law failing to nail spammers† (December 13, 2004) 1 6 Ibid, 2 [7] [8] [9] ZDnet December 13, 2004, 1 [10] S.20, Regulations [11] Bazelon, Dana L et al â€Å"Computer Crimes Journal† American Criminal Law Review, Vol. 43, 2006 , 1 [12] ibid

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Kate Chopins The Awakening and Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House Essay

Kate Chopin's work, The Awakening, and Henrik Ibsen's play, A Doll's House, were composed at a time when men dictated women in every part of life. They are both superior examples of literary works greatly ahead of their time. Each work exemplifies the strict social standards placed on women and how they destructively affected the women. They also demonstrate how the women were able to overcome over these social ethics and get towards a life of vaster fulfillment. The characters in The Awakening and A Doll's House were very similar. In addition, the trials that they faced were also very similar. Both of the female characters are confronted with the fact that they have an authoritarian for a husband, and create an exit scheme to leave them. For Nora this includes deserting her family and running away, while Edna makes the choice that Nora could not do and commits suicide. Nora and Edna also harbor a secret that ultimately leads to their choice to leave their families. In addition, bot h writings also seem to have similar themes. They both explore the idea of freedom and discovering one’s own identity. Furthermore, they show how a woman in late 1800s often had no freedom from what society anticipated of them. As an outcome, the only way they could find their own identity was by leaving these social standards inflicted by their family life. Ibsen and Chopin appear to purposely present their main characters in this way and use their gifts for writing to foretell a transformation in society that needs to and will eventually occur. There are many similarities between the two: each protagonist seems happy about their marriage in the beginning, controlled by their husband, has a secret, and eventually realizes they are someone. Edna Pon... ...vald, she tells him, â€Å"I don’t believe that any longer. I believe that before all else I am a reasonable human being, just as you are—or, at all events, that I must try and become one. I know quite well, Torvald, that most people would think you right, and that views of that kind are to be found in books; but I can no longer content myself with what most people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them.† (Ibsen 112) Therefore, in the end both Edna and Nora left in dramatic ways, one leaving a life and the other leaving a family. Bibliography Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll's House. Coradella Collegiate Books, 11 Oct. 2004. PDF. Chopin, Kate, McMichael, George L., J. S. Leonard, and Shelley Fisher. Fishkin. The Awakening. Anthology of American Literature. Tenth ed. Vol. II. Boston: Longman, 2011. 697-786. Print.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Leadership Approach Essay

Identify and discuss the six trait characteristics in the trait approach to leadership. If one does not have these traits, can he or she still be a leader? Explain your position Six traits characteristics of leadership are as identified by Mann(1959) study of leadership and small groups are as followed, intelligence, masculinity, adjustment, dominance, extraversion, and conservatism. There is many traits to leaders from numerous studies, but the focal point of those studies seem to lay with integrity, intelligence, self-confidence, sociability and are defined below. (Northouse, 2010) Integrity- Honesty, trustworthiness, and quality all traits of integrity give an employee a sense of trust and take responsibility for their actions. Self-confidence- Self-esteem and self-assurance and belief in ones competencies and skills have ability to make an impact. Sociability- Is a leader’s inclination to seek out pleasant social relationships, friendly, outgoing, courteous, tactful and diplomatic. Determination- Determination and desire to get the job done initiative, persistence, dominance, and drive are all key characteristics. Overall when it comes to being a leader you don’t have to have a title to be a leader, as we all have probably been involved with people in leadership positions that are everything but a leader. I think that leaders are molded by their experience, environment and exposure to good and bad leaders and from leadership traits from above. I feel that if you don’t have any of the traits of being a leader you will struggle to be one, but I believe everyone has the traits of being a leader, you just have to dig inside and find that leader inside you. References Northouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership Theory And Practice / Fifth Edition. Los Angles: Sage Publication.

Leadership Approach Essay

Identify and discuss the six trait characteristics in the trait approach to leadership. If one does not have these traits, can he or she still be a leader? Explain your position Six traits characteristics of leadership are as identified by Mann(1959) study of leadership and small groups are as followed, intelligence, masculinity, adjustment, dominance, extraversion, and conservatism. There is many traits to leaders from numerous studies, but the focal point of those studies seem to lay with integrity, intelligence, self-confidence, sociability and are defined below. (Northouse, 2010) Integrity- Honesty, trustworthiness, and quality all traits of integrity give an employee a sense of trust and take responsibility for their actions. Self-confidence- Self-esteem and self-assurance and belief in ones competencies and skills have ability to make an impact. Sociability- Is a leader’s inclination to seek out pleasant social relationships, friendly, outgoing, courteous, tactful and diplomatic. Determination- Determination and desire to get the job done initiative, persistence, dominance, and drive are all key characteristics. Overall when it comes to being a leader you don’t have to have a title to be a leader, as we all have probably been involved with people in leadership positions that are everything but a leader. I think that leaders are molded by their experience, environment and exposure to good and bad leaders and from leadership traits from above. I feel that if you don’t have any of the traits of being a leader you will struggle to be one, but I believe everyone has the traits of being a leader, you just have to dig inside and find that leader inside you. References Northouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership Theory And Practice / Fifth Edition. Los Angles: Sage Publication.

Friday, November 8, 2019

lightning and static essays

lightning and static essays Lightning is a discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere, which causes a bright flash of light. When lighting goes through the air, it heats the air to degrees hotter than the sun's surface about 50,000 degrees fahrenheit. This heating causes the air to expand and contract. This causes the sound called thunder. Lightning is caused by a build up of negative ions in the atmosphere which discharges into the ground causing the negative ions to go with the positive ions in the ground. Static electricity is negatively and positively charged atoms. A static charge on the other hand is a individual atom with a negative or positive charge. There are three types of charges negative positive and neutral. Negative and positive ions attract. But two negatives repel each other, just like two positives will. Neutrally charged ions can attract to both negative and positive ions, because they have and balanced charge of negative and positive ions, this means it has the same amount of negative and positive ions. This is where the following rule is true "opposites attract, and likes repel." Static electricity is generated when two different objects are rubbed together and some electrons are stolen from one object and then start to collect on the surface of the other object. The object that loses electrons becomes positively charged, because electrons are negatively charged and there is an absence of electrons and too many protons. Now because opposites attract and like repel the reason hair stands up when you rub something on it can be explained. When something is rubbed in a dry place, the thing takes electrons from your hair, leaving your hair with a positive charge it stands up as far away as possible from the other positively charged hairs. There reason there is little static electricity in areas with a high humidity, like the Virgin Islands, is because the humidity in the air is a conductor of electricity, so it helps trancfer the free e...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

High-stepping Stepchildren

High-stepping Stepchildren High-stepping Stepchildren High-stepping Stepchildren By Maeve Maddox English has several idioms that employ the words step and stepping. As a verb, step means to lift the foot and set it down again on the ground in a new position. As a noun, step is the act of stepping. baby steps and giant steps A â€Å"baby step† is a step that covers a very narrow distance: Still, a year after Mr. Shumlin’s call to arms, progress can be measured only in baby steps. A â€Å"giant step† is one that covers a wide distance, either forward or backward: One of those amendments would address Citizens United which, [Stevens] wrote, was a giant step in the wrong direction. goose-stepping To goose step is to march in such a way that the legs swing sharply from the hips, and the knees are locked. Soldiers marching in this way resemble mechanical toys. Because this type of marching was a feature of Nazi military display, it is associated with fascist power. Goose-stepping in unison may have been used by the Nazis to help brainwash people into following their cause, a new study suggests. India and Pakistans aggressive border closing ceremony has been stopped after soldiers complained the high goose-stepping was wrecking their knee joints and causing foot injuries. Confess that guns hold absolutely no interest or appeal for you, and youre a leftist, a radical who wont be happy until the jackbooted thugs of The New World Order are goose-stepping down Main Street, trampling Our Sacred Freedoms. â€Å"Goose-stepping† always has a negative connotation, but another idiom, â€Å"high-stepping,† can be positive or negative. Literally, â€Å"high-stepping† describes the act of lifting the legs high while walking. Because horse fanciers admired the gait of a high-stepping horse, a fashionable or attractive person came to be known as â€Å"a high-stepper.† Sometimes the term is used in a negative sense to refer to someone who lives extravagantly, or who aspires to a higher social status: Dona had come to town as a schoolteacher.   She was pretty, vivacious, and in the parlance of the time, a â€Å"high-stepper.† Leo Donnelly, always at his peak in silk-lined, low-comedy, high-stepping crook roles, is here at his best. The following sentence spoken by an NPR regular seems to confuse high-stepping and goose-stepping: Nazi soldiers’ high stepping casts a fog over the event. Note: The word fog is also jarring; perhaps the announcer was reaching for pall. Two more idioms that have literal and figurative meanings are â€Å"to sidestep† and â€Å"to step up to the plate.† The literal meaning of sidestep is to step aside, as if to avoid some physical obstacle: Climbing from the carriage, she held her bag against her chest and  tried to sidestep  a puddle  the size of a small lake. Figuratively, â€Å"to sidestep† is to avoid involvement or responsibility: Jefferson Township Sewer Authority  hopes to sidestep  big expense with grant money. â€Å"Step up to the plate† comes from the game of baseball. Note: Home plate is a 5-sided rubber slab at one corner of a baseball diamond at which a batter stands when batting and which must be touched by a base runner in order to score. When it’s a player’s turn to bat, he â€Å"steps up to the plate.† Figuratively, the expression means to come forward and accept responsibility for something that must be done: Community members stepped up to the plate and raised more than $2,700 for the Harmon Killebrew Miracle Field at a recent fundraiser. Unrelated to the verb step in the sense of moving the feet is the affix step- as in stepchild. This step derives from an ancient Germanic word element that was placed before the word for a family member â€Å"to form designations for the degrees of affinity resulting from the remarriage of a widowed parent.† For example, a widow who married a widower would become the stepmother of the widower’s children. They in turn would be her stepchildren. Stepmothers in all the fairy tales I’ve read are notorious for their ill treatment of their stepchildren. Consider, for example, the stories of Cinderella and Hansel and Gretel. Because of the stereotype of the wicked stepmother, the word stepchild has acquired the figurative meaning of â€Å"someone or something that is neglected, undervalued, or abused.† Here are some examples: â€Å"Its a sad fact that P.E. is  educations  ugly  stepchild,† said Goldstein. Rarely is open space seen as more than an afterthought. It truly is a stepchild of planning when it should be a catalyst and spatial organizer for development.   A fairly recent embellishment of stepchild in the sense of an object of abuse and neglect is the expression â€Å"redheaded stepchild.† The earliest evidence of the phrase in the Ngram Viewer is dated 1923. An article at World Wide Words references an example from 1910. Like stepmothers, redheaded people do not fare well in folklore. If a stepchild is undervalued, then a redheaded stepchild is the object of special negative attention: We then learned that Waukegan is apparently  the North  Shores  red headed stepchild.   The South is the  red-headed stepchild  in the American story.   Note: The adjective is hyphenated in the OED, but spelled as one word in Merriam-Webster. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†Driver License vs. Driver’s LicenseTypes of Ignorance

Monday, November 4, 2019

Islam in the modern world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Islam in the modern world - Essay Example After the death of Prophet Muhammad his four companions which are Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Ali ibn abi Talib and Uthman ibn Ghani were appointed as the Caliph to run the state (Najeebabadi 2001). The first Caliph was Abu Bakr. During his reign many battles were fought against the non-Islamic states. These battles were fought in western and eastern Iraq, Syria and some other regions. The second caliph was Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Umar ibn Al-Khattab fought many battles for the expansion and defense of Islam. The third Caliph of the Islamic history was Uthman ibn Ghani. Ali ibn Abi Talib was the forth caliph of Islam (Najeebabadi 2001). Islam is not only a religion but it also teaches us how to lead our lives in peace and harmony. Prayers in Islam are very important. The main and the most important following of the Prophet’s sunna is prayers and the ways to pray. Prophet’s sunna are those deeds which were done by the Prophet Muhammad. During the life of Prophet Muhammad , he emphasized on giving Zakat, which is giving charity to the needy and poor from one’s surplus wealth. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is also an obligatory practice in Islam. Pilgrimage is practiced as Prophet’s sunna, which is only obligatory on those who have financial resources to perform it. (Nigosian 2004) In the opinion of many Muslim scholars, Islam is a religion that is amended by the every Prophet from Adam to Prophet Muhammad and it is completed with the completion of Holy Qur’an or Koran. Holy Qur’an is a divine book (like Bible and Torah) that was revealed upon Prophet Muhammad (Najeebabadi 2001). The key belief that a Muslim must have is to believe that God (Allah in Arabic) is one and Muhammad is His Prophet. A Muslim must have faith in all the Messengers of God and in all Holy Books. He must have belief that Angles exist and they do as they are ordered by Almighty God. A Muslim must know that he will be asked about his every bad deed at the Day of Judgment and God (Allah) will punish him for his wrongs and reward him for the good deeds. Qur’an is a divine book and covers almost all aspects of life. It also guides us to give charity (Zakat) but it does not tell us the rate of Zakat on our assists. In order to clarify the matter Prophet Muhammad told us that the rate should be 2.5% or 5%. (Nigosian 2004) In first century of Islam, the key beliefs and practices are almost same as directed by Prophet Muhammad. Some scholars believe that religion and politics have no similarity. The difference between the two is vast. The politics in Islam changed the way, people think about Islam. After the first four Caliphs, the system of Caliphate was not remained the same as it was before (Nigosian 2004). During the first century of Islam, it has no sectarian system and the religion is in the principles of Prophet’s Sunna but some Muslims believed that instead of Caliph Abu Bakr, it would be more appropriate that Ali ibn abi Talib would be the first Caliph (Najeebabadi 2001). They argued that Ali ibn abi Talib was Prophet Mohammad’s cousin, so he would be the most appropriate choice. But Ali ibn abi Talib discouraged those people, who were making these discussions. Ali ibn abi Talib had two sons Hasan ibn Ali ibn abi Talib and Husayn ibn Ali ibn abi

Friday, November 1, 2019

Inclusion and Mainstreaming of Children with ADHD Essay

Inclusion and Mainstreaming of Children with ADHD - Essay Example The paper begins with an over-all discussion of ADHD and includes a review of the latest literature on the topic with an assessment of past empirical findings on the research topic under investigation. Part 1 provides a background, relevance, literature review, and the aims and objectives of the dissertation. Part 2 identifies the factors associated with how the researcher intends to approach this study, explaining methods of data collection and data analysis to be adopted. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition characterized by hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattention that becomes apparent in some children in the pre-school and early school years. The general symptom is the inability to control behaviour and/or to pay attention. Research findings (Greenberg & Horn, 1991) estimated that in some countries like the United States, 3 to 5 percent of children have this condition, which means that in a normal classroom of 25 to 30 children, there would be at least one with ADHD. Although first described by Hoffman in 1845, Still (1902) was the first to describe the condition in a scientific paper and hypothesised the cause to be a genetic dysfunction and not poor child-rearing. Garber, Garber, & Spizman (1990) were the first to use the term ADHD for the condition. Hunsucker (1988) was the first to argue that if persons with ADHD were treated early, there would be a reduction in the juvenile and adult crime rates, school drop-out rates, and alcohol and drug abuse. ADHD is a treatable condition the sooner it is diagnosed and if children with ADHD are provided with special education. This is why there has been an increase through the years in the scientific literature on the topic, more specifically on the issue of mainstreaming and inclusion of children undergoing special education. Mainstreaming is the original term that describes placing children with disabilities in classrooms with non-handicapped children. In the early stages, special education children were placed in special classes and would join regular classroom settings during extra classes such as music and art. This term has evolved into "inclusion" which tries to place special education and disabled children in regular education classes as often as possible (York et al., 1992; Adamson et al., 1990; Cook & Friend, 1992; Conn, 1992; CEC, 1993; Friend & Cook, 1992; Giangreco et al., 1993). These papers argued for the main reasons behind the interest on this issue that have to do with the fact that the classroom and school environments provide an effective factor for early diagnosis, the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Strategic Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Strategic Management - Case Study Example A variety of tools and techniques for strategic management analysis and identification of the mission and vision of an entity were applied by the Power Consulting Group Inc. to the environmental and organizational situation of University of Northern British Columbia. Amongst the tools and techniques used, the stakeholder analysis and the macro power techniques yielded the strongest recommendations as to the strategy that the University should adopt in order to align its mission, vision and objectives with a corresponding strategy. It is possible for us to use the tools and techniques to propose a suitable recommendation - this is possible because of the nature of the analysis. The methodologies applied have been developed over the years by strategists and analysts having great experience in strategic management and the designing of strategic solutions for a wider variety of organizations than the average manager. Thus, keeping into view the factors in the University and its alliances, the Macro branch of the power school can be used as the primary analysis factor in proposing two broad strategies that the University can adopt. The current alliances of the University with governments, alumni endowments and exchange programs with international universities leads to the proposition that the University could work its strategy in two directions: The two strategies have mer... A consolidation strategy aimed at no expansion, but improvement of the quality of the students. The two strategies have merits and demerits of their own. The first strategy warrants newer alliances with local high schools, downtown restaurants, cellular phone companies and even to the extent of replacing Aramack by Starbucks at the campus. This strategy is entirely focused on growth and extension of the name of the University in all four directions - there is also the possibility of an MBA program institutionalized. The second strategy is geared towards improving the quality of the student life and ensuring that the alliances made for this strategy are purely helping the operational strategy of the University. By this it means that having scholarship alliances, environmental friendly food campaigns and clubs apart from alliances with local farmers and Canadian universities, the UNBC will be aiming to consolidate its existing position in order to trade its expansion strategies with a better exchange program for its students. Students would be benefiting from the University's alliances in many ways. The expansion strategy would mean that strategic alliances and partnerships would yields benefits for students in the form of discounted meals from restaurants, discounted computers and new packages and offers from cellular companies targeted especially towards the students of the University. The aim here would be to enroll as many students as possible at the University so that the alliance partners would be able to benefit by the quantity of sales and revenues. On the other hand, the consolidation strategy would mean that students would be open to more exchange programs in more countries and that there will be newer horizons for students to explore with

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thomas Keller Essay Example for Free

Thomas Keller Essay Who is Thomas Keller? Why is he so important to Culinary world? Thomas Keller is considered to be one of the top chef in culinary world today. An adventurous, hard-working, quick learner, manager, businessman and a cookbook writer. Many people support him and believe him as a greatest chef in the kitchen. At present he is working towards the opening Bouchon restaurant in Tokyo, Japan in 2013. Keller, a restaurateur, was born in the town of Pendleton in Oceanside, California in 1955. His father is a former marine drill sergeant who left his family when he was 5 years old. On his teens, Keller learned how to cook from his mother while working at the Palm Beach restaurant she managed. Keller started his profession as a dishwasher and quickly moving up to cook. When he was 22, a French Master Chef named, Ronald Henin, his mentor, showed the real task of being a chef, and nurturing people-making them happy. He described when you nurturing a people it brings him pleasure as a human being in every smile of a guest about his cooking. He also mention his brother as the earliest mentor, Josef Keller, who is the chef and the owner of the restaurant â€Å"Josef† in Las Vegas, who gave inspiration to cooking. With no professional training and culinary experience, he moved to France and served apprentices in Michelin-starred restaurant. By the early 1980’s he was working in New York City where he gained national recognition at La Reserve and Restaurant Raphael as chef de cuisine. After several years as a executive chef, Keller opened his first restaurant in 1994 at Yountville, California named â€Å"The French Laundry†. The old century building was built in 1900 and has 62 seat capacity with elegant interior and surrounding gardens. The food is mainly French with contemporary American influences and served two different nine course tasting menus. Later that year, he opened other restaurant Per Se and Bouchon Bakery in New York and Ad Hoc in California. Thomas Keller has several different lines of philosophies related to cuisine. He believes in what he calls â€Å"The law of diminishing returns.† He explains that during the first few bites, flavors kicked in before flavor saturation and palate fatigue sets in. He also talked about the flavor profiles or compositions of foods, each dish had so many components, and there were steps upon required to layer the flavor and texture. The French Laundry garden has a 3 acre land located across the street to supplies Keller’s restaurant in the area, the menu is composed of 100% organic vegetable and herbs. Another part of his philosophy is the contribution, he explained that it might take a young chef to train up to three months to increase the speed and figure out â€Å"who they are and how they’ll develop in the restaurant.†, once they know the style, their ideas and opinions are encouraged. He also wants a young chef with highly motivated, capability, great skill and ambition to his restaurant. And last, the constant evolution, Keller wants to give emotional ownership of his restaurant to the staff and have them embrace that restaurant as if it were part of their own. â€Å"Teamwork† is one of the reason why is Thomas Keller became a successful chef in this world. The dining team, the kitchen team, the restaurant team are part of this dynamic. Being close together as a team and work hard they can achieve a goal and helped build the reputation of the restaurant. Another part is creating kitchen organization, he explained that organization give a maximum productivity and high degree of responsibility to maintaining quality of food ensuring consistency. He insists that the secret to his success is not talent but hard work and an obsessive dedication to detail. Thomas Keller was awarded the best chef in California in 1996 and the Best Chef in America in 1997 by James Beard Foundation. As Ruth Reichl (1997) stated â€Å" The French Laundry, the most exciting restaurant in America.† On food critic of the â€Å"The New York Times.† In 2005, his New York Restaurant Per Se received three Michelin Stars. In 2003 and 2004, The French Laundry was awarded as a â€Å"Best Restaurant in the World† and received three Michelin stars. That made Keller the only American chef to hold two Michelin three-star ratings. I love this video because it was easy to understand how Thomas Keller became a famous from dishwasher to celebrity chef. The story of Thomas Keller video supplies a full course of culinary education and deserves a place in every cook’s kitchen. I also found interesting recipes online that I thought I’ve had a private cooking lesson from the chef. The most interesting part at this video when French Laundry restaurant serve two different nine-course tasting menu and none of which uses the same ingredient more than once. The video also shows how mainly use fresh quality ingredients from the garden, the style and technique of cooking, a course or dishes with its own unique style was probably the most artfully presented and well prepared which things should be appealing to the eyes as well as the palate. For me, a Thomas Keller video gives a world of information, discovery and an inspirational to all young chef or old chef to experience a new ideas, explore great minds and e xperience great art.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Docter Faustus Essay -- essays research papers

The truth that ambition and desire for material objects does not always satisfy the soul is a major theme depicted in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. The poem on page 93, lines 96-113 is the essence of this theme. It describes Faustus meeting, what he believes, is the icon of perfection. This perfection is a mere human women, yet, to Faustus, she is worth his life. Marlowe’s use of syntax and diction, allusions and references, and other literary devices throughout this monologue give support to the theme while adding rich symbolic images. The first example of diction in the monologue is the use of the saying, "the face that launched a thousand ships" (l. 96). This is a commonly applied expression when speaking about Helen of Troy. Throughout the play, Faustus fluctuates between the use of advanced and lesser vocabulary. Here, he is so shocked by Helen’s beauty that he knows nothing else but this typical phrase. This implies that Faustus is in a state of hypnosis. He is taken over by Helen’s beauty, and in the process, loses his soul. Another illustration of the trance Faustus is in, is by the use of alliteration in the first two lines of the poem. This device causes the reader to read the lines more slowly. The pronunciation of words in a moderate fashion suggests this trance, and makes the rest of the passage more comprehensible. In contrast to the first two lines, the rest of the section can be read more easily and therefore, faster. Few caesuras are utilized in this part, making the para graph flow better. The quick pace of the these lines indicate excitement on Faustus’ part. If this is the case, it is understandable how he loses his soul without resistance. The last line is brought back to a slower pace. The word "paramour" lends itself to a laggard pronunciation, which enforces Faustus’ realization that his soul has been taken. This is all due to Marlowe’s choice of words and sentence structure. Because the reader can experience Faustus’ state of mind through the writing, they can relate to the upcoming circumstances. Faustus’ excitement of the need for the material aspects of life, lead to his downfall. Allusions and references also add to the comprehension and depth of this piece. Many references are made to familiar Greek mythology characters, including Paris, Menelaus, Achilles, Jupiter, ... ...ted at as being a demon, their kiss makes him cursed. In the Catholic church, relations with a demon is unpardonable, and in turn kills any chance of Faustus being redeemed by G-d. Because he wanted Helen for her material beauty, he had to sacrifice his soul. When he finally does sacrifice his life to Helen he gives a brief cry for help. He underestimates the damage he has done and screams, "Her lips suck forth my soul. See where it flies" (l. 99)! He returns to her asking her to kiss him again, soon forgetting the damage he has done. This example of a litotie is contrasted with Faustus’ hyperbole of Helen’s magnificence. The juxtaposition of these concepts against each other prove that Faustus cared little for his spiritual body, and more for Helen – the material body. Marlowe’s use of strong literary devices in lines 96-113 on page 93 greatly supported the theme that only striving for material objects will only lead to harm. Faustus exemplified this theme in his Helen of Troy monologue, where he asked for her in return for his soul. In the end, Helen took Faustus’ soul, leaving him with neither, the material pleasures, nor a spiritually complete life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Alcohol And The Fetus Essay -- essays research papers

Know When to Say When   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Drinking during pregnancy is often thought of as no big deal. However, drinking during pregnancy is a very big deal. An unborn baby’s life is in the hands of the mother. If she decides to drink, she is risking the unborn’s chances of being as smart and healthy as it can be. Drinking during pregnancy opens the doors to a variety of harmful effects on the mother and her unborn baby, and until this is brought out in the open with honesty, it cannot be prevented. There are many stereotypes about the women that drink while they are pregnant. One stereotype believed by professional doctors is that women that are college-educated and wealthy are going to drink less or not at all during pregnancy, and the poorer and uneducated women are going to drink more during pregnancy. However, just as stereotypes usually turn out, the complete opposite is true. Women who receive college degrees are four times more likely to drink during pregnancy than women who only receive a high school diploma. Some statistics show that mothers who go to community and rural health centers to receive care are counseled more than mothers who go to private doctors’ offices. People should not make assumptions about something so important especially if it concerns a person’s health (Walsh 2-3).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Those assumptions may go beyond stereotyping of individuals and carry over to what is a safe level of alcohol. Some people believe that drinking a little amount of alcohol will not harm the fetus. However, in reality, â€Å"there is no known safe level of alcohol consumption for pregnant women† (Walsh 2). A woman runs the risk of having a child with defects if she drinks regularly (Orenberg 167). â€Å"Binge drinking, or heavy alcohol consumption at one sitting, is particularly hazardous to the fetus because very high levels of alcohol enter the mother’s blood stream† (â€Å"Fetal Alcohol†). High levels of alcohol consumption can leave the fetus exposed longer making birth defects more severe (â€Å"Fetal Alcohol†). The fetus is exposed longer because its organs are still developing, therefore, taking the fetus twice as long to break down the alcohol (Walsh 2). As a result of this, the fetus’ blood-alcohol level is much hi gher than the mother’s, thus meaning that at the moment the mother starts to feel the effects of the alcohol, the unborn bab... ...aired (Bunch 3:87). As for the rest of the defects that come with fetal alcohol syndrome, there is not much hope for improvement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite the knowledge about potential effects on the fetus, births of babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome occur often. â€Å"In industrialized Western countries about one in every hundred babies is affected† (Bunch 3:87). In fact, â€Å"eight out of every hundred pregnant women go into labor sometime after the 15th week of pregnancy, but before the pregnancy has reached its full term roughly 40 weeks. If birth occurs before the 36th week, or 9th month, the baby might be too small to survive on its own outside the womb† (Orenberg 159). Even if there is one occurrence of a baby born with fetal alcohol syndrome that is one occurrence too many.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Drinking during pregnancy opens the doors to a variety of harmful effects on the mother and her unborn baby, and until this is brought out in the open with honesty, it cannot be prevented. It is sad to hear about women that do not quit drinking when they find out that they are pregnant. It is a moral obligation not to jeopardize the well being of the unborn child.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Concord Bookshop Organizational Change Essay

Today’s organizations are facing many challenges such as threats of inflation, deflation, and recession resulting worsening the economy of the United States. According to Borkowski (2005) and Spector (2010), they state that the economy worldwide is very difficult nowadays because many internal and external forces. One of the best seller bookshop, the Concord Bookshop, lost control over the market because of huge losses. To stay open to business the company needed a change. The company hired a new president to help the company to maintain finances and funcionality, but employees had tremendous resistance to the change. The company made a drastic plan to change employees behaviors to improve bussines, but owners of the bookshop did not use effective implementation for the change process. On the other hand, workers at Concord increased resistance to the change process because owners did have neither communication nor inclusion of changes; instead, they increase their fear and unc ertainty of the employees. Adding more, the owners failed to use effective redesign, mutual engagement, and shared diagnosis (Spector, 2010). This paper will define the phases in the organizational change process, including phases not completed or implemented at the Concord Bookshop leading the organization to fail. Assessment of Forces The Concord Bookshop had been on the market for 64 years, it was one of the best independent stores in New England, but they went off business because their profits were tightened. Other bookstores such Amazon Barnes and Nobel increased their finances because they made changes according to the needs of new technologies and customers expectations. The progressions of these bookstores were implemented by redesigning their business; so their earnings went higher. The Concord Bookshop had a particular characteristic to attract customers, according to Joanne Arnaud, director of the Boston Literacy Fund and a Concord resident, she signed the letter: â€Å"What make the Concord Bookshop different are the people and their institutional memory and their memory for a customer, they are so warm and welcoming† (Spector, 2010, p. 2). The organization needed a good strategic plan to maintain business open. The company needed a change, but they made a drastic plan that employees had strong resistance to the change. Owners failed to communicate the employees the shared diagnosis, the severity of the problem, and they did not use effective implementation for the change process. This happening made workers feel devaluated; they stated that something on their lives were lost. Adding more, the owners failed to use effective redesign and change process, mutual engagement, and shared diagnosis (Spector, 2010). Strategic Responsiveness According to Spector (2010), the president of Concord Morgan Smith’s attempted to bring financial discipline to the Concord Bookshop facing sensitive realities. Owners, employees, customers, and suppliers approved the desire of maintaining the store’s viability. In addition, Smith’s approach and the actions taken by leaders created resistance of the employees because they did not do the correct strategy to solve the company losses, also they did not implemented the plan; therefore, these errors led to resistance, conflict, and resentment. Identifying the need for change is vital; first, it is required to do an assessment on the organization, employees, finances, and structure. Implementation is crucial; however, it is necessary to do a deep recognition for effectiveness of strategic response. The main forces that make organizations to change are external, industry environments, and new operating requirements generated from these environments; for example, new technology available, new trends of selling on the Internet, and more. Today’s organizations are facing many challenges; for example, trade, and industry insecurity, wars, and terrorism weaken the economy globally. External forces affect in general weakening the economy of the United States. One of the major external forces affecting businesses is the increased use of technology and the availability of the Internet (Borkowski, 2005) (Spector, 2010). According to Spector (2010), strategic renewal requires organizational change, Concord Bookshop needed to move from a traditional and conservative store for British shoppers to Internet buyers. The strategy for renewal of business, leaders need to align internal processes, structures, and systems in accordance with demands of the market system. For example, â€Å"New organizational capabilities, talents and skills possessed by employees need to be built† (Spector, 2010, p. 5). Managers need to discontinue old behaviors on employees by selecting new approach, in which employees feel comfortable and secure to accept the change. Consequently, workers needed new orientation on-the-job, new tasks, and responsibilities to assure the viability of the company as well as employment. The goal of any organization is to create lasting modification in patterns of employee’s behaviors to support strategic renewal. Concord Bookshop Strategic Renewal was not implemented * Strategic renewal requires organizational change; in the case of Concord business was not implemented. Strategic renewal demands, â€Å"Wide-scale invention, reinvention, and redesign of business processes and organizational structures require organizational change. The leaders in charge of the organization did not do renewal demands. According to Spector (2010), Concord closed after 64 years on business making many people unemployed, they felt depressed and devaluated for the store situation. Mistakes found in the organization were the following: employers did not complete mutual engagement and shared diagnosis, they did not restructure leadership adequately, and they failed to diagnose the pattern of behavior within a top leadership team (Spector, 2010).The conflict put pressure on the store when independent booksellers are staggering from competition and the Internet. * Phases of the Organizational Change Process not Completed or Implemented at the Concord Bookshop that Led the Change Failure Turnaround Turnaround is a technique that focuses on processes for improvement. Turnaround addresses finances of the balance sheet enhancement and technology. Concord did not complete turnaround well; instead, there was not salaries deducted, and employees did not lose their job immediately. Adding to this, there was misunderstandings and fears to employees; these reasons put the company on fire. Smith on the other hand, did not focus on new behaviors, turnaround looks at the company’s assets seeking manage finances to stabilize the cash flow; Smith did not manage well finances of the company. According to Mark (2007), employees did not receive efforts to change with pleasure. In the process of implementation, some resistance from employees comes from different internal sources; also resistance comes from external sources. Workers at Concord had increased resistance to the change process. Techniques and Tools Techniques and tools is a non-behavioral phase of change process. Concord failed to change this technique by not using organizational processes, mechanics, and other interactions intended to produce a product or service. For example, in 2007, Netflix started a new technique for improving customer service by substituting hundreds of telephone call centers for e-mail based response system. They save money, and created new employment; call center representatives were added to payroll. For instance, Concord could have done this technique and turn to different customer service system. This system could fit well for Concord Bookshop to attract new customers to stay alive on business (Spector, 2010). Outsourcing Outsourcing is a change technique, this tools implements the turnaround and transformational behavior change (e.g., cost-saving) implications (Spector, 2010). Organizations find outsourcing a very important strategy because: 1. Outsourcing saves money by transferring jobs to lower-paid workers. 2. Outsourcing enables companies to concentrate on core competencies. 3. Outsourcing offers a hedge against shifting technologies and customer preferences by lowering fixed costs and building flexibility (Spector, 2010, p. 16) Smith’s approach crated a conflict, resistance, and resentment. The organization needed to change to respond to the external demands. Concord leaders did not communicate the change well as they should so employees would understand and change behaviors. The organization needed to change the demands of the customers adapting the business to sell according to the new technology; for example, the new mode of communication was the Internet. Therefore, by the time they wanted to fix it was already late. Smith did not do outsourcing well because he did not realign the behaviors of the employees with company strategy and customer expectation. Trigger Events and Change According to Spector (2010), Organizational change is typically initiated in response to a trigger event. Spector (2010), states that Trigger event is a shift in the environment that precipitates a need for altered strategies and new patterns of employee behavior. For the Concord Bookshop, the increasing penetration of online booksellers into the store’s market space triggered the requirement for strategic renewal (Spector, 2010, p. 18). Trigger events are external or internal to an organization. Trigger events help to precipitate the need to alter behavioral patterns of employees. Concord Bookshop faced external trigger events. Trigger events may come from inside the organization; for example, when the organization hires a new leader. According to Spector (2010), she says â€Å"Jack Welch was promoted to CEO of General Electric (GE) in 1981, the company was enjoying decades of prosperity and success† (Spector, 2010, p. 18). This is an example of internal source of trigger event; Spector (2010), said â€Å"Virtually from the outset, in a quest for transformational change† (Spector, 2010, p. 18). Trigger events are so crucial for their magnitude and potential personal impact. They set into motion a series of mental alterations as individuals struggle to understand a situation. According to Spector (2010), â€Å"trigger events have a nature to umbalance established routines and evoke conscious thought on the part of organizational members. It makes people’s emotions to react to a change. In short, according to Spector (2010), states â€Å"Trigger events bring people’s mindsets into the arena of change† (Spector, 2010, p. 18) Conclusion The Concord Bookshop downsizing was terrible, the owners of the bookshop made changes to their organization without using an effective change process and implementation. The result of their approach was the resistance of the change from people in the organization. The organization made a numerous mistakes on not communicating to employees the severity of the problem. The owners of the bookshop recognized that the trigger event for the need for change was to recover financial profit. However, they did not involve the rest of the staff when this problem aroused. If they did a complete shared diagnosis stage, the issue would be solved properly. Last, the owners failed to move and redesign stage of the effective change process. The owners needed to redesign the roles and responsibilities, and involve the employees on planning solutions, so changes will be accepted more easily (Borkowski, 2005) (Spector, 2010). References Borkowski, N. (2005). Organizational Behavior in Health Care, 1e. Miami, Florida: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Mark H. (2007). The tools and techniques of change management, Journal of change management Vol 7 p37-49 Spector, B. (2010). Implementing Organizational Change. Theory into Practice, Second Edition. USA: Pearson Education. Rosen, J. (2011). Bookstores and Bloggers. Publishers Weekly, 228(20), 20. Taken from EBSCO September 252012.